21-Let's keep it secret

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"What was that?" Tul asked looking at Max.

"What?..." MAX asked back looking straight into Tul eyes while drinking his beverage.

"What you said just now... why should she asked me before taking a picture with you?"

"As I was about to answer because I'm yours. I don't want my babe to be jealous so I ask him to make the decision..." Max answered with a grin.

"Why should I be jealous because of that? I'm not that petty... Plus she could have misunderstood..." he said with a worried look.

"Misunderstand what? that we are together? as far as I know, it's the truth"

"Yeah but..."

"But what?... " Max wasn't liking where that conversation was going. He was praying deep inside that it wasn't what he was thinking.

"Nothing... I'm done let's go before Nam spill the bean! I don't know why but you have quite many fans here." Tul said taking his phone and car keys.

Max just looked at him, not knowing what to make of Tul's behaviour. He found him not at all himself. Tul was someone who had high self-esteem and always stayed true to himself. He was proud of every decision he made, and he was someone who didn't care what other people thought about him, as long as the people who mattered in his life knew who he really was. But why did he act like he wanted their relationship to remain a secret? Max frowned at the thought, he wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea and didn't want to believe it either "maybe I think too much" he thought.

When they reached the ground floor they were greeted by a lot of people looking at them with interest, Tul cursed inwardly and glanced at Nam who was hiding behind everyone. Max looked at the crow, knowing that he was busted, he took off his mask and smiles at everyone.

"Hi everyone! it's a pleasure to meet you all. Thanks for taking care of Phi Tul while he's here," Max said still smiling.

The crowd just looked at him, still amazed at the fact that they were standing in front of Max NATTAPOL. Hearing him speak so humbly, they immediately replied, "Don't worry, we'll take good care of him."

After saying this, some of them began to analyse why Max would say that. A woman who didn't seem to be that interested in Max, but had always kept an eye on Tul, came next to him in a flirtatious voice and asked Max what his relationship was with Tul, that he would ask them to take good care of him. She got closer and closer to Tul and flirted with him openly.

Max frowned at that and mockingly waited for Tul to respond. Tul was really torn, trying his best to push back this woman who had started seducing him ever since she started working for him. Every time she saw him, she used all sorts of useless tricks to get his attention. But now was not the right moment, Max was just behind him and now she asked the question he couldn't answer and everyone was looking at him waiting for his answer! he just wanted to say "that's none of your business" but he couldn't be so rude to the people in front of him. So after a few seconds, he said "he's my best friend and he's quite unhappy that I work too much and don't have time to keep him company" he said and smiled awkwardly.

Max looked at Tul with a somewhat sad look before saying, "If the project goes well, I'll take you all out to dinner. But now, I have to go..." He said before walking towards the front door. Tul was already aware of Max's change in mood and already felt a storm coming.

They walked toward Tul car and got in silently. Max was deadly silent not even looking at Tul. Tul started the car not knowing where to go. They were supposed to go on a date, so he took his courage and asked "so baby, where are we going now?" 

"Home..." Max answered not even glancing at Tul.

"Aren't we suppose to have a date ?" Tul insisted perfectly knowing that Max was mad at him. but he didn't want to cancel their first date just like that.

"Why would you go on a date with your best friend? Get yourself a boyfriend who can bring you on a date!" Max answered with a smirk

"Maxii... I'm sorry... I have my reasons for doing that... can you forgive me please?" Tul asked doing his most puppy eyes. Max looked away before falling for his man eyes "let's just go home. I'm no longer in a mood to go on a date." He concluded before leaning on his seat and closing his eyes.

Tul sight conflicted he was feeling guilty thinking that they just got more close together and now he was messing things up.

In the car, neither of them said a word before reaching home. Tul perfectly knew that what he had done wasn't something Max would accept easily. If the table were turned he will be mad too, so he completely understood Max mood at the moment.  

Max POV:

I won't lie, I'm a little bit disappointed about this situation. I know Tul is a thoughtful man, so if he made up his mind, I know he certainly had valid reasons, but now I don't want to hear them at all. Now I'm hurt or should I say I'm mad at being friend-zone by my own boyfriend in front of so many people. I feel like the fuckboy that people hide from their friends because of shame. I know Tul doesn't mean that, but I can't help but think that. . 

When I heard him call me his best friend, it was like he was pouring ice-cold water on me. I knew there was something wrong with him since he came down these stairs. He had a worried look. The look he always got when he was upset about something, but doesn't want people to know about it. Now I know what he was worried about... He didn't want anybody to find out about us. Now all I need to know is why? But at the same time, I don't. Because I know that whatever the reasons are, I don't want to commit to that. Why should I hide the fact that I love him? I've been at it for three years!

After arriving at the house before leaving the car, I always asked: "so why am I going back to be your best friend?"

Tul looked at me with eyes of excuses "I just don't want to lead you into another scandal. The last time I was involved was so messy... I don't want a second one. I can't handle it if something happens to you because of me, Maxi. I know you don't like to hold back your feelings, but please... just bear with me for some time?" He says almost pleading. I just looked at him without saying anything.

I was glad to know he was protecting me... But when did he get this cowardly? What was he worried about? Why wouldn't he trust me? Why was he looking at the bad side?

As I remained silent, Tul adds, taking my hand. "I'm not a coward, I'm just afraid I'll lose you a second time, so I want to be more careful".

I don't like this statement. "Lose me?" Why would he think he was losing me just by having a relationship with me? I was missing information, there was something behind it...

"So how long do you attend to keep it secret?" I asked him quietly

"I ... I don't know, I'm truly sorry".

"What are you hiding from me?" I caress the back of his hand; I could say that there were more reasons behind all this.

"Nothing..." Tul answer, looking down, not meeting my eyes.

I just nodded at his reply, knowing that he was lying and got out of the car, coming into my house feeling totally conflicted. I understood his concerns, but I still need a bit of time to adjust.

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