💚Chapter Fifty Seven💚

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+Stephanie's Pov+

I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. It was also a little noisier downstairs than usual. I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I was done I went to see if Haidyn was still in her crib. She wasn't. I went to check on Melanie and Aiden and they weren't in the room. I went downstairs and everyone was there except Haidyn and Gus.

Bexey seen me and said,"Good morning." "Good morning. Where's Gus and Haidyn?" "Gus took her with him somewhere. He didn't say where he was going though." "Oh." "There's breakfast in the kitchen if you're hungry, too." "Who cooked?"

Emily said,"I did. I thought I'd try so.." "Well thanks." "You're welcome."

I went into the kitchen and seen Melanie and Aiden at the table playing around. I started to make my own self a plate. Melanie came towards me and side hugged me.

"Hey Stephanie." "Hey." "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Me and Aiden are gonna go to Liz's house in a minute. We'll probably spend the night." "Okay. You guys be safe then." "I'm always safe."

She smirked at me and I ruffled her hair. When I was done making my plate I went back through the living room to go upstairs. Before I could Goth stopped me.

"Hey, where are you going?" "Back upstairs to eat." "You sure you don't wanna stay down here?" "I'm sure. I wanna sit in bed for awhile longer." "Can I come with you for a second?" "Why?" "Because there's something I need some advice on." "Okay. Cmon."

We both went upstairs to me and Gus's room and he closed the door behind him. I sat down on the bed to start eating. Goth stayed standing.

"So what was it you needed advice on?" "Well..Emery.." "You guys are okay right?" "We're fine..it's just...the other night..she asked to have a baby with me."

I stopped eating and looked at him.

"And what'd you say to her?" "I said not now..and I'm wondering if that was the wrong answer." "Well, first you need to figure out how you really feel. And if you don't think you're ready for one now then you should probably go with your gut." "But when she asked me her eyes were so happy and I know she wanted a yes. So now I just feel like I failed her or something." "What's keeping you from wanting one now?" "Well for starters we aren't married..don't women want the ring first?" "Well, some do but not all. And, I like Emery. So, maybe you should give it a second thought."

He looked down towards the floor and smiled to himself a little bit.

"Maybe I will. Thanks Stephanie." "Anytime."

He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I then continued to eat my food.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

I got back home with Haidyn and stuff for dinner. I gave Haidyn to Bexey while I went to get all the groceries into the house. Once they were all in I sat down at the table. Goth came and sat across from me.

"You good?" "Yeah I'm good. Where's Stephanie?" "She's upstairs." "Why?" "Said she wanted to sit in bed awhile longer." "Is she okay?" "She didn't say." "Okay, I'll be right back."

I went upstairs to check on Stephanie. I opened the door once I got to our room and she was in bed under the covers watching tv.

"Hey, why are you in here all alone?" "No reason. Just don't feel like being up right now." "Why?" "I don't know. Just want some time alone I guess." "Was it something I did?" "No. No one did anything." "Are you sure?"

She got from underneath the covers to look at me.

"Right now Gus, I just wanna be alone. I'm not sad or angry or anything like that. I just want to be by myself." "Oh...okay then. If you need anything just..let me know then I guess.." "I will." "Can I..have a hug before I go back downstairs?.." "Mhm."

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back but it was tighter.

"I love you Stephanie." "I love you, too Gus." "Are you sure you wanna be up here alone? Why don't you come downstairs and we can go out for ice cream or something. All of us."

She pulled back from the hug and looked at me.

"Gus-." "Please."

She gave me 'the look' and I smiled.

"Pleeease. You said yourself that you wanted to do normal things." "Fine. But you're getting me dressed. You're also buying." "Fine. What do you wanna wear?" "One of your tees and some large sweatpants. Make sure the sweatpants are black." "Anything else?" "Umm, no that's it." "Okay."

I went off to grab everything she wanted and came back with them so she could put them on. She changed and got some shoes on then we went downstairs.


Sorry for the short chapter. I didn't mean for it to be this short but, I promise I'm getting the next chapter together and I'll post as soon as I get the chance. :)

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