💙Chapter Forty Nine💙

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+Jamie's Pov+

I woke up smelling breakfast and I seen some roses on the bed. With the roses I seen a big red box with gold lettering on it and an envelope. I opened the envelope first and in it was a card. I opened the card to read it and it was a sweet paragraph from Tracy. It lowkey made me want to cry. I smiled at it then smelled the flowers. After that I opened the box and there was this beautiful red dress in it and some money. I took out the dress to look at it all the way and I put it against my body. Another note was in the box so I read it.

'This is for tonight gorgeous. ~T'

I smiled then got ready for the day. Once I was done I went downstairs and seen Stephanie cooking breakfast.

Stephanie seen me and said,"Oh, hey." "Hey." "Why are you so smiley?" "No reason. Just the fact that I think Tracy's planning something." "Why would you think that?" "Because I woke up to a bed full of gifts this morning." "What kinda gifts?" "Roses, a heart-filled paragraph, AND a dress for tonight. Whatever tonight is." "Oooo. Sounds like he is planning something." "Well, whatever is, I'm excited."

Stephanie smiled at me then Sadie had come into the kitchen. I pet her a little bit and of course she liked it. She was an adorable puppy. Emery then came downstairs and had Haidyn in her arms who was crying. Stephanie came towards her and took her so she could rock her a little bit.

"Thanks Emery." "No problem."

She looked at me and said,"Why are you so smiley?" "No reason." "Oh, there's a reason. Did you and Tracy-."

Stephanie cleared her throat and I laughed a little.

"No. We didn't do that. I just woke up to some nice things today." "Oh. I see."

Emery sat at the table and Stephanie started feeding Haidyn.

+Lil Tracy's Pov+

"I really hoped she liked the dress. What if she didn't. What if she hates it and decides not to wear it."

Gus said,"Tracy. If you worry about something else while we're trying to get this place together, I'm gonna beat chu up." "Cause I don't know about this anymore Gus. What if she says no to me cause she isn't sure?"

Bexey said,"That wouldn't happen."

Goth said,"Right. I think she's gonna say yes. You guys have been together for awhile now so, I say do this. If anything she'll be overwhelmed as fuck and probably cry but, you want that."

Gus said,"Exactly. Now come on so we can get this done in time."

Bexey said,"Tell me again what song you're doing."

I said,"She really loves that song by Passenger. It's called Let Her Go. I'm gonna play that when we dance together."

I sat down and looked around at everything.

"Is all of this too much though? What if she feels TOO overwhelmed and runs off or something."

Bexey said,"Look. Are you ready for this or not? Because if you're not ready and you ask that girl to marry you this won't have such a happy ending to it. You can't be scared. You can't be nervous. You have to wanna do this."

I nodded my head and said,"I wanna do this. I wanna marry Jamie." "Then quit your nagging and help us scary ass."

Gus said,"Uh, excuse me. My line."

Goth and me started laughing then we continued getting the space together.

+Stephanie's Pov+

While Jamie was getting totally pampered by the girls, I was at home with Miles getting a slideshow together to play in the background of their setting. Miles was so busy playing with Haidyn that I was doing majority of the work by myself. I smiled to myself as he was making her laugh and he just seemed like he was having so much fun with her. I loved hearing Haidyn's laugh because it was just too cute. My phone then started ringing and I stopped working on the slideshow to answer it. Miles was then going into the kitchen with Haidyn.

Me: Hello.
Gustav: Hey baby. How's the slideshow going?
Me: It's going good. Miles has been watching Haidyn while I work on it so that's been making it a bit easier.
Gustav: I wish I was there.
Me: I'm sure you do. You sound tired though. Is everything going okay?
Gustav: Yeah. Everything's going fine. I'm just ready to come back home..
Me: Are you sure that that's it?

There was a pause and I started to worry a little bit.

Me: Babe. Are you sure that's it? If it's not tell me what's wrong.
Gustav: I promise I will. But..only once I get back home.
Me: Okay. We'll talk later then?
Gustav: Yes. I love you baby girl.
Me: I love you, too.

He sent a kiss through the phone then hung up. I sighed wondering what was wrong then I started working on the slideshow again.

+Lil Peep's Pov+

"She is gonna be so pissed once she finds out."

Bexey said,"All of them are."

Tracy said,"Cant believe our manager pulls this as soon as I propose to Jamie."

Goth said,"Well, on the bright side you and her can plan your wedding while you're apart so once you come back you'll have ideas of what you guys want."

I said,"Well I know Stephanie's gonna have a fit and there's really no bright side to this for me. I'm also gonna have a fit because I need her. I can't function right without Stephanie."

Goth said,"Yeah. I'm just trying to shed some light on this situation. But, just make sure this is the night of Jamie's life. It's Friday and we have until next Thursday to still be here so, we should juss make the best of things."

Bexey said,"I agree. And I say we finish doing this room so it's ready by the time you send the limo for Jamie and like Goth said, make sure it's perfect."

Tracy sighed then we all started getting back to work on decorating the room.

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