💙Chapter Thirty Nine💙

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+Melanie's Pov+

I woke up by someone spraying me with something.

Then I heard a booming,"Get up!"

I hurriedly guarded myself. I opened my eyes only to see someone I didn't even know.

"Do you know who I am?" "No. I don't." "Well, I'm one of Stephanie's little friends." "I don't think one of Stephanie's real friends would kidnap me." "What? Cause she cares about you?" "Yes, she does. And I know she's coming for me." "Oh don't fret. We'll be seeing her tonight." "Why'd you take me if you weren't gonna keep me?" "Because you're not who we want. We wanted Stephanie but, we seen you first." "Let me go or you'll regret it." "You have so much faith." "I do."

He laughed then walked out of the room. I sighed but then I heard someone walking in. It was a different man with a girl. She looked weak and beat up. I immediately felt bad for her. He sat her down on the other side of the room and chained her up by her ankle. He then walked out and closed the door behind him. I looked at her and she kept her head down.

"Hey...what's your name?"

She didn't say anything still. I didn't say anything else but I tried getting out of my restraints.

"It's no use. There's no way out."

I looked at her and stopped.

"Yes. There is. I'm getting out of here....and I don't know who you are but...you're coming with me." "No. We're trapped here." "We're not trapped."

I started trying to get out of my restraints again but, of course they wouldn't budge. I stopped and looked at her again.

"How long have you been here?" "I don't know..." "How old are you?" "Stop asking me questions..I just wanna lie here in peace." "What did they do to you in here?.."

She looked at me again and then back to where her eyes were before.

"Probably the same things they're gonna do to you.."

I looked ahead then started trying to get out of my restraints again.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I was sitting in the living room with Boosie, Gus, Bexey, Goth, Emily, Emery, Tracy, and Jamie in the living room trying to come up with some sort of plan to get Melanie back. I was smoking blunts back to back because I was stressing and I had an idea on how we could get Melanie back but I know Gus would never approve. He's already said no multiple times and keeps coming up with ideas other than that. I put out the blunt I was smoking and looked at everyone.

Gus said,"Okay..I'm running out of ideas." "Gus..the only way is for me to be bait. That's the only way we can get Melanie back. They want me. Not her." "And that's exactly why we're not doing it that way. What if they really catch you and you can't escape? Then they'll have my wife and I'm not doing that." "We're doing it that way. And we're not arguing about it anymore."

Boosie said,"Hey, Steph, maybe he's right. Maybe we shouldn't use you. It could be dangerous and you have Haidyn."

Gus said,"Thank you."

Emery said,"Well, maybe Stephanie's right. We could go out tonight, she could wander off from the crowd, they'll think she's alone and try and get her then that's where we all come in."

Jamie said,"She's right. That could work."

Emily said,"It could. She could get all dressed up and it would be the perfect plan."

I looked towards Goth, Tracy and Bexey with begging eyes.

Tracy said,"I'm with it. But only if Stephanie doesn't get caught. And I believe in Stephanie not to."

Bexey said,"I say no. I'm with Gus and B. What if something goes wrong and something does happen to you. I wouldn't feel right."

I looked towards Goth.

Goth looked at me then at Gus and said,"I say we should at least try Stephanie's plan. Maybe we could put some sort of tracker on her and let them take her then follow them and they'll lead us straight to Melanie."

Gus said,"Um, are you nuts? No fucking way are we letting my wife purposefully get kidnapped."

Bexey said,"I second Gus. I might be with the bait plan but then actually taking her..that's a little too far for me."

Emery looked at Bexey and said,"But Bex, we know she can do this." "No. I don't know shit. And if she gets into a situation we can't help her out of, she's fucked."

Goth said,"But you don't know that Bexey. Stephanie's good at what she does. I feel like she can do this."

Emily said,"Well..Bexey does have a point. If she does get caught and they do take her then we won't be able to help anymore meaning the situation's out of our hands and that defeats the purpose of the plan."

Bexey said,"Or any plan in general."

Emery said,"Okay look, here's how it would go. We go to the club tonight and we stay together since they obviously must know that Stephanie cares about all of us. Her and Gus go to the bar and talk like regular. Then Stephanie can kiss Gus and walk out of the club for a "smoke"."

Bexey looked at Emery as if he were thinking about it.

"Go on." "That's when one of them will try and approach her since she's alone which is why she would take her "smoke" to the alley by the club where Gus will be. So when the guy tries to attack Gus can be right behind Stephanie to get him, take him back to his van and make him take us to where Melanie is."

I looked towards Gus and he seemed to be thinking about it, too. So I sat there and waited on Gus and Bexey's answers.

Boosie said,"I'm with that. I think that plan could work."

Gus looked towards me and walked away from everyone. I followed him then took him upstairs to our room. I closed the door behind us and he started pacing back and forth calmly.

"Baby, we can do this. As long as I have you and everyone else we can get this done and get Melanie back." "Stephanie..if something happens to you-." "I know Gus. I know. And I know that if I go through with playing as bait we can really have at least a chance with Melanie." "And I want Melanie back but if it takes you getting hurt or worse then..I don't know." "Hey."

I stopped him from pacing and sat him on the bed. I sat next to him and looked towards the floor. 

"Gus, if this is gonna work you have to trust me. I need you to believe in me right now that I can do this." "But they want you too badly. They'll probably do anything to have you. And some plan made up by me, you and our friends won't be enough for what they probably have planned for you already." 

I looked at him and he was already looking at me. 

"I can do this Gus. Emery's plan could work and if it doesn't we'd only know if we tried it. So cmon. Just let me do this. If something happens I know you guys will be there for me. No matter how wrong it goes." 

I intertwined my hand in his and he leaned his forehead against mine. He then kissed it and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you Stephanie. And as soon as you come into that alley I will be ready to take someone down." "I know you will. We're planning on it."

We laughed a little bit and I tapped his hand. 

"Now come and help me find a sexy ass dress for the club tonight." "Okay baby." 

I smiled and grabbed his hand then we went in my closet to see what I could wear for tonight.

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