💚Chapter Forty Seven💚

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+Stephanie's Pov+

By now everyone was drinking, smoking and having fun. Listening to music and chilling with each other. Melanie and Aiden were still upstairs together and Haidyn was with them asleep already. I was up dancing around aimlessly while smoking a backwood. Then my song Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie played. I smiled to myself and started to dance harder. Emery was about to stand up to dance with me but she fell as soon as she hit the floor. I started laughing with her once she started laughing and I kept dancing the way I was.

She soon stood up and started trying to dance again but, her legs just wouldn't let her. I turned towards Jamie and she was all cuddled up in Tracy's lap. He was whispering in her ear and she was giggling like an idiot so, I guess I already knew what was going on over there. Emily, Bexey, Gus and Goth were in the kitchen having a conversation. Emery finally got onto her feet after laughing at herself for falling all over the place. I grabbed her hands and we started dancing around the living room like idiots and singing the song completely wrong.

"Heyyyy, you still haven't passed the blunt to meee."

I started laughing at her and took a super long puff from it then she took it from me. She hit it as hard as I did and once we both exhaled we started laughing like total goofies. I loved feeling like this and I loved being around my people. Emery was fun too when she was drunk. I then started getting a call on my phone and I drunkly answered it. I stumbled outside the front door so I could hear better. Closing the door behind me.

Me: Hey! Who's this?
Miles: Hey. It's me, Miles. I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight while I was here since I seen you at the mall today.
Me: Ummmmm, well see. I'm actually really really REALLY drunk right now and I'm at home with my family who is also drunk. Not the kids. The kids aren't drunk. Haidyn's not drunk. I swear I would never get my baby drunk. That's a BAD move.
Miles: Right..anyways, so, maybe tomorrow we could do something?
Me: Sure. Tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. Yeah...tomorrow.
Miles: Okay Stephanie. I'll pick you up at 5:00pm?
Me: 5. Yes. 5pm it is then. On the dot. Stephanie out. And I'll text you the address. Byeeee.

I hung up the phone and then heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Gus. He came towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist. So I draped my arms around his neck.

"Hey Pepe." "Hi. Are you okay?" "I'm fine baby. You're here." "That's right." "Take me upstairs and lets make your son."

I started kissing him and he kissed me back but then started talking between kisses.

"Baby we can't just...make another kid today...we have to...make a full...decision first.."

She stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me." "Fine."

He picked me up onto his waist and kissed me hard. I wanted nothing more than to have sex with him right there and right then but we were in the front yard and I knew I was absolutely drunk and would actually do it.

"Okay okay. Stop. We have to go i-inside..we'll disturb the neighbors." "Who cares? Cause I don't."

He was about to kiss me again but I put my finger up to his lips.

"What?" "Nothing. I just..I feel like we should stop." "Why? Baby cmon. Don't do this to me. I'm drunk as fuck and I'm tryna get chu upstairs." "Gus I know but-." "But nothing. I need you..right now."

He started kissing my neck and I started moaning a little bit.

"I do too. I just..wanted you to..beg for it." "Less talking more moaning baby."

I smiled as he found the sweet spot on my neck and I moaned a little louder. I got down from his waist and I grabbed his hand so we could go in the house and get upstairs. Once we came in, no one was in the living room so we snuck upstairs to our room. When we got up there I closed and locked the door behind us. I then turned towards Gus and jumped on top of him quite literally.

+Aiden's Pov+

Melanie was sleeping but I was still awake sitting on her window seat. Staring out the window aimlessly. We talked so much about ourselves to each other and it felt good to finally connect with someone. I was finally safe and I knew in this house family meant a lot from the way Melanie talked about everyone. I then looked towards her on the bed and she looked so peaceful. I walked towards her since the cover was falling off a little and I put it back on her. She started turning in her sleep so I stopped bothering her. I went back to the window seat and just thought about how lucky I had gotten.

If Melanie hadn't of showed up and been so strong I'd most likely still be where I was. I didn't have any fight left in me because I thought I'd be at the place I was forever. Now I felt like I could restart. I could be someone I wanted to be and I didn't have to feel afraid anymore. I just hoped it wouldn't end. I then got into the bed with Melanie and looked at her a bit more before I had fallen asleep, too.

+Stephanie's Pov+

"Damn it. You always make my legs shake afterwards." "That's always the way to do it though."

He hopped into the bed with me after we had gotten ourselves back together.

"I guess so but now I can't move." "Good."

I picked up a pillow and hit him with it.

"I'm gonna go check on the girls." "Thought you couldn't move." "I'll make it...maybe."

He chuckled at me and I got up shakily. I made it to Melanie's room and opened the door quietly. They were both in bed asleep. I smiled at them then walked back out, closing the door behind me. I then went into Haidyn's room and she was in her crib sleeping soundly. I kissed her cheek and covered her up a bit more. I then decided I'd just take her in Gus and I's room. She just looked too cute. Once I brought her back Gus looked up at me.

"Was she crying?" "No. I just didn't wanna leave her in her room." "Give her to me."

I brought her to him and then we all ended up falling asleep together in the bed.

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