💜Chapter Sixty Five💜

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+Stephanie's Pov+

I heard people yelling my name from outside but it didn't sound good. I hurriedly got up and looked at Jamie.

I said,"J, can you stay here and watch Haidyn?" "Of course."

I nodded and ran outside. I seen Emery with someone holding a gun up to her head. All the guys were outside and all the girls were now behind them.

I looked back at Elizabeth, Melanie, and Aiden and said,"You three back inside now."

Melanie said,"I'm not-." "Now Melanie!"

She looked at me a little shocked then they all went back in the house. I then looked at the guy holding Emery.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" "I'm here to give you a message. I really wanted to catch you by yourself but, at least I've got your friend instead." "Get to the point. What's the message?" "Hm. I don't know. Maybe that me and the people I work with have your brother and sister."

I looked at the guy shocked at what just came out of his mouth.

"You what?..." "See..now I've got your attention."

He smiled and I started to step towards him and he held the gun tighter to Emery's head.

"One more step and I will kill her."

I stopped walking and said,"How do you have them?" "We found Elizabeth and Jack. Seems they were...sneaking around trying to get to you and we got them first."

I felt tears coming when he said their names. But I couldn't show weakness. Not right now. Not in front of him. I straightened myself and looked him dead in the eye.

"Take me to them. Me for her." "I don't think it's gonna go down that way." "I think it is. Me for her. I want to see them if you have them." "No. I'll keep this one as leverage."

As he started to laugh someone jumped on him from behind making him move the gun from Emery's head and loosen his grip on her. She ran and I got the gun from the guy. I then seen Jamie get up and she grabbed the guy and punched him. She then continued to punch him over and over again and wouldn't stop for anything. I got her to stop and his face was now bloody.

"Where are my brother and sister?" "You think I'd just tell you?"

Bexey came and grabbed him up by his shirt.

"Tell her where they are!"

Bexey punched him super hard and he looked to the side and spit up blood. He grabbed him again.

"I'm not gonna ask anymore. Tell her where they are or I swear to God, I'll kill you. Right here. Right now." "Why don't you try."

Bexey grabbed the gun from me and stuck it into the guys mouth.

"You feel like talking yet?! Huh?! Cause I think you're about ready to talk now."

The guy actually was scared now. Bexey then snatched the gun out of his mouth.

He said,"Now I'll ask one more time. Where the fuck is Stephanie's brother and sister?" "T-They're being held in a b-building, a b-building w-with a logo on it-." "What's the fucking logo?" "I-It's a lion w-with two swords in an x shape." "You're taking us there. Right now."

He stood the guy up and the rest of the guys helped to contain him. Gus stayed back though to check on me.

"Are you okay?.." "I'm fine.." "Hey. We'll find them." "Why didn't I know?...why didn't I know they were still out there?..."

I felt the tears coming again and my breathing started to pick up. I started breaking down before I even knew I was.

"Baby..listen to me..listen to my voice okay?" "Why didn't I know?..why didn't I know?..." "Stop it. Stop it. You're going into shock and we can't have this right now. We have to find Elizabeth and Jack. We have to find them and figure out everything first. You have to be strong for them right now okay?"

I nodded then we went into the house to sort things out. The guy was tied up by the door and everyone was looking at him in disgust.

I walked towards Emery and said,"Are you okay?" "I'm fine. Are you?" "I'm okay. But, I want you to stay here. I don't want you in anymore danger because of me." "Hey. This wasn't your fault and I'm coming with you. He said he has your siblings." "I know." "So I'm coming with you. No matter what." "Emery-." "I'm coming."

Goth said,"I'll stay with her."

Emery looked at him and said,"No. I won't let you babysit me. I can help."

I said,"Emery. You're staying. And that's it."

She looked at me with pain in her eyes and she ran upstairs. I looked down at the floor and felt bad.

Goth said,"Hey. She's just worried. Hell..I'm worried. But, I know you'll come back safe." "I will. Please make sure Emery's not too mad at me." "I will."

He gave me a hug and I hugged him back.

Jamie then came towards me.

"So, me, Emily, and all the rest of the guys are coming." "Okay."

Melanie said,"I wanna go, too." "Definitely not Melanie. I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier but I can't let you go with me." "Stephanie, let me come. I can have your back." "Dammit I said no! You, Elizabeth or Aiden aren't coming. And that's final. I'm not gonna argue with you about it. I'm not going alone so just stay here and be safe, okay? I can't lose anyone else trying to get them back."

I walked off and Melanie stood there. I went to grab the dude and stand him up then I pushed him out of the door to get him into my car. As I was getting him in he laughed a little.

"I can't wait to see you fail trying to get them back." "I'd advise you to shut up." "Why? You need me to get to your destination."

I grabbed him by his neck roughly and started to squeeze.

"I said shut the fuck up!"

He nodded and I let go then slammed the door closed and I got in the front seat. Gus came to sit in the passenger seat and he looked at me.

"Bexey put all the weapons in his car." "Gus..." "What? What's wrong?"

I looked at him and said,"I don't want you to go." "Well that's too damn bad Stephanie. We're not arguing about that right now. We're going to get your brother and sister and we're going together. Now start the car please."

I sighed knowing I wasn't going to be able to stop Gus from coming. So, I started the car and we went on our way.

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