❤️Chapter Forty One❤️

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+Melanie's Pov+

Me and the girl were now trying to get down a hallway until a guy started walking down. The girl looked around hurriedly and dragged us off into a corner space. We were face to face and hoping the man would just keep walking. Of course he didn't though. He seen us and tried taking his gun out but I shot him in the knee before he could. I then stepped on his knee and took his gun too.

"Hey, you got enough strength to hold this?"

I pushed the gun towards her and she grabbed it then checked to see if it had more bullets in it. When she was done she clicked the gun back into place and I looked at her in shock.

"You didn't tell me you knew how to check the gun." "I know a lot of things. Like how right now, we need to keep moving.." "Touché. Is your leg a little better now?" "It's not better but..I think I'll manage." "Okay."

So we started walking down the hallway again. Trying to find a way out.

+Stephanie's Pov+

I had the gun pointed towards the guys head from the back seat and Gus was concentrated heavily on the road.

"Hey you."

He tried turning towards me until Gus said,"Don't fucking look at her. You face forward while she talks to you."

He did what Gus said and I smiled.

"I hope you guys didn't do anything to Melanie." "We didn't care for her. We wanted you. You know that." "Hm. Seems your plans were compromised so then you just took someone's daughter like a total creep." "Ohh. The things we would've done to you. Your little husband here wouldn't have made it fast enough."

Gus reached across his seat and punched the guy in his face.

"You speak right or I'm stopping this fucking car." "And then I'm gonna fucking shoot you and we'll find Melanie ourselves."

"Then kill me. We'll see how fast it takes you to find the girl."

Gus stopped the car on the side of the road and he went around to the guys side. He pulled his door open and yanked him out hard. As soon as he tried getting up Gus kicked him in his face.

"Stop tempting me to kill you! Cause I am this close!" "Babe! Stop it! We need him!"

I grabbed Gus as he tried hitting the guy in the face.

"Baby, he is pissing me off." "I know. You don't think I wanna rip his throat out?"

The guy started laughing and I shot towards him which made him jump.

"Cmon. Just keep him alive until we get there. Please." "Ughhh. Fine. Until we get there."

He picked the guy up and threw him in the car.

"Can't believe we're keeping this idiot alive." "Just until we get to Melanie."

I kissed him and he kissed me back. We then got back in the car. Headed on our way to Melanie again. I kept praying she was okay.

+Melanie's Pov+

"I want you to find them both now! How could you idiots let them get away! And steal 2 of MY men's FUCKING GUNS?!" "We weren't there to guard them! That was Tony's job!" "They're 2 children! FIND THEM NOW!"

We heard shuffling as the people walked by the closet we were hiding in. Closing the boss's door behind them.

"Alright..what's our next move?" "There should be a window if we go down the rest of this hallway past the boss's office. Maybe we could jump." "Okay..I know you're gonna hate me for this but...I'm gonna open his door. You start running now towards the window." "No. They'll kill you." "I don't care. You need a chance to live your life." "If I go we're going together." "No. Go now."

She looked at me then opened the closet door and went towards his door. She opened it and shot inside. She didn't know if she shot him but after she did it I grabbed her hand and we started running for the window. We finally got around the corner and I seen it at the end of the hallway. We kept running for it and I was taking my jacket off to wrap it around my arm. Once we got to the window I knocked it out with my covered arm. It was too far down for us to jump. The girl started tapping me after awhile and I looked towards what she was looking at. The men were closing around us. I looked down outside the window and looked at her.

"We can't make it out." "We can. We can do this. Gimme your gun."

She handed it to me and I put both guns up.

"We kill enough of them, we get more weapons."

I started shooting and didn't stop for anything. I was going to keep shooting until both guns in my hands were empty. After awhile they ran out and I just started kicking and punching. All over the place. All the energy I had left was put into this moment. Someone then grabbed me and l started moving around, trying to get loose from their grip. Before I knew it, blood was spattering on my face and the guy was down. I looked to see the girl had a new gun.

She started shooting and was making all head shots on as many guys as she could. I soon got another gun and started to help her. By the time we knew it, the hallway was full of bodies and blood was spilling all over the floor. There was one final guy coming towards us and we both realized we were out of bullets. He started running for the girl but she dodged him and he fell out the window falling right onto the concrete. I looked down and smirked.

"Hm. We make a pretty good team. I'm Melanie." "I'm Aiden."

We smiled slightly at each other until Aiden got shot in her arm. She fell to the floor in pain and I looked towards the person who shot her as I helped her on the floor. Then people were grabbing at me trying to pick me up and take me away from her. I kept trying to fight until one of the guys hit me. Things started getting blurry and I heard Aiden calling for me but I couldn't help her. I started passing out then everything went black.

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