16- Skin to skin part 1

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After talking to Great, Max felt much better, it was as if a weight was lifted from his heart. He hadn't been feeling well since that day, finding it hard to breathe at times, especially when he was with Tul. 

The physical attraction he had for him and the burning desire he felt every time he saw him made him want to just pounce on him! but his brain just didn't agree, his fear got in the way every time. But now he knew that he was really free from his anger issues, so he won't unexpectedly be violent with Tul, that news was the best thing he could have heard beside Tul saying "I love you". He walked out of the Clinic with a bright smile and a feeling that his life was going to get better and easier from now on. He began to think about his future with Tul, things he hadn't done since they admitted their feelings for each other.

For his part, Tul was getting more and more frustrated with their situation, but thanks to his work, he didn't have time to think about it since he was extremely busy. His architecture firm had a big project and he needed to be fully focused on it before he could give his team all the instructions needed. So he didn't meet with Max at all for a week as he left early and came back very late. There was no chance for them to meet each other.

Tul kind of enjoyed this situation as he didn't have to see Max, every time they were together it was like a punishment for him. But after five days of them not seeing each other, Tul started to miss his baby boy. So he thought of calling him over on Friday night since he was free but at the end of the day, he chose to not call. Max was equally missing him but every time he wanted to go to Tul, there was no light in his house. He figures out that Tul was certainly busy so he didn't disturb him.

But on Friday night Max was happy when he saw the light in Tul's bedroom. He smiled at the thought of seeing his beloved, he missed him so damn much. After an hour Max got up from the couch and walked over to his room, he opened his walk-in closet door and walked through it and ended up in Tul's closet. He was now standing in front of Tul's bedroom door. He wanted to talk to Tul and explain to him why exactly he was acting like this, Tul deserved to know anyway.

When he opened the door he was a little surprised to see Tul already asleep, it was only 8 pm. He walked up to him and noticed he was struggling in his sleep, it seemed like he was having a nightmare, he was sweaty all over his torso and kept saying "don't go... don't go..." seeing this Max frowned and started to wake him up.

"Tul wake up... hey babe wake up..." Max called out softly as he slowly shook him.

After three or four tries, Tul finally woke up and sat up with a jerk, his breathing erratic and rapid. It took him time to calm down. Max looked at him a little worried.

"Hey ... are you okay?" asked Max as he looked at him and gently stroked Tul's back with his hand

"I'm fine, it was just a nightmare, I'm used to it," Tul replied still a little dazed.

"Used to it? Does this happen often?" asked Max frowning.

"Yeah, it started ... wait ... what are you doing here?" Tul was fully awake now, looking at Max suspiciously.

"Errr, I ... I wanted to see you," Max answered honestly...

"Oh ... why did you want to see me? "

"Wow, do I really need a reason? I miss you," Max replies a little sarcastically as he walks into the bathroom to grab a wet towel and wipe Tul's sweat.

Tul just looked at him without saying a word and sighed inwardly. After a minute, Max was back and sat next to Tul on the bed and started to slowly wipe Tul's body. Tul looked at him suspiciously and coldly... "What the hell are you doing?" he stopped Max's hand and put it away. Max, who was engrossed in his task, didn't see Tul looking at him. Tul's cold demeanour and voice surprised him, he looked at him and sighed knowing why Tul was acting like that, "I was just trying to help you wipe off your sweat.

"Are you kidding me Max or is this your way of punishing me?" asked Tul coldly.

" I'm not! I was punishing myself ..." Max replied, looking at Tul.

"And why the hell are you doing this to me? You've been ignoring me since the day you told me you loved me, and now you're here acting like nothing happened! What the hell do you think you're doing? " Tul got a little angry.

"Okay, can you please calm down? I'm really sorry for the way I treated you, but I have my reasons! why would I let my husband suffer? I love you, I would never intentionally hurt you and you know that!" Max tried to calm Tul down by taking his hand.

Tul took his hand back, "I know you feel guilty about what you did to me, but that doesn't justify the way you treated me. You feeling guilty is one thing, not allowing me to show my love for you or be with you is another."

"I was afraid of hurting you," Max added slowly.

"What? why would you want to do that?" Tul asked frowning, sensing there was more to it.

"Well ... I... I was a little sick a year ago, I have anger issues and sometimes I could get really violent. I even hurt someone in a bar once, the guys had a hard time calming me down. Huum, I usually just break stuff and stuff though. So that day I thought it was another episode and that I was sick again. So I was really afraid of hurting you,... I tried to be as far away as possible when we were together because I thought I could lose control at any moment. I saw the bruise I left on your body that day... I didn't want it to happen again. Thus I went to see my psychologist and he assured me that I was okay and that I kind of attacked you out of jealousy... not because I was sick again", Max explains and tried to look away, but Tul unexpectedly takes him in his arms.

"Are you really okay now?" asked Tul whose voice was trembling as if he wanted to cry.

"I'm fine now," Max smiled. "I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen again, I mean if I hit someone it will be because I want to," Max tried to calm the mood. Then he heard Tul.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault again for putting you in this state, I..." Tul was on the verge of crying now, his heart ached, something inside him told him that he was the cause of Max being sick... but Max didn't let him finish and kissed him tenderly. When they broke the kiss Tul was now crying.

"It's my fault I..." for the second time Max cut him with another kiss but this time it was deeper and hotter. He kissed him until they were out of breath.

"Babe, can you focus a little? I'm trying to make up for all the kisses, hugs and love I fell to give you those last weeks... ?" Max looked at Tul sweetly wiping his tears.

Tul calmed down, smiled and urged Max to lie down on the bed, then jumped on top of him. "And how will you pay for it?" he smiled cheekily with a seductive look.

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