1-Tul is back

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OMG, my head!!! I wake up with a bad headache. Yesterday I drank too much with my friends. I'm not a heavy drinker, but since yesterday was special to me, I didn't control myself. I remember not drinking too much, why did I pass out... and by the way, where am I?


Tul Pakorn was a young businessman aged 28. He was tall, muscular and handsome. He had sexy and captivating eyes that anyone watching him could only fall under his spell. He had just returned from a long trip of 3 years in New York to continue his studies in real estate and architecture.

A week after his comeback, Tul's best friend asked him to meet at a club to celebrate his return with his other friends. Tul wasn't the type who liked to drink too much or spend time in a nightclub. He was more the type of person who valued his time and liked to do something exciting and productive. He would rather go to a restaurant to discover a new dish! But Tay didn't accept his request and told him he needed to have fun and a nightclub was more exciting. He couldn't say no, besides he missed his gang so much.

That night he was happy to hang out with his friends, but also worried because there were people he didn't really want to see. Luckily Tay had already assured him that the person he didn't want to see at the moment wouldn't be there.

Tay Tawan had been his best friend for over ten years and was one of the few people who knew every aspect of his life. If you wanted to find out something embarrassing about his life, all you had to do was ask Tay and you would definitely find something interesting.

When they met at the nightclub, Tay was with New, his friend, and there were two other of their mutual good friends Great and Foei.

The Tul gang started having fun as soon as they arrived. Their table was filled with laughter and joy. Not long after they entered the club, many girls began to approach their table. This was something they were used to. They were a group of very good looking guys, so they were used to this kind of attention. But as always, the people who got the most of it were Tay and Tul, because of Tay's easy-going attitude and bright smiles.

"Can you stop grinning like an idiot?!" said New, scowling at his friend.

Tay, who is talking to one of the girls. Remembers his boyfriend nasty behaviour, immediately stops and looks at him with tender eyes, "Babe, I didn't do anything, I just told her I wasn't available! Actually, I sent her to Foei who is always available..."

New, without looking at him: did I even ask?

Tul, Great and Foei, who were used to their bickering, just looked at them laughing. Tul was glad to see that things were always the same with his friends.

"Hey Tay, it seems like you're still afraid of your wife! What kind of husband are you?" Tul teased Tay with a grin.

"Let me tell you, it's worse than before! actually, I'm even starting to doubt when he's really the husband! I'm sure it's the opposite when they get home..." Foei added with a laugh

"Yes, New you have to tell us the truth one day because your husband is just...." Great added with a teasing smile.

"Guys!!! how dare you doubt me like this... Tul you dare to criticise me... aren't you the one running away!!!" Tay replied annoyed at his friend's mockery.

"Yeah, the man who always takes responsibility for his actions just runs away because he can't take it..." added New with a smirk. But before he could finish his sentence, Tul stopped him "okay New! you win sorry sorry".

At this point, Great and Foei were lost! why the conversation was now focused on Tul... and why it seemed they were missing some information. Foei looked at Great before Great asks "guys what are you talking about?

Tul looked at Tay with accusing eyes and just brushed off the topic, "I'll tell you later, it's nothing serious, don't worry about it"

"Right Tul I wanted to ask; what the hell were you doing in New York, you were supposed to go there for a year! but you're back after three years. I'm really curious about what makes you stay for so long!" Great looked at Tul with questioning eyes. He knew that there was definitely something wrong with Tul's behaviour for the past three years!

"Do you even need to ask that? I'm sure it's a girl!!! Tell us... I'm so damn curious!!! " Foei replied with a teasing smile and looks at Tul and drinking...

"it... it was for work! do you only think about women? I'm not you..." Tul replies shaking his head, indignant.

Hearing that, Foei grinned at his friend who has always been bad at lying, "Okay... let's say I believe you for now..."

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