33- You are mine

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It's been a month since my last update I'm sorry!! I didn't have time to write! Plus I accidentally started to write another novel and all my attention was there!! Hope you like this chapter! the next one tonight!


Max waited anxiously for Tul at Tul's house where they decided to stay until Max's house was renovated after the breaking in. He was losing his mind imagining all that could've happened at that meeting with Mook. He had texted Tul but hadn't received a reply. He began to wonder if something had happened. He wasn't really worried about Tul getting hurt or anything, he knew the man was strong and cunning when he wanted to, so handling a girl like Mook wasn't a difficult task, but he didn't want Tul's name to be involved in some weird scandal. After all, he was a CEO now, not an actor, his image was more important now.

Sometime later, Tul came back looking very angry. When he entered the house, Max walked up to him, but he didn't even look at him and went straight to their bedroom. Max was confused, he didn't understand Tul's behavior and his thoughts started to go wild.

'Did something really happen? Why won't he even look at me?" He pondered the situation as he followed Tul into their bedroom. Only to find it empty, as Tul was now in the bathroom and the door was closed and locked. Max was even more worried. They never locked the bathroom door when they showered, because it was common for one of them to shower with the other.

Max didn't know what to do and sat on the bed to wait for Tul to finish. Soon after, Tul came out of the bathroom with only his towel around his waist. He walked up to Max, who was a little confused by the sexy picture standing in front of him and sat down right on his lap.

Tul took Max's face in his hand and without warning gave him a deep and burning kiss. He kissed him wildly, devouring Max's sweet and intoxicating lips. His hands gripped Max's hair tightly, trying to control his growing desire. Max let himself go for it and kissed Tul back with the same energy. They kissed until they both ran out of air.

Tul had been trying to control himself since he left the restaurant. For some reason, he was really angry and wanted Max badly!

"I want you now! I want you to fill me up! Make me feel like I'm the only one that matters to you, the only one you crave, the only one your body wants, the only one you need! ", Tul said with a slightly commanding voice and eyes full of lust. Those pretty eyes that Max couldn't ignore.

Max looked at the man sitting on his lap a little confused, he sensed something was wrong, but it didn't take long for him to give Tul what he wanted without asking any more questions. He laid Tul down on the bed and was soon on top of him, showering him with kisses all over his body.

Soon his mouth was filled with Tul's hard length, his sucking motion making Tul tremble and moan like crazy as Max's ministrations were always the best. Tul's hands clutched Max's hair, gripping it tighter as the pleasure Max was giving him grew more intense, bringing him to his climax. Soon Max's mouth was full of his man cum.

"I want you inside me!" commanded Tul in a broken voice as his breathing was still erratic from the earlier pleasure and because Max was still playing with his now hard bulge again.

Hearing this, Max was naked in an instant and his hard cock straightened up, ready for battle.

He met Tul's swollen lips and gave him a sensual kiss while his fingers were soon inside Tul's hole, stretching it tenderly.

Feeling Max's small intrusion, Tul moaned softly into Max's mouth, giving him the opportunity to deepen their already passionate kiss.

Max continued to play with Tul's hole until Tul started to get frustrated, he wanted more, he wanted to feel Max inside him and now. So he took matters into his own hands and threw the man onto the bed before taking his length and quickly sliding it into him, causing a loud moan and a deep groan from Max!

Their eyes met as Tul began to ride his man with an up and down motion, slowly taking Max inside him deeper and deeper.

Max knew his man well, he knew that somehow Tul wanted a sense of control, a sense of ownership over him. He thought that letting him control him by letting him set the pace of their lovemaking was more effective than fucking him as he had commanded. He knew if he played too much, Tul would take matters into his own hands and that's exactly what happened.

Tul did indeed take matters into his own hands, bending down as he rode him, kissing him fiercely, nibbling, and even biting him here and there. At one point Max sat up, giving Tul more access to his body as he played with Tul's hard member. The gentle up and down movements Max gave him made Tul moan maniacally! His mind went blank and all he could think about was the pleasure the handsome man in his arms was giving him. Max, on the other hand, was as fascinated as ever by his sweaty body! He found that Tul was even more attractive when he went wild with arousal. The way his eyes lit up when he was about to climax, the way his back arched when he was feeling good, Max knew he couldn't get enough of that sight for a lifetime.

After Tul took out all his frustration on his boyfriend's body, they laid down on the bed in silence. Max waited for Tul to say something, he knew that his behavior was out of line, that something had bothered him about the meeting with Mook.

"I was just pissed!!! I'm mad that people thought they could get you like you were an item they could buy or take!" began Tul, taking Max's hand in his and squeezing it tightly. "All the way home, I had only one thought. I wanted to feel your warm heart beating for me, how it always calms me down! That's all." He looked at Max and tenderly touched his cheek, "I love you, Maxi! I fucking love you so much!"

Max was touched by his sweetheart's care, he was glad to know he had someone by his side who wouldn't let anyone mess with him! He felt loved and protected with Tul by his side.

"I love you too, Phi Tul," he grinned at him as Tul let out a soft chuckle. Max hadn't called him "phi" that much since his return. Hearing it now made him feel all sorts of ways.

"I don't think she'll bother you that much after today... I was her target, she was trying to pressure me into helping her be with you. She threatened me to end your career with some shit, but hey, you know me, I made her regret it," Tul told Max as he lay comfortably in his arms.

Max just chuckled and imagined what Tul might have said to her. He was sure he had pissed her off!

"Oh, and she was the one who took your phone! I took it back."

Max was a little confuse knowing that his phone was stolen by her, he couldn't understand how anyone could do such vile things just for their selfish desires.


If you have time and like my writing, please read this second BL of mine! You won't regret it. The character was inspired by Max and Tul too!!

On Goodnovel: My Healing Love (Omegaverse)


or on Webnovel: My Healing Love (Omegaverse)


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