💛Chapter Eight💛

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+Lil Peep's Pov+

"Welp baby, you happy that today's our last day?"

I came up behind Stephanie and she stopped packing so she could turn around towards me.

"I'm definitely not. I'm gonna miss this." "Me too. But our family probably misses us. Bexey's already been trying to blow up my phone. Says he'll be up tonight when we get home but I don't think he will be." "Awww. Poor Bex."

I chuckled which only made Stephanie smile slightly.

"He's just a big old baby." "Yeah but he's your best friend and he misses you." "Well, it's been amazing here with you but, I can't wait to lay in our huge bed again." "I know right. This bed we had was nice but not as good as our home bed." "I'm glad you feel the same. I thought you'd be mad I said that." "Why would I be mad?" "Because I thought you'd think I didn't like laying with you here." "Baby, everything that we've done here will be a happy memory to me." "I hope so. I tried my best to make it perfect." "And perfect it was."

She kissed my cheek then continued packing.

"I'm gonna take a walk outside. Is that cool wit chu?" "Yeah, sure. But don't go too far." "Okay."

I gave her a kiss before I left then I did leave.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I finished packing the last of everything I had then I closed the full suitcase and hopped on the bed tiredly. I sighed then decided to pick up my phone from the nightstand. I went to my instagram and started scrolling aimlessly. After awhile I got bored and put my phone back down. I fell back on the bed and sighed for the second time. Then I got up and put on one of my lingerie outfits that I hadn't worn for Gus yet. I grabbed the speaker out of Gus's bag and connected my phone to it. I put on Gus's song Beat It. I then just started taking pictures in my lingerie in the big mirror the room had.

After awhile I just started dancing in the mirror. Beat It still booming through the speakers. Once I got tired of dancing in the mirror I laid back on the bed and went to instagram. I went to Gus's page and started scrolling down it aimlessly while I started to twirl my hair between my fingers. Liking pictures that I haven't liked already. My husband was literally the best looking guy I've ever seen before. His song Problems was on now and I was humming lightly to it. Still scrolling through my hubby's page. Then I started going through his comments. So many girls wanted him. But, could you blame them?

I smiled to myself slightly and kept going through his pictures. After a couple more minutes had gone by joji's song I don't wanna waste my time was playing and I started to think about my life without Gus. I looked forward and just thought about how everything would be so different.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

I came into the house and heard music playing upstairs. I went upstairs to the bedroom and Stephanie was sitting on the edge of the bed. Her back facing me.


She turned towards me and smiled slightly.

"Oh, hey Gus. I didn't hear you come in." "What were you looking at?" "Nothing. I was just thinking." "What's with the outfit?" "I just felt like trying it on." "You look good." "Thanks."

I came and sat next to her and she looked at me.

"What were you thinking about?" "You." "What about me?" "What things would be like without you." "And what would things be like without me?" "I'd be so lost." "Well I'm more than happy that I found you baby girl." "Really?" "Mhm. I'm proud to call you my wife. You're beautiful, you love me, you have a pride that no one can seem to break, you cook really well."

She giggled and I smiled.

"I can keep going." "Or.."

She got on top of me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"You could let me cook for you." "Mmm. What are you gonna make?" "Something really good."

She put her hands on my neck and looked me in the eyes.

"What?" "Nothing..I just...really love to look at you. But, I'm gonna go make this food and you're gonna enjoy it." "Then?" "Then..you can enjoy me."

She leaned in and kissed me slowly. I kissed her back just as slow until she pulled back.

"You enjoy me don't you baby?"

I nodded and was ready to take her outfit off.

"Use your words." "Yes." "Yeah, I know you do."

She started kissing me again and laid me on the bed. When she started to kiss me deeper I put my hands on her sides to caress up and down her body. She stopped kissing me and started going down my neck. I fell into her lips being on my skin and I just let her do what she wanted. Nothing felt better than this.

"Stephanie...please.." "Mm, please what?" "Please let me get this outfit off you."

She stopped kissing my neck and got off me. She grabbed her phone and I sat up. Watching her every move. After a couple seconds had passed Earned It by The Weeknd started playing through the speakers. I looked up at the ceiling smiling and blushing like an idiot. She came in front of me and started to dance.

"You're gonna dance for me Stephanie?"

She nodded and I smirked. She then grabbed me by my shirt and put her lips to my ear.

"I'm gonna dance and you're gonna watch me."

She let my shirt go and started to dance to the song. I watched every last move she made. Every move more enticing than the next. Her body was always so beautiful to me. The lingerie just adding definition to her gorgeousness. And I just continued to watch her while she continued to dance.

+Melanie's Pov+

"Liz! Liz! Where are you?!"

I grabbed out my phone but seen it was about to die.


I put my phone away and started yelling for Elizabeth again.

"LIZZZZ!!! Where did you go?!?!"

I stopped walking for a second and looked around until I heard a rustle close by me. My head snapped in that direction then I heard a scream.


My head snapped to the way of the scream and I started running.

"Liz! Keep screaming! I'm coming for you!"

I kept running as fast as I could in the way of the screaming and it kept getting closer. I was so close. Until I tripped and fell really hard.

"Ahhh. Fuck."

I slowly got back up and there was a small pain in my leg. I heard another rustle by me as I was dusting myself off and I grabbed my phone out again. When I was about to turn on my flashlight my phone died.


Someone then grabbed me but I used the lessons Stephanie taught me and I grabbed the person's arm, twisted it as hard as I could and kicked him square in the nuts. The person groaned loudly in pain but let me go and I started running. When I looked back once, I ran right into someone. We both fell but I hurriedly stood back up. When they did too it was only Elizabeth. We both sighed in relief and hugged each other as hard as we could. When we let go I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Let's get the hell out of here."

Elizabeth nodded quickly and we started running towards Stephanie's house.

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