💚Chapter Twenty Two💚

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+Lil Peep's Pov+

I got back home and I was sure Stephanie was going to be completely pissed at me because it was so late. I ran for the house as soon as I pulled up but of course me being me, I tripped hard as hell when I started running up the porch. My leather jacket also caught onto her banister which made it rip. I grabbed onto my leg and started rocking back and forth.


Someone then opened the door and I looked behind me to see who it was. Still holding my leg.

"Bexey. Yes. Hello. Come fucking help me before I fucking die." "Gus, Stephanie is so pissed at you."

Goth came out and said,"Super pissed."

Emery came out eating a chicken wing and said,"Super super super pissed."

As she was eating the chicken Goth and Bexey looked at her.

"What? She is."

I said,"Fuck. I hope she isn't too ma-."

"Gus! That better be you! I waited all day for you to come back and you didn't! We were supposed to watch movies and eat fucking chicken! I made some for you and you didn't even eat any! I made fries and you passed that shit up! And why the hell are you on the ground like that?!"

"Stephanie, baby. Listen. I can explain this." "Oh. Good. Cause you've got some fucking explaining to do!!"

She walked back into the house and I sighed. I finally got my jacket loose off the banister and sighed again when I seen how big the rip was.

"Let's go Gus!!!" "I'm coming!"

Goth said,"Godspeed my friend."

I shook my head and ran into the house. Once I got to me and Stephanie's room I came in and she was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Sit in the chair. Now." "But Stephanie I-." "Now. And make sure you close the door."

I was practically sweating while I was closing the door and I was sweating more when I sat in the chair across from her.

"Baby listen, I-." "Shut it! I didn't ask you anything yet."

I looked in her eyes and sighed.

"Stephanie, I swear I did nothing. The car ran out of gas but I couldn't find a gas station close enough so I had to walk and then when I got there it took me forever to get help for the car and when I finally did I was on my way back home but then I got lost because I didn't know where the hell I was then of course my phone died. Yes, I did decline your call the first time but the rest of the times I couldn't see them because my phone was dead and-." "Is all of this even true?! Because I swear to God Gus if you're playing me right now and making up this whole little story-." "I know babe. Truss me, I know. I've seen you kick ass and right now I need you to truss me so you don't kick mine." "What's the truth Gus?!" "That is the truth! I swear that's the truth!"

She grabbed a pillow and started hitting me with it. I got up and started running around the room trying to get away from her. But then I jumped on the bed to get to the other side and now she was on the opposite.

"Get your ass over here Gus!" "Never! What I told you is the truth and nothing but the truth! I even ripped my signature leather jacket trying to rush in the house and tell you because I knew I was late!"

She screamed and jumped on me from across the bed. She got onto my back with the pillow still in her hand and she started hitting me all over. I was trying to get her off me and kept saying ow but she continued to hit me.

"Stop it woman!"

I threw her on the bed and she huffed but soon got back up.

"Take this ass whoopin like a man Gus!"

She jumped on me again and started trying to hit me. She then got me down on the floor and put her hands around my neck.

"Tell me the truth or I'll choke you."

She looked at me with the most sinister look and I'd never been so turned on in my life. But she was mad so I didn't make it known.

"Choke me. I told you the truth."

She tried searching my eyes for a lie but she couldn't find one which made her even more angry. She grabbed onto my face and I seen nothing but anger but it was fucking hot.

"You better not be lying to me Gus." "I'm not..I'm not lying Stephanie." "If you were with a girl just tell me and tell me now." "I wasn't with a girl." "You had to be because before you left you were talking about going off by yourself. What's her name? Who are you leaving me for?!"

I flipped us over and pinned her to the floor.

"You stop it! You know I'm not talking to another girl!! I was going for a drive and my car stopped on me! That's it!" "What's her name Gus?! Tell me her name!" "There's no name Stephanie! I am married! You don't think that matters to me?!"

She sighed and looked to the side. She looked back at me.

"You promise there's no other girl?" "Hey, I know who my wife is and I know why I married you. But I should give you a whoopin for all that hittin you was doin."

She started laughing and I stood up while smiling. I put my hand out and she took it. I pulled her up and she landed right in front of me. She squealed from how quick I picked her up.


She looked me in the eyes and talked with snappiness.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." "Say it right meanie."

She rolled her eyes then walked towards the door.

"Come and eat some food asshole." "Okay."

I did what she said and we both went downstairs with everyone else.

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