6-Tell me what happened

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When Tul entered his house, he was not surprised to see Tay there speaking on the phone. He actually caught him saying "all I know is that he really loves you" then he cut the call when he saw him. Tul get curious and asked, "who was that?"

"Max" Tay replied smiling

"Sh*t Tay...!! why did you tell him that I love him?" Tul asked while sitting beside Tay obviously angry...

"Didn't say it was you!... besides isn't it true?" Tay responded looking at him with one raised eyebrow... 

Tul sighed looking at his friend, and then looked down putting his hands on his head... "I'm tired, Tay... Really"

"If you don't talk with him, you will be even more tired now that you know that he is just beside you"

"I know... I really want to make up with him, really... I really want... I'm... I'm just to scare to lose him if things went bad"

"You are already losing him by acting like that... It's also hard for him... you left him just like that... I'm sure he is blaming himself thinking he did some kind of weird things that make you run away!"

"I know... I came back because I was tired of living like that... running away from my own feeling and also because I wanted to tell him that it's not his fault face to face... But when I saw him I just couldn't say a damn thing... " Tul say with a trembling voice

"I think you are more afraid of him rejecting your feeling than telling him actually what went wrong... because you won't take it if he rejects your feelings for him right?" Tay asks patting him to console him... "The most important thing that makes you go away was because you realise your feeling for him... all your other reasons were just the trigger"

"Maybe... but he already rejects me once," Tul said softly looking at his friend with a blank expression.

"What ???"

Tay was lost... Max couldn't reject Tul. That couldn't just happen because he knew how Max felt about Tul. He knew that Max loves Tul for a long time. He had discovered it one day when he looked at Max phone, there was a private file full of Tul pictures that Max forgot to close... Then he had asked him directly and Max told him that he had feelings for Tul but didn't know if it was really love or just because they were spending all their time together. Plus having watching Max all these years he knew that he still had feelings for Tul so what Tul was telling him was really confusing.

"Did you confess?? you didn't tell me that... I mean when did it happen?" Tay asked.

"No..." sigh "I didn't confess...." Tul answer sadly

"I don't understand...."

"A month before my trip, I... I kiss him..."

"Well that wouldn't be the first time... you guys have kissed a lot in your series or in real life..." Tay respond still not understanding Tul point...

"I kiss him... a real kiss!..." Tul added looking at his friend.

"Did he know that it was real? cause, like I said you guys, had kissed a lot just for fun!"

"It wasn't the same and Max knew it... We were at his condo back then... I don't know how but we start to talk about relationship and feeling while drinking wine... then he asked me what I will do if I'm truly in love with someone since I'm not the kind of guy who picks up girls... I told him that I will let that person know by my actions like taking care of him, always being there for him, being his support, do whether I can to make him happy... He reminded me that it was actually what I always do with him and asked me what will the difference be if I was with the person I love... so I kissed him... He broke the kiss looking at me really surprised with a questioning gaze... after that, he runs to the bathroom... He definitely felt what that kiss meant to me... His reaction was my answer...."

"Omg Tul ... this is... well didn't you misinterpret his reaction? maybe he was just too shocked and shy that why he acted like that... what did he say when he was back?" Tay asked

"actually ... once he was in the bathroom... I didn't know how to face him after that so I told him while he was in the bathroom that it was just a joke... he shouldn't take it to heart... after that, I went home..."

"The f*ck Tul ... How can you assume that he didn't love you if you are the one who messed things up? you should have told him directly like you always do! love is turning you into a coward... Where is my friend Tul?..." Tay couldn't believe it was something like that who made Tul leave.

"I know... I didn't recognise myself back then too... so I wanted to talk to him but then there was the scandal saying that I had dated Fai remember? It makes things more complicate... Max's manager asked me to take my distance since we didn't have to work together back then... He told me that I was bringing Max down even his girlfriend was complaining about me taking to much of his time... When I met Max after that, he asked me whenever it was true... I said no and then he tells me that we should be apart for a little time."

"So you thought it was the best moment to go to NY," Tay added

"Yes I thought sometimes alone was what I needed! I didn't want to put Max in a tight spot ... His career was taking a good turn... plus I had to deal with my feelings... But at the end of the day, I'm not able to forget him..." Tul added with wet eyes

"Okay don't be too sad... I'm sure things will be okay... you just need to talk. Knowing the two of you, I think that there is just a misunderstanding between you too... You have to talk to him...!"

"I know... I have realised my mistake as soon as I arrived there. I knew that I just acted on an impulse and because I was hurt... I was facing a hard time and he chooses to let me deal with it alone... But I realise that I was being a little selfish and he didn't deserve the way I left him... I really didn't handle this situation well... that's why it's now even hard to talk to him..." Tul was in deep thought speaking to Tay.

Tay didn't know what else to say to his friend, besides telling him to speak openly with Max and confess what he feels about him; It was the only way the two of them could live in peace and happiness. Even if they were not together, Talking to each other was the best thing for them. They share such a special bond that they can't choose to end whenever the relationship they share like that.

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