27-Broken arm

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When Max got home again, he found Tul asleep on the couch; he smiled fondly as he looked at him. He was so peaceful, as if he had no problems at all. Max squatted down next to Tul's face and began to caress his face tenderly, as if he was touching something precious. Tul flinched a little at Max's touch and slowly opened his eyes. He smiled, looked at Max and gave him a small kiss. Max was a little surprised before returning the kiss to Tul.

"You're back already...what did you guys talk about...was it about us...did it get you in trouble? I told you we should ..." Tul couldn't stop his questions after he asked the first one, and the feeling of worry he had when Max got the call earlier that morning came right back.

"Babe, calm down... I told you there was nothing there," he chuckled, running his hands through Tul's hair, "I was with Mae Nui and yes, it was about our relationship, but not for the reasons you think. I told you it wasn't a problem for me ..." Max added and took Tuls hand "Honey, I want you to know that you shouldn't feel sorry for me or my career because of what we share. I've decided to let the world know that I'm yours, and if my career takes a little hit, I don't mind at all ... So please baby, don't worry about it, okay?" Max gave Tul a long and sensual kiss without giving him a chance to protest. Tul couldn't resist the beautiful invasion and let his man explore some more. The kiss was like a soothing drug for Tul, calming all his nerves. He let himself surrender to the kiss and felt all the soothing sensations that Max was miraculously giving him through that kiss.

Since Tul's plan was delayed, he prepared a meal for them to eat at home while Max was gone. So after their little make out session, the two ate their meal watching a movie in peace. The atmosphere was good, they were just the two of them happily eating a meal, putting all their worries aside and just focusing on the peaceful moment.

"Oh, I wanted to ask ... what about Phi Luc, what did he say ...?" asked Tul while eating.

"He wasn't there ..."

"um ... how come? I thought they will aske him about us first? I mean, I thought he'd be the one to talk to your agency's higher-ups about us...."

"Oh ... maybe ... But he couldn't be there today ..." Max smiled.

"Why ...?" asked Tul, sensing the ambiguity in Max's smile. "Maxi, what did you do?" Tul asked with a raised eyebrow...

"I didn't do anything, babe...you worry too much," Max said, not really trying to hide his guilt.

"Maxi, you know you can't lie to me..." Tul chuckled before looking him in the eye.

"Really, I didn't do anything ... His arm was broken two days ago ... I think he's resting ..."

"OMG Maxi!!!!, I told you not to do anything ... So you were out all day yesterday doing ... what exactly were you doing?" Tul was worried and happy at the same time, he couldn't really imagine Max doing anything bad, but he knew Max also wanted Luc to pay all the things he had done to them. That was what he was afraid of, he was afraid that Max would do something illegal for revenge...

"Really, I didn't do anything ... he ... um let's just say he slipped and fell in the parking lot trying to get into his car ... ", Max explained without giving much importance to the topic.

"Maxi... that..."

"What?, it was just a little fall, he's not going to die from that. It's nothing like what he did to you that time you were attacked ... Don't worry, I won't do anything illegal ..." said Max.

Tul just nodded slightly and looked into the man's eyes. The hatred he had in his eyes while talking about his manager was visible in his blank eyes at that moment that it brought cold sweat to Tul's forehead. He just swallowed and decided to leave the topic aside. Because Max had already promised him that he wouldn't do anything illegal to him.

"Oh yeah, babe ... mea Nui wants me to take you to the agency anniversary party...." Max asked, his eyes still engrossed in the movie;

"Eerr I don't know about that Maxi ... I mean ... you know ... maybe ... we shouldn't ..." Tul broke off his sentence when he felt Max's gaze on him. He looked at his frowning face and slowly agreed with Max "Okay, I'll go with you... maybe it's a good way to find out more about Phi Luc" Max just nodded and looked at his movie again.

The atmosphere was a little off since Max question, Tul just sighed a little before sitting even more beside Max. 

"Babyboy I'm sorry... It seems that I can't relax about us getting open about our relationship..." He took place in Max's arms getting comfortable in his embrace 

"don't get me wrong, it's just that I don't want to lose you again. The more the people would know the more reasons they will have to separate us like phi Luc is trying to do for example... but I'll work on my fear and be bolder okay? don't be angry please..." Tul pleaded with his beautiful eyes and Max couldn't help but to smile at that before saying .

"if you could be as bold as when we make love it will be great !" Tul only chuckled before saying "you are sure you want me to be that bold in public? ", Max only shrugged "in public or not, you are only that bold with me anyway..."

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