37- Proud to be together

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The next morning, they decided to stay at the hotel and have a lazy Sunday, cuddling peacefully.

"Mae just texted me, Phi Luc was fired yesterday, apparently the agency already discussed it beforehand," Max informed Tul who was in his arms.

"Maxi, I am so sorry about everything."

"Why would you be?"

"After all, he was your manager for so many years, you put your trust in him... And he just..." Tul just sighed as he thought of what Luc had put them through.

"Actually, it's been a long time since my relationship with him ended. For the past two days, I have not bothered with him besides my work. Ever since I found out that he made me do work that was not even in my contract... I do not even understand how he could think I would not notice, anyway I started to take my distance for a long time!" Max sighed, "Do you think Phi Luc will stop here?"

"I highly doubt it, he's already gone this far and now he's lost everything, I am sure he will not stop until he gets what he wants! So be careful from now on!!!" Tul was afraid that Luc would go even further in his madness this time.

"You too baby"

After that, the pair went on with their lives as usual. Tul's security team watched Luc from afar and kept Max and Tul updated. Max had started to pay more attention to his filming and Tul had his two businesses to manage as usual.

Max had just started promoting his new movie when a scandal rocked the entire country.

For some it was not new news, for others it was the worst news ever, while others rejoiced.

It was nothing but proof that MaxTul really existed, that Tul Parkorn and Max Nattapol were indeed in a relationship. There were plenty of pictures of the couple together, kissing and playing with each other, some of those pictures had even been taken at Max's house. The couple was stunned when they saw these pictures. The scandal did not really bother them because sooner or later they would have had to officially announce their relationship, and they had not exactly been discreet in the last month either. What really bothered them were those pictures. They could not understand how those pictures had been taken. There were even pictures in Max's bedroom. They realized that Luc had put a hidden camera in Max's house making both of them stunned, he could not believe it.

Luckily, they were most of the time in Tul's part of the house as Max was always running in Tul's bedroom to sleep there!

"You know, it was actually quite good that you spent every night at my house, otherwise our butts would have been all over the net," Tul tried to lighten the mood as he sat with Max and his sister in his house.

"Tul, this is not funny, that fucker stalked me! He's definitely crazy, I am going to kill him soon!" Max groaned.

"I know, believe me, I have the same desire now! But first, we have to take care of this. What is your agency's request to settle this? As for me, it's my personal life, but since I am the CEO now, I'll give a little interview. Fortunately, we do not have a lot of shareholders to consider, and I have never made a secret of the fact that I like men in my family. So if Luc thought that this would hurt me, it's a total bust. But for your parents and your career..." Tul made that grimace he made when he was extremely worried. He frowned slightly, his eyes focused on nothing, and he was caught up in his own world. He was afraid of how Max's fans and parents would react!

"Well, if my fans have a problem with it, that means they do not really want what makes me happy... I'll stick with those who do not want to judge me. As for my parents, I had a feud with my father when I confessed to him two years ago that I was in love with you, but it gradually got better and as for my mother, you know how much she loves me... she is always my first support. I will definitely have to have a press conference to confirm or refute the news and later we should see how it goes with my sponsors. But there's nothing in the contracts that prohibits me from dating a man, so do not worry. I wonder what he was trying to achieve because that's certainly not what's going to bring us down!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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