25- So what the plan?

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Tul was out of ideas to stop Max. He knew he could stop Max perfectly in a normal situation, they had the same build and he was not a weak man. But now Max was angry and he had learned some martial arts for his movie, so he was afraid he couldn't keep up physically, yet he couldn't let Max walk through that door, but what could he do to stop him. While he was thinking about what to do, Max walked slowly towards him, but with the confidence of someone who would walk through that door.

As he stood in front of Tul, he grabbed him by the shoulder to push him aside, but Tul stood firm and wouldn't be deterred, and before Max pushed any harder, he grabbed Max's face and kissed him right then and there. Max was caught off guard and had no time to react. Tul kissed him slowly and tenderly, it was a sweet kiss, neither slow nor fast. At first, Max resisted, but he soon gave in. Tul's soft lips and sweet tongue melted his nerve and slowly Tul's kiss calmed him. He deepened the kiss which became passionate and their tongues danced sensually together.

They kissed until they were breathless. After they broke the kiss, Tul tenderly caressed Max's checks before they rested their foreheads against each other, "If you walk out that door, I'm going to lose you again, Maxi... will you just let me back into the pain?... please, I don't want to lose you again... ", Tul pleaded as their eyes met.

As they faced each other in silence, Max just broke down and cried after Tul's question. Tul was caught off guard and soon tears were running down his cheeks as well. They stood there for a moment before Max said in a broken voice, "But I can't just take it, I have to do something, I need to do something, please let me do something for you..." Max said as he cried.

Tul also stood helplessly in front of this vulnerable Max. Since he had come back, he had met a kind of new Max, he seemed so strong and exuded confidence that he didn't really have before. This new Max was even more sexy and attractive to Tul, he was so proud of him. Thus seeing Max crying like that killed him, he could see that Max was in pain and struggling with the feeling of helplessness and he could understand him, if it had been him he would have reacted the same way.

He just quietly wiped away the tears with his finger and hugged him. "From now on, I'm going to rely on you, okay?... We'll get through this situation together, but not like this. Baby, I know you'd do anything for me, but I don't want you to put yourself in danger for me. I love you too much, I can't risk you leaving my side. So let's calm down and find a good solution to this problem, please?" Tul hugged him tighter and buried his head against Max's shoulder.

Max took Tul into his embrace as well. His beautiful smell was like a drug to him, slowly calming his nerves. "I'm really sorry for putting you in such a situation for so long ..." Max whispered to Tul.

Tul looked him in the eyes after he had choked away his tears and smiled faintly, "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault... Besides, I know you'll make it up to me, right?" Tul finished his question with a smirk before planting a light kiss on Max's lips.

"Yeah, I'll make it up to you for life," Max replied, smiling warmly and looking lovingly at his big, sexy baby.

They were lost in their moment when they heard a slight cough from behind them "hum hum... Max, you should make it up to me too... I have suffered a lot too because of you two" May stated laughing. 

Max and Tul were surprised to see her there, they didn't hear her come in and didn't even know how long she was standing there. They were completely embarrassed. 

"Sis, how did you get here?" asked Tull still hugging Max

"Well I wanted to check on you two... after your discussion?" May respond looking at them while chuckling "but I guess I was worried for nothing... " She gave them a gentle look. "And Max I want a hug too" she teased them.

Tul just looked up to his sister and Max broke their cuddle to give May a welcome hug "Hi big sis, it's been a while" Max said.

"Yea, well since your beloved is back, you no longer have time for me ..." May teased

They laughed together, and the whole depressing atmosphere instantly faded away.

"Hum... Since you're here, can we continue that picnic we didn't even start?" Tul looked at Max and his sister. May just nodded and follow them to sit where they had left all the things Tul had prepare. They quickly began to eat and talk about their lives. As they finished eating, May sat right in front of them "In fact, I've also come to talk to you about this depressing situation and help you figure out a good way to end it. I got involved at one point and I can't be comfortable if I don't punish this guy myself "May says quietly.

"Sister, you have just read my mind, I must destroy it personally..." added Max with a brow.

"you don't need to use your fist to do that" Tul looked at Max with accusing eyes, the other one just pouted like a big kid. "So did you think about something?" Tul asked May.

"Not really, because we have no proof that it's him, so I thought maybe we should drive him to make a mistake and revealed himself," May said

"I thought so too, but what can we do? If we change our ways of interacting, wouldn't he find something wrong now?" Tul asked.

"Babe, we are a couple now, actually our way of interacting can't be the same, even if before we were already acting like a couple; I think that the way they interact now is also different. So let's just be ourselves, I bet his jealousy will trigger his reaction... what I'm afraid about is that we don't know how he would react and I don't want to endanger you anymore" Max added while looking at Tul.

"Yeah that's the real problem here, he had already physically attacked you once, so we should be really cautious here" May looked warily at his little brother

"What??? attacked??? "Max cried out looking at Tul

"Ow... Did I say anything that I shouldn't," May thought that Max already knew that Tul had been attacked in the parking lot back then...

"Remember the parking attack?... when I give it more thought I think he did it because the next letter I receive mentioned it..." Tul said slightly avoiding to look at Max.

Max just sigh looking at Tul "you'll kill me with all your little secrets... I'll say nothing now just know that you owe me one Tul!! but now let's focus on finding a solution"

Tul gulped hearing Max and just stared at May with a timid smile. "Maybe I should be the bait so we can end it all at once," Tul said.

"Are you crazy? I'm won't let you do something dangerous like that" both Max and May screamed together.

"But it's all I can see..." Tul goes on.

"Okay, let's think about it more. Now we already know what the problem is... Let's think about it more and come up with something better and less dangerous, okay?... for the time being just live your life as you wish while we keep an eye on him" May concluded.

After speaking for some time, May went home to take care of her husband while Max and Tul were left to clean up where they had eaten. Max was calm not really talking. Tul thought it was because he had concealed something else from him. He just starting a conversation faintly smiling.

"This garden is super nice... it looks like something familiar now that  I think about it" Tul commented 

"Yeah, your dream garden..." Max answered calmy.

Tul was stunned, the first time he saw it he thought that it was a little familiar, now that he thought about it, it really does look like the garden he always describes to people, when he was asked "how his future house would look like"

"OMG, Maxi you make it? that's so nice of you... I really like it!!" Tul was behind happiness, he hugged smiling warmly at him. Max laughed at how cute this big person could be and at how easy it was to make him happy.

Soon it was time to sleep, and Tul was a little apprehensive of this night. Max had said earlier that he wouldn't let it pass. After his shower, he slowly walked toward the bed where Max was already lying. 

He slowly slid into Max's warm arms burying his head on Max's chest before saying "there is really nothing left to hide". Max only smile and left a sweet kiss on Tul forehead "good night baby".

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