3- A sweet kiss

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When they arrived at Max's home, he laid Tul on his bed, and then stood at the side of the bed looking at his handsome face.

"Damn, he's so cute when he's drunk. For sure, he's the most beautiful and adorable man I've ever seen. But he's so far away from me now." Max looked at his cheeks, which were as red as two tomatoes, and his beautiful red lips and thought, "Oh God, how I'd love to suck on those lips..."

Tul could be sweet and sexy at the same time! That was one of his charms. He was so sexy lying there with his mouth slightly open that it became hard for Max to resist the desire to kiss him. Max was surprised when he felt his heart flutter and beat just as hard as before just looking at him. 

He turned away to look at the nightly beautiful view from the large glass window of his bedroom and thought. "I thought my feelings for him had faded over these three years, but now it seems like nothing has changed at all. What am I supposed to do about it? It seems that he is still the biggest part of me... I still want him like I used to"

Max took off Tul's shoes and shirt to make him feel more comfortable and went to take a shower. When he came back, he had a wet towel with him. He tenderly wiped Tul's body to cool him down.

They both shivered at the touch of their skin. Max felt something he hadn't felt in a long time, he frowned and tried to control his rising desire as he wiped down Tul's body, then lay down next to Tul.

"Sh*t, it's been a long time since I felt something like this ... And it was just a touch. It's amazing how he knocks me out, how come I always get weak when he's near me..." Max thought and looked at his ceiling.

Minutes later, Max, trying to sleep, found himself in the hands of Tul, who had hugged him as tightly as he could. He turned to look at him and then found Tul looking him straight in the eye.

Max could tell by the way he looked at him that he was still drunk. Tul had always looked at him with those eyes when he was drunk, it was a sexy and attractive look mixed with affection and desire. It was a bad habit of Tul's, when he was drunk he could do all sorts of strange things. But every time it happened, he always looked at him with those eyes. And Max realized that those eyes hadn't let him go until today. No one ever gave him the feeling he felt when he looked at Tuls eyes. His slutty eyes could turn him on in a second.

Max looked at him tenderly and lovingly, gently rearranging his hair that was covering his eyes. He caressed his face and gave him a light warm kiss on his forehead.

"Max...?" called Tul lightly, looking at Max with a sweet smile. as Max was about to answer, Tul added in a whisper, touching Max's cheeks "tonight you seem more real than any other night."

Max looked at him with eyes full of surprise and wistfulness without saying a word. He understood that Tul missed him as much as he did and his heart arched not knowing the reason for her pain. A second later, without him knowing it, he placed his lips on Tul's.


To see him thus call my name made my heart flutter... It was proof that he missed me too... I have to admit it; I was pleased when he called my name, still mad at him, but happy. Too happy that I was kissing him.

The sweet taste of his lips mixed with the heady taste of alcohol was driving me crazy. I wanted more, but it wasn't the way I wanted it, not when he was drunk, not when our issues weren't settled. But just as I was about to break off the little kiss, he deepened it! I was overwhelmed by his gesture and the affection he gave me in that kiss; I could feel a longing feeling, affection, desire and sadness in that kiss... His sweet lips were connected with mine, asking for more.

I automatically react to him not thinking too much. I invade his mouth with my tongue and lead us to a hot and sweet kiss. . his hand tenderly explores my face down to my neck. I moved closer to him to deepen the kiss, my hands finding their way to his hips. The more I touched his body, the more I wanted more.

We didn't break the kiss until we were out of breath... When I looked at him afterwards, I was surprised to find a tear on his cheek...

I was really sad and angry at the same time to see him like that. It was the first time I saw him crying, he always hides his emotions and looks strong in front of people, seeing him so weak makes me really sad... All I wanted to do was take him in my arms and calm him down. I knew something was bothering him and that I was part of the problem. But for now, all I could do was take him in my arms. 

I'll cuddle with him until morning. I missed that feeling so much. His embrace was as warm as ever. Hugging each other was our way of cheering each other up. His arms were my best medicine when I was sad, angry, or just tired. I was addicted to it, and it seems that hasn't changed! Oh god, I missed that warm feeling!

The next morning when I woke up, he was still asleep. I decided to buy him something for his hangover. When I got back, he was still asleep. At first, I decided to lay next to him and surprise him when he wakes up, but then I change my mind and decide to see what he'll do when he finds out he was in my room, knowing he probably won't remember our kiss.

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