7-Are you shy?

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Tul Pov

When I arrived in New York that time, I immediately regretted what I had done and how I had left Bangkok... and more importantly, how I left Max. It wasn't nice of me, after all, we'd been through together, he deserved a better explanation. But I was hurt... I remember feeling helpless, betrayed and abandoned because of this scandal.

Fai had been a friend of mine for a long time, we were very close and spent a lot of time together when I was free. So when she started telling people that we were dating by posting the pictures we took from time to time when we had the opportunity to meet, I was really shocked and angry! She knew what I was working on at the time and that what she was doing could hurt my career and Max's. At the time, Max and I had just finished promoting the last series we did together. So it ended in a big scandal, the fans were furious and asked me to leave Max because I didn't take my job seriously... It was quite a mockery because people know how focused I am in my job, but the damn girl did a pretty good job by posting a picture, changing the date and everything to make it look like I was playing during the promotion.

When I confronted her, she told me she was tired of Max drawing all my attention and confessed that she loved me and wanted me to be with just her. I was stunned at the crazy things she told me!!! She wasn't even aware that she had messed up my life!

I was really shocked. How did I not know I had such a crazy friend!!! I couldn't believe how selfish she was! I didn't explain it to people and just denied all the rumours. I didn't want Max to take it the wrong way, but I couldn't bring myself to explain the whole thing to him. The company wasn't on my side either. I didn't know why, but they told me that someone felt I wasn't really invested in acting anyway since my goal was to take over the family group, so they decided we should end our working relationship. I remember how I felt that day! It was awful, everyone let me down, everyone betrayed me, the fans blamed me and Max...

It hadn't been long since I had to realize my love for Max and I was already bringing him a lot of trouble and stress. I didn't want to cause him any more trouble, so I agreed to end the contract with our agency. Just as I was about to talk to Max about it, he called me and told me that we should put some distance between us, that we should stay away from each other for now.

That was the final blow for me, his call feels like hell to me... So many bad things were coming at me at the same time, I was helpless and the one person who could make me feel safe was letting me down too!

When I got home that day I was devastated, my feelings were deeply hurt mixed with the fact that Max had rejected me, I couldn't take it anymore... A month earlier, I had received my acceptance letter from Columbia. Without further ado, I packed a small bag and ran to my parents and two days later I was at the airport.

I actually realized my mistake pretty quickly, but it was already time to start my course. I thought about myself but couldn't bring myself to talk to Max until today. He had contacted me several times before, but I didn't have the heart to answer him.

Life there was not easy for me after I finished my MBA. I tried to start over slowly, but it was too hard for me. I tried to meet new people, but I kept thinking about him. I wanted to call him so badly, but remembering how I let him down and hurt him, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Eventually, I got tired of it. I was self-destructing and my health was starting to be affected... So I decided to come back and make up with Max!


After Tay left, Tul spent his day thinking about how to face Max. He knew Max was angry and hurt. He knew he should ask for forgiveness and try to ease Max's anger little by little! But how? That was the question.

That evening, when Tul was back in his room after a hot bath to calm his mind, he freaked out when he saw Max lying on his bed in his pyjamas!

"How... How come you're here?" asked Tul confused and a little nervous.

"Well, this is my house, so I can be wherever I want, right?" Max looked at him, a little amused at Tul's surprised expression! he was so cute.

"Your house?... what the...? Oh, I see... it's Tay little trick again" Tul sighed... He looked at Max who was staring at him with a sweet smile. He couldn't understand his change in attitude towards him, he was clearly angry when he had left in the morning... But the smile Max gave him was so sweet, he couldn't help but smile at him as well.

"What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to bed?" Max said, patting the bed as if to invite Tul to come next to him.

Tul hesitated a bit before he went and sat on the other side of the bed, putting plenty of space between them. Tul amused Max, it wasn't the first time they shared a bed... after all. He looked at Tul with a funny face and moved closer to him.

Tul was dying inside! Max looked so good in his black silk pyjamas, his black hair was still a little wet and some of it fell down his forehead, giving him a sexy look. Plus, his smile was so pretty and dangerous... It had been so much time since he hadn't seen Max smile that he was having a hard time holding back his desire to be in his arms. He decided to put some distance between them so he could cool off. But Max didn't give him time to do that, as he moved in close and rested his head on Tul's shoulder.

"I miss this... I want to sleep like this like we did last night! it's been a long time since I've had a good night's sleep!" Max said softly and gave Tul a hug...

Tul froze and didn't know how to react. there was no way Max would forgive him so easily and he couldn't understand what was happening. Max was acting really weird, not pouting at all and giving him his best smile.

"You weren't so shy last night..." added Max, not getting a response.

"What ... Last night? What happened last night?..." Tul couldn't remember what he had done last night, so what was Max trying to say... now he just prayed he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Well... you did a lot of things... no I have to say we did a lot of things" Max looked at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

Tul couldn't even imagine all the things they could have done! He had certainly missed Max hugging, cuddling and kissing a lot. They say that when we're drunk, we do what our subconscious wants us to do... Just thinking about it, Tul became embarrassed and blushed. He looked at Max, who gave him a seductive smile, and blinked twice, thinking he was seeing something.

When he opened his eyes, Max was standing in front of him with a wilder smile. Their faces were so close they could feel each other's warm breath. Tul was taken aback. His first reaction was to back away, but he was already leaning against the headboard, he swallowed as Max came closer and closer, telling him in a seductive voice

"Are you blushing!? Well, that's interesting... I can make you shy now?"

"I'm not..." Tul replied, closing his eyes one more time.

"Really ... well, let me show you what we did last night then ..."

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