26-Make it official or not?

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Hello; sorry for the long delay I was really busy with school stuff! Here the next chap. Hope you like it.


After Tul put away all the things that held him back, their relationship was sweeter than ever. Like a newly married couple, they indulged in their honeymoon phase of love as they pleased without really caring about anyone else. They had outdoor dates, Tul's office was Max's second home as he had little to do while waiting for the filming of his new drama to begin. Inevitably, people began to notice the love in the air and some gossip began to grow on social media. With every post of Tul or Max on Instagram, fans discussed what was really going on between their eternal king of Bl, while a few people also scolded them... Mostly, Tul, demanded that he keep his hands off Max.

Reading those comments didn't bother Tul... On the contrary, he laughed when he read them and felt a little proud because it was still him who pulled Max into his love spell at the end of the day.

As for Max, he just enjoyed his life without worrying about what people might say... He had understood a long time ago that his life belonged to him and his happiness depended only on himself, now also on his lover, but after he had fallen ill then, he had decided not to pay so much attention to what people said about him.

Nonetheless, he was still a star, so a good image was always a priority that was in his employment contract. While day after day, questions about his relationship with Tul arose on social media, the management of Max's agency felt compelled to invite him to a meeting.

It was Saturday and Tul had planned the day with many activities, so when he sensed the change in Max's mood after the call, he began to worry. "What's wrong?" he asked as he cleaned up their bedroom, which still had the remnants of their lustful night: clothes, shoes, even some files scattered on the floor, evidence of the wild night they had had.

"Not much, I just have to skip our morning gym session; I have some work to do..." Max replied, not really looking fazed...

"Are you sure everything's alright?", Tul couldn't help but ask again. He knew about how their relationship was circulating on social media. He had warned Max several times not to be so obvious in a public place, but the latter took no notice as his hands were always all over Tul where they could be.

"Babe ... you worry too much sometimes ... relax! Everything's okay," Max smiled sweetly and gave Tul a small kiss on her forehead. "Or do you want me to help you relax?" added Max as he glanced at their unmade bed.

Tul blushed and smiled mischievously, "I'm relaxed enough... But I might need your help tonight to relax more."

Flirting like that, they finished their task. After that, Max left Tul at home, who now had nothing to do since their plans had been cancelled. So while Max went to work, he decided to clean up the whole house.

At the agency, Max was in a meeting room with two of the executives.

"So Mae Nui, why did you ask me here? I have a lot to do today, you know..." Max whined at Nui... who was like the second in command of the agency now, but also the one who had discovered him and Tul back in the day So was their relationship really good, like a mother-son relationship?

"A lot of things to do"? What kind of things do you and Tul have planned today, hum?" She said with a smirk and rolled her eyes "So Mr NATAPOL, tell me what is your relationship with him actually? " she asked looking Max straight in the eyes...

"You already know the answer Mae" Max replied looking at her.

"OMG Finally!!!" Nui exclaimed with a wide smile "You have no idea how frustrated I was seeing you guys living so miserably even though you love each other" she added and took Max's hand "I'm really happy for you Max!"

"I'm also happy that you finally decided to settle down, but couldn't you be a little more discreet? I have a headache trying to process all of this! We asked you guys here to decide if you should or shouldn't make it official. I think you should get clarity with your fans and with our contractors as soon as possible so you don't have any trouble afterwards," Phi Sing said, looking at the people next to him who had already forgotten the purpose of the meeting.

"Yes, I almost forgot the purpose of you being here, I thought about it and I think that with your age and reputation, you can go out openly, we think that it won't have a big impact on your career... you are a great actor, that should only be the most important thing... Besides, it's Tul, the fans who have been following you since your debut will be happy," Nui added smiling at Max.

"I understand, but can I delay it for the time being?" Max asked

"Why?... Tul doesn't want to?" The two other people in the room asked at the same time

"ah ah Tul"? Well, I don't really know what he wants, but his biggest concern is still me ..." Max said proudly, "Hmm... But seriously, Tul has been receiving death threats for the past few years and we still haven't caught the culprit... Since the threats are all due to my relationship with him, I want to catch the culprit before I openly date him, though it's not like we are hiding. It's just making it official could be dangerous for him..."

Nui and Sing were shocked because they didn't know that Tul had to endure such things! Nui was even more worried since she was the one responsible for them back then besides their manager, so she felt guilty now...

"''I didn't know about that... Is... is that why he went to NY back then? I've always thought that the scandal wasn't the only reason... I feel so bad, I didn't take good care of you two back then..." Nui was close to tears and took Max's hand with apologetic eyes...

"Oy Mae, it's not your fault, we know how much you did for us, don't worry about it. Besides, Tul didn't tell anyone about it. I just found out recently too ..." Max said sadly, "I was the closest to him, and I didn't even know... He chose to keep it a secret... you know how he always tries to handle things on his own..." Max sighed.

"Yeah, unfortunately, he had trouble sharing his burden with the people he loves..." Nui sighed as well. "By the way, why are you here alone... where is Luc... we should talk to him about this... he needs to be more careful..."

Max snored, clearly showing his dissatisfaction with Luc as Nui spoke. Seeing that, she broke her sentence in the middle and looked at Sing who was sitting in front of her, not knowing what the problem was between Max and his manager. Sing shrugged his shoulders indicating that he didn't know what was going on between the two.

"I think Max is mad at Luc for trying to get him to promote his next movie by making him flirt with the actress..." said Sing smiling at Nui.

"Didn't he know that Max decides not to do things like that anymore?" Nui asked

"I didn't tell him about me after I found out that he was the one who convinced the higher-ups to fire Tul, I don't want him to know about my life ...." Max scoffed as he spoke.

Nui and Sing just looked at Max and the hatred in the way he spoke scared them.

"Max, are you arguing with him? you seem angry with him" Nui asked.

"Well, that bastard makes me lose Tul for three years! should I smile at him? also, he is on my suspect list for the person threatening Tul, so I wanted to ask if you guys could help me to watch him please?" asked Max seriously...

"What?"... Max, your accusations are serious... you can't..." interjected Sing before he was interrupted by Nui.

"Okay, Max I understand, we'll do everything we can to help," she added with a look at Sing. "Anyway, bring Tul to the agency party... that will be the opportunity to let people here know about your relationship, it will be better for them to have confirmation so they know how to react in front of others and the press"

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