💛Chapter Seventy Three💛

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+Lil Peep's Pov+

I was cooking some food on the grill outside while the guys sat around talking. The girls were all hanging out by the pool talking to each other. Elizabeth, Aiden and Melanie had went over to Elizabeth's house. Haidyn was sitting in her crib that I had brought outside, playing with her toys and Boosie's kids were splashing around in the pool with Stephanie's siblings. When I stopped looking at the food I sat down with the guys.

I said,"The ribs are about to be done. I can start making plates for everybody."

Boosie said,"What all was cooked again?" "Uhh...macaroni and cheese, green beans and corn then for meat I made burgers, hot dogs, brats, and ribs." "How many slabs did you make?" "2." "Well I'll just start with a bratwurst with all the sides you said earlier." "Okay."

Bexey said,"I'll take a burger with green beans and corn."

Goth said,"I'll make my plate cause I'm gonna make Emery's."

Tracy said,"Yeah, imma do the same."

Bexey said,"Well thanks for making me look bad."

I laughed and they all got up to make their own plates. I then looked at Boosie.

"I'll be back with your plate." "Thank you."

I went to make his plate then Stephanie came into the house after me with a blunt in her hand. She walked past me and went towards the fridge.

"Are you enjoying yourself baby?" "Yeah." "You're not mad that Miles couldn't come because of other plans are you?" "Nope. I'm not mad at all."

She opened the fridge and bent down in front of me.

"Mmm. I don't know if I want soda or water though." "Can you grab me a soda so I can give it to Boosie with his plate?" "Mmhm."

So she handed me a soda and bent back over to look for what she wanted. She then grabbed a water and took the cap off. She drank from the bottle and set it down so she could hit the blunt. While she was holding some smoke in her mouth on her second hit she came over to me. She blew the smoke out away from me then looked in my eyes.

"Do you wanna hit the blunt?" "Yes."

She smiled and put it to my lips. I smoked it and when I was done she took it away and started smoking it herself again.

"I got a..special present for you tonight." "Like what?" "Just something before you go on tour." "Can I guess what it is?" "No. You'll just have to wait and see."

She put her hand on my chest and pat it as she looked me up and down slowly. Then she walked off, making sure to swing her hips. And I know she knew that I was staring. I smiled to myself and continued making Boosie's plate.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I was talking to Jamie about something but then I noticed Gus looking at me from across the pool. I started blushing a little bit and Jamie stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" "Nothing. It's just that Gus was staring at me. I'm assuming it's because I teased him earlier like you guys told me to." "I knew it would work. He's gonna be staring at you all night." "Do you think the outfit we chose for tonight will be too much and he'll hate it?" "Why do you think he'll hate it?" "Because, I don't know. What if I don't do the dominatrix thing right?" "You'll do great. The best friend I met is fierce and she does what she wants when she wants. You'll know what to do." "This isn't weird to talk about is it? If it is I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." "We're best friends. You can talk to me about anything. You know that."

I smiled and she smiled at me.

"I'll be right back." "Kay."

I got up and went inside the house to go up to me and Gus's room. I was looking for the lingerie I had bought. When I finally found it though I seen Gus was standing in the doorway. I jumped a little.

"Oh. Hey baby." "Don't hey me. You know what you've been doing."

He hung his arm up above his head on the top of the door.

"No I don't." "Yes you do." "Fine. What have I been doing?" "Teasing me." "No I haven't." "Okay. Lets talk specifically then. Bending in front of me and looking at me with 'that look'." "Gus..I honestly don't know what you're talking about." "What is that?" "What?" "In your hand." "Nothing. Just some outfit I got today." "Let me see it." "No. It's not for right now." "Then when's it for?" "Later. Now stop being so nosy." "Nah." "Fine. You wanna see it now?" "Yup." "Okay. Sit on the bed." "Alright."

He sat on the bed after he closed the door behind him and I went to get something to tie around his eyes. I came back with a cloth and I wrapped it around his head.

"Why do you have to do this?" "You'll see. Just give me a couple minutes." "Fine."

I smiled and went into the bathroom to change.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

I was waiting there and after awhile I was about to take my blindfold off. But right as I was about to I heard the bathroom door opening.

"Baby?" "I'm coming."

I heard her coming towards me then she slowly took my blindfold off. When I seen her I seen that she was dressed up in this super sexy lingerie outfit. I looked up at her and she looked down on me.

"Is it sexy?"

I nodded.

She said,"Use your words." "Yes. It's sexy." "I got it just for you." "Why?" "Because today's your last day and you need to remember what you're coming back to."

I just stared at her and the way she looked in the outfit.

"Do you wanna do what I have in mind now..or later?"

I kept staring at her before I finally responded.

"Later..let's hang just a little longer with everybody else so there's no interruptions."

She smiled and put her hand under my chin.

"You want me all to yourself?"

I nodded again.

"Use your words Gus."

I looked at her and she was already looking at me. She knew she had me under her control and I loved it.

"Yes." "Yes what?" "Yes..I want you all to myself." "Good. I'll take this off then and we can pick up where we left off later." "Okay."

She walked away and when the bathroom door closed I fell back on the bed smiling. I couldn't wait until later.

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