22- Communication is the key

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As soon as Tul entered his house, he sat down on his couch and looked with his head at the ceiling. He was lost in deep thought, pondering the situation he had just created.

Tul POV:

I know it is a little unreasonable at a certain point. We're both adults and have the right to date whoever we want. But there's no denying that the fact that Max is a celebrity complicates things. Plus, I've already been through one major scandal and remembering all the bad comments I got back then, people cursing me out, sending me death threats and all that, I'm even more scared because I don't want Max to have to deal with things like that.

I can be sure I'm overthinking things, maybe things won't be the same, maybe nothing will happen, maybe his fans will be happy for him, maybe our love will be blessed. But all of that is uncertain, so I'd rather play it safe before talking openly about our relationship.

The last time we went out with each other, there was already a picture of us trending on Twitter and Instagram tagged "the return of our BL King MaxTul." The picture had already attracted a lot of attention, even though the commentary isn't bad, I don't want it to get Max in trouble as he starts promoting his new movie.

I know I'm putting Max in a weird situation. My boy is a simple guy who expresses his love without much thought, whenever he wants, wherever he is. He can grab my butt as soon as he feels like it without worrying about where we might be. So telling him to be secretive is like me telling him to hide a part of his being, and I'm really sorry about that. But I'm doing it for us because, besides all of that, there's a bigger threat, the real threat that has made me and Max sad and hurt for three years.


After some time, Tul decided to call his sister. She had always given him good advice and she knew best about his situation.

"Hello phi...." Tul started to call his sister quietly with a voice full of worry.

"Hello little brother, what's wrong with you, are you sick?" Tul's sister answered, obviously sensing that something was wrong with his little brother.

"No; I'm fine ... I mean, I'm not sick."

"Oh... that's good... so I guess you're so down because of Max... what's wrong? you told me that you had cleared up all your misunderstandings. I thought you guys were having fun in your bedroom every day by now," May joked to lighten the mood.

"Phi! ... Aren't you shy to talk about such things?" Tul felt a little better now.

"Why would I be shy for something that's so natural and good? Besides, I know you enjoy it!!! maybe even more than I do!!! Joking aside, what's wrong? it seems to really bother you" May went back to the main topic, she could sense Tul's mood even if they were just on the phone.

"I just don't know how to deal with it"

"Deal with what?"

"With our relationship, Max can't keep it a secret and he's kind of mad at me."

"Tullie, Max has every right to be mad, he's been waiting for you for three years, maybe longer... Like I told you before, I think he had loved you for years. You are both grown and responsible men, why would he want to live his life like he did something wrong? " May didn't understand his brother, he didn't act like himself.

"I know it's not the best idea I've ever had, but do I have a choice? He's a celebrity, you know how the entertainment industry works, just one little mistake can make you lose everything," argues Tul

"I know, but this is his decision, or should I say you should talk about it together, you can't decide for both of you just because you think it's the best way. He also has his own way of thinking and doing things. You are a couple now, not a brother taking care of his little brother like you did before. Your lives are connected now, so you should decide together. Maybe Max has already thought about all the things you are saying now. He's the actor, not you. And he is not the young Max, things have changed. I know you want to protect him, but acting like that will only be effective" May knew why his brother acted the way he did, being the cause of the downfall of someone you love can be very difficult. But now she thought he was being oversensitive. Why was he making love so difficult?

"Yea ... maybe I am being oversensitive..."

"Tell me the truth, I know you're acting like this because you've already sensed a threat right?"

"I received another letter, it's been three years since I received the last one..." Tul said dejectedly.

"What? that psycho is still bothering you? Tul, I think Max needs to know about this! I don't think he'll like it if he finds out you're going through all this because of him without him knowing about it! It's been so long. You should have gone to the police by now. Listen, this guy is sick and I don't want you to be in danger! Talk to your husband about it and find a solution! You're usually so smart, why are you so stupid when it comes to him? Be the strong and smart guy that my little brother is, don't hide behind all kinds of ridiculous reasons to avoid your problems okay?... If you don't confront this psycho, I will!" May was furious, his little brother was being threatened by that piece of shit who sent him bloody letters, dead animals... the fucker even made him lose his job... Her brother had lived a pitiful life for three years because of him! She couldn't let him go!

"Phi... I... I'm afraid he'll do something to Max... But I get your point, I'll talk to him and make a decision together! Thank you, sis... I love you!" Tul was relieved after talking to his sister, he had understood that he was weak in front of the enemy, and that wasn't like him at all!

"Tul, you know how much communication is important in a relationship! Talk to him, this time you won't lose him don't worry too much before head! I love you" May concluded.

Since they couldn't keep their appointment, Tul prepared a picnic lunch for them. Max has a beautiful garden that he hasn't had a chance to explore yet. It's a nice green place with flowers, a small lake and lots of trees. It was a refreshing place that reminded him of a place he always said he wanted at his home. A place where he could feel at peace free from the pollution of the world. He sat down on a nice spot in the grass and texted Max hoping he wasn't too mad at him and joined him. He was under a tree and waited patiently for him. Ten minutes later, Max joined him and sat in front of him. 

"Are you ready to talk to me now?" Max asked confidently as if he could read his counterpart's mind.

"Yes ... I think I'm ready ... I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable today." Tul smiled sweetly at the fact that Max had already forgiven him and was back to being as affectionate as ever, making himself comfortable by sitting on Tul's lap as he asked, "So what's bothering you, babe... something tells me it's pretty serious, you were just so stressed... And I bet I'm the main one of your worries, right?"

Tul laughs, "You're so confident and you think you're the only one who can make me worry."

"Not the only one, but I'm at the top of the list," Max replies cheerfully.

Tul gave him a light kiss before handing him an envelope, "Here, take a look at this."

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