4-I'm sorry

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Tul POV:

When I opened my eyes, I didn't know where I was! It definitely wasn't Tay's house, I had slept there last week, it was nothing like this place.

I just remember drinking at a bar with my friends. I remember not drinking that much before Tay gave me a glass of something; I don't know exactly what it was but it was really strong, I don't remember anything after that.

Now I'm scared because I really don't know where I am, I visited all my friends' houses once I got back and this isn't one of them. Two things reassure me though, one I wasn't naked or anything, to be exact I still have my pants on, and two no one was lying next to me, it's mean that I didn't do anything inappropriate last night. Also, I don't think my friends would let me sleep in someone else's house. But one question was still unanswered, who was the owner of this house?

Anyway, the best thing I could do now was to get out of this room and maybe I will see the owner.


As Tul turned his head to get out of bed, something on the nightstand caught his eye. It was a picture and the strangest thing was that it was a picture of him! He thought he was seeing things, maybe he was still drunk or stuck in a dream, so he took the picture to look at it more closely and the guy smiling on it was definitely him.

"Sh*t!!! How can there be a picture of me here...! Whose house is this anyway?!!" Tul said out loud because he was shocked. He was now a bit afraid and really curious about the owner of the house.

Reluctantly, he opened the drawer of the nightstand to see if he could get more information. But what he saw there made him freeze instantly.

"It ... it's his ring OMG. So I'm in his house now?... Why am I here sh*t I can't remember what I did since last night." said Tul a little shocked. He recognized the ring since it was a gift he gave to Max when they celebrated their five years together.

Now that he knew who the owner of the house was, Tul wanted to get out as soon as possible, not ready to meet Max.

Tul pulled on his shirt that was folded on the other side of the bed, put it on along with his shoes and ran to the door.

Just as Tul was about to open the door, Max stepped in, leaving Tul standing where he was.

"You seem to be in a hurry ... ?" Max said in a slightly annoyed voice. You could tell he was disappointed with Tul's behaviour. He couldn't help but think, "What did I do to make him want to run away from me like that? " Max couldn't understand Tul's behaviour. For three years, he had been trying to understand what had happened to them.

When he heard his questions, Tul didn't answer because he didn't know what to say. Besides, he was a lousy liar anyway. He knew Max was really angry at him, maybe disappointed because he did the same thing he had done to him in the past: run away!

Without getting a response from Tul, Max closed the door and sat on his bed, looking Tul straight in the eye. He looked at him deeply annoyed and broke the silence, "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Tul looked at him and thought, "What do you want me to tell you? That I ran away because of my feelings for you? That I couldn't bear to see your name in a scandal because of me? That the company asked me to take a break? Or just because I was scared?" All of this seems like excuses to Tul, so he couldn't bring himself to tell him. He just kept silent and let out a soft "Sorry... I'm really sorry Maxii, but can you give me some time? I swear I'll tell you everything you want to know..."

"sh*t Tul sorry is that all you can tell me? I've been waiting for three years for a simple sorry?! also don't call me Maxii I don't like it anymore..." Max was annoyed at the lack of explanation. The Tul next to him was nothing like the man he knew! His Tul was not someone who lacked the courage to talk to anyone... He was the most honest and trustworthy man he had ever met.

Tul couldn't say a word, he was blown away after Max had told him not to call him Maxii... He felt like the last connection they have, had been cut. He looked at Max, who was really angry, and swallowed as he tried to find a way to talk to him, but finally, he couldn't say anything.

Max remembered what had happened the night before and calmed down, "Ok... I hear you... if you don't have anything to say to me, that means things should stay the way they are now! I don't really see the need to give you more time! I've been waiting for you for three years already!" said Max quietly with a face full of sorrow. "You decided to just walk out of my life like that without telling me anything...! I thought I was important to you... I believed in you... but you left me... I've been living like this for three years now...  but you still need time ?" Max looked at Tul sadly.

"Maxiii... I mean, Max, I'm really sorry, I know I made a big mistake when I decided to go like this... I swear I'll make it up to you... Please don't close your heart. I just need some time... It's probably hard to believe now, but you're still the biggest part of my life, so please" Tul says, pleading with Max with his eyes.

Max was a little stunned by Tul's last sentence... Without saying a word, he stood up, opened the door and told Tul to follow him, "Let's go, I'll send you back".

Tul followed him silently, looking at the sad back of the man he loved.

As they stepped out of Max's house, Tul was stunned at what he saw, "You don't have to send me back... My house is right there..."

Max looked in the direction Tul was pointing him... It was the house right next to his own house! Life couldn't be that hard for them, could it...?

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