8-lips on lips

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I must get to the bottom of this. I'm sure Tay was trying to tell me something with that last sentence, and I've felt before that Tul hasn't been acting the same since we last kissed, but I didn't think he might have done it because he has feelings for me. I actually thought it was because of that damn Fai that he was acting so weird and distancing himself from me a bit.

Actually, I knew that that kiss wasn't just a kiss... But before I could ask, he explained that it was just a joke, he was just teasing me. I was disappointed that day; I felt like something was piercing my heart but, I didn't take it seriously because I wasn't sure what my feelings were for Tul. Then Fai came to me and told me to give Tul some space because I was interfering with their time together. I felt that was ridiculous because if that was the case, Tul would have told me himself. Also, I remember asking him once if they were dating, he told me that she was just a friend. I didn't know how to break it to Tul, and before I found a way, it was all over social media that she was Tul's girlfriend.

At the time, I was so angry and I regretted not warning Tul about her. I wanted to help Tul, he was hated for no reason and it was making me really sad... When I wanted to tell the fan that it wasn't true, I was stopped by our agency, I couldn't understand why... Also, I noticed that they didn't do anything to help Tul, it really made me angry! I was powerless and couldn't help my best friend while he was going through such a hard time. 

I calculated that if we hadn't been seen together, the fans would have let him have a little piece since that was what they wanted. I remember calling him and telling him that we shouldn't be seen together for a while. I thought he would understand that I was talking about the public domain... We had our way of being together without being seen by fans or without the agency knowing. But I guess he didn't, because two days after that he was gone!

Now that he's back and I know our love may be mutual, I just can't let this opportunity pass. I'm going to make sure I get my answer as soon as possible. I don't want to lose him again.

So I took the key to the other side of my house and went there. A door in the walk-in closet connected the two houses through the master bedrooms, I don't know why it was done that way but now I enjoyed that disposition if my house. So I quickly entered Tul house and took a seat on his bed as if it was mine!

It was funny to see his reaction... He was shocked to see me there; he looked at me like I was a ghost, I couldn't help but giggle... he was so cute trying to calm down, with his cheeks being already red as two tomatoes... I could see him staring at me from head to toe, his cheeks were getting redder... I felt myself getting hot too, the smell coming from his fresh body was driving me crazy, I was doing everything I could to not let my lust get the better of me.



Max's face slowly approached mine, his eyes were fixed on mine, but I couldn't really read them... what he was thinking now was a mystery to me, it was as if I had never seen him look at me with that kind of gaze... It was weird and it made me a little nervous because I knew Max almost more than I knew myself and not being able to understand what his eyes were communicating to me was new to me.

As he slowly approached his destination, I could feel the heat coming from the bottom of my spine to my cheek... I couldn't avoid what was coming. It's not that I didn't want it, on the contrary, I wanted it so badly! I really wanted his kisses, they were the best thing for me and it wasn't even done with love... But I didn't want to get into another weird relationship with him now that I had true feelings for him. I was going to apologize first, then I was going to confess my feelings to him and if by some miracle he felt the same... he could do whatever he wanted to me. but this...

I couldn't escape at all, I was trapped between the wall and Max's body. I could feel his hot breath on my face. With a grin, he moved even closer to me, our lips almost touching. Oh god, I want those beautiful lips so bad right now! I was fighting inside to pull myself together because it wasn't a good idea to get involved in what was happening right now! I was glad he wasn't touching me because I would have lost control! I really didn't know why he was acting like this, what was really going through his mind... it scared me because I didn't know where this situation was going to lead us.

Our lips finally touch slowly, I felt electrified by the sweet touch of our lips, it was like time stopped, I could hear my heart beating like crazy... I automatically closed my eyes without protesting, I just couldn't fight this beautiful feeling... I felt sorry for myself, knowing I was going to regret this. He began to gently bite my lower lip... when our lips parted, I couldn't help but let out a little moan, I already missed the soft feeling his lips had on mine! he looked at me with a sexy smile, it was clear he was teasing me with that nibbling kiss, but I didn't care; I wanted more, I miss the taste of his lips so much! I put my hand on the back of his neck and brought his lips to mine one more time.

As I locked our lips, he slowly began to suck on my lips... Every time he did this during the shoot before, it was his way of letting me set the pace and take the lead. I deepened our kiss by parting my lips. It felt amazing, one of my hands was now playing with his soft and silky hair... I could feel his soft, hot tongue invading my mouth like he owned the place... I greeted him from my side. Now our tongues were slowly dancing together, we were lost in the moment together. I could feel Max's desire growing as he slowly urged me to lie comfortably on the bed. Now he was on top of me, still kissing me in such a tender way. He had never kissed me so tenderly before!

I was so lost that it felt like a dream to me. Now his hand was on the back of my neck and damn what I was feeling just from that touch was indescribable, I felt my skin getting hotter from his touch and I couldn't help but let out a low moan as he left my mouth to gasp for air.

I knew if I didn't stop right now, things would get out of hand... which I really didn't want because it was sure to only complicate things between us. But I just couldn't help it... my body just stopped listening to me! It's funny because I was always the one to stop when things got out of control when we were flirting or doing crazy things!

While our kiss was getting even more intense, my phone started ringing! I'm not going to lie, I felt relieved, but at the same time I didn't want to leave Max's lips and I could sense that Max didn't want me to either because he was still kissing me, not caring about the call.

"Um ... Um ... Ma ... the ... ph ... one ..." I try to tell Max that I need to answer the phone, but he didn't care! When the phone rang for the second time, Max frowned deeply and groaned!

He picks up the phone that was on the nightstand and hands it to me after looking at who the caller is.

I froze as I picked up the phone! This wasn't someone I should be talking to in front of Max... OMG, what am I supposed to do now?

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