💛Chapter Forty Three💛

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+Stephanie's Pov+

I got to the hospital room where Melanie was. She went in by herself because everyone else was still in the waiting area. I got to the room and knocked on the door slightly. Melanie and the girl looked up and I smiled. I looked at the girl in the bed.

"Hey. I'm Stephanie." "I'm Aiden."

Melanie said,"Stephanie." "Hm?" "When she leaves here..can she stay?.." "I don't know Melanie. Do we trust her?" "I do." "Okay then. Welcome to the club Aiden. But, be warned, I'm just as crazy as I look."

I tried staying serious but I looked at Melanie again and we both started laughing.

"I'm totally kidding. But she's totally welcome to stay at home with us for as long as she needs."

Melanie smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

"And that also means tomorrow we go shopping and to somebody's spa. We need a girls day off. All of us."

Aiden started to look worried so I sat at the edge of her bed and slightly smiled.

"Hey, no one is going to hurt you. All the other girls are really nice and I think you'll like my place." "No..it's not that. I just..thats a big gesture for someone you just met." "Who cares? If Melanie really trusts you, then I trust you."

I pat Aiden's leg and stood up.

"Now, do either of you girls want something to drink?"

Melanie said,"Sure but before you go get it, can I talk to you outside?" "Sure."

We walked out of the room and Melanie closed the door behind us.

"What's wrong Mel?" "Nothing. Nothing's wrong I just.." "You just what?" "I just wanted to say thank you. For everything that you've done for me. You didn't have to take me in and..you didn't have to get to know me. You didn't have to do any of the things you've done for me that my own mom wouldn't but..you did and I...I really could never thank you enough." "Hey, never say thank you for anything I do. Because..if we're both being honest..I might've had Haidyn, and your mother might've had you but..you'll always be like a daughter to me. And everyday I'm more and more proud of the person you're becoming on your own without your mom."

She smiled at me as tears started forming in her eyes and I pulled her into a hug. I then pulled back and started wiping her eyes with my thumbs.

"Now go and get to know your new friend pretty girl."

She smiled but, before she could walk back into the room someone yelled her name. I turned to see who it was and it was Elizabeth. She ran for Melanie and they both fell to the floor in a hug. I smiled at them then they both stood back up. Elizabeth hugged me next and I smiled.

"Thank you so much Stephanie." "It wasn't all me Liz." "I know but, still. I said thank you to everyone else in the waiting room and you definitely deserved one, too." "If you say so. Now go, before Aiden disappears."

Melanie said,"You're right. Liz cmon. There's someone I want you to meet."

She took Elizabeth into the room and they closed the door. I sighed a sigh of relief and went to get the girls something to drink.

+Time Skip After They Escape The Hospital+

Me and Gus were following Boosie to go get Haidyn while everyone else had gone back to my house. I was watching Gus as he drove. I loved looking at all his tattoos.

"Baby." "Yes." "I love your tattoos." "I know that. I love my tattoos too."

I giggled and he smiled.

"Thank you for coming with me tonight." "Stephanie, I was coming anyway. I just can't believe that you were going to go off with someone by yourself." "I only made that plan up because I thought I'd be able to do it quietly but I had to stab him. And I just didn't want anyone to get hurt." "What if you'd have gotten hurt?" "Then that means everyone I love is fine." "That's why I love you."

I smiled and started looking at his tattoos again.

"What do you think of Aiden?" "I think Melanie really likes her and I trust Melanie." "Same. I'm glad our family's growing." "Well you know you always have me. And you've got some new girl friends now and you've got some guy friends and we'll just keep growing. As much as you want to." "What if there's someone I let in and they fuck us over?" "We'll be there for that too."

I smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"I love you." "I love you more."

I smiled and just looked out the window as Gus held my hand and drove.

+Melanie's Pov+

Me and Aiden were walking around Stephanie's house just so she knew where things were and could get comfortable. She was amazed with everything but she was apart of it now and I hoped she knew it. By this point I wished I was adopted by Stephanie and everything would be great. But that'd never happen because my wretched mother would act like she wants me when really she just wants me around to beat me up and break me down mentally. I'm surprised she hadn't come for me yet. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard Aiden calling my name.

"Hm?" "I said I'm ready to lie down now. This house is huge so, I'll have to explore the rest tomorrow."

I laughed a little and said,"Okay, cmon."

We went upstairs to my room and she laid in the bed. She tucked herself underneath the covers and I was about to leave to let her sleep but she called my name.

"Melanie?" "Hm?" "I don't wanna be in here by myself." "Oh. Okay."

She seemed nervous that she asked but I was happy she asked. Once I got under the covers with her she cuddled against me which surprised me a little but was comforting. I wrapped an arm around her and just played with her hair as she fell asleep.

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