2- Max

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Tul POV:

The night is more interesting than I thought, and my friend's company is always the best. I'm sorry I have to lie to Great and Foei, but I have to take care of something before I tell them what's going on. To tell the truth, I didn't even tell Tay about it. He figured it out on his own since he knows me best, I guess it was easy for him to see the change in me.


At some point, everyone drank merrily. Foei, who always had a girl for the night, flirted diligently, while Great and Tul did their best to push back any girls who flirted openly with them.

Actually, Great was always curious about Tul's love life. It's been a really long time since he saw him with a lover, but he never asked him about it because Tul was a pretty open person who always made a decision after weighing the pros and cons, and when he made a decision, he wasn't ashamed of it even if it was stupid. So if he had someone in his life, he wouldn't hide and be open about it.

Thinking about it, Great remembered someone always hanging out with them: Max. He was Tul's co-star until three years ago. Back then, Max was always with Tul, they were so close that Great even doubted their relationship at one point.

Great: Hum... Tul, why isn't Max here? Didn't you call him?

Tul: Uh... yeah, I didn't call him, I'll catch up with him later, I didn't want to bother him...

Great was kind of surprised to hear that and was like, "Since when do they not want to bother each other? Did something happen?..." he looked at Tay while he was thinking and saw him telling him with his head, 'Don't ask any further'.

Great was a smart guy and a psychologist to boot, he knew how to read people's state of mind, so even without Tay's sign, he already knew not to ask further.

"Guys, I'm not feeling well!" Tull informed his friend with a worried look.

"Gosh, Tay What did you give him? I'm not babysitting today! He's hard to handle when he's drunk!" Great asked, a little annoyed.

Tay: eh don't worry, you don't have to ...

Tay favourite game was to get his friends drunk when they were out. And today the target was poor Tul, who wasn't actually a heavy drinker. In the past, there was always someone to help him block all the alcohol Tay gave him. Unfortunately, he wasn't there today. Thinking about it, Tul couldn't help but think of Max as he slowly lost consciousness.

After a long night like this, they were all tired. Well, four of them were tired because Foei was nowhere to be seen, he was probably somewhere banging a girl.

New: Tay, I'm tired, can we go now? Look at Tul, he's totally out of it...

Tay looked at his boyfriend who is leaning against him exhausted, "Let's wait a little longer please, it won't take long..."

New was too tired to even try to understand or to ask what they were waiting for. He simply adjusts the position of his head on Tay's shoulder while Tay was busy on his phone writing something.

Then two seconds later New gave him a little tap: "if it's Max you're waiting, he is at the door!". After saying that Great who was just in front of New turned his head to look at the door and then look at the couple in front of him "what is he doing here? Tay don't tell me you want...?"


I was just about to reach my house when Tay called me. Frankly, I didn't want to join him! I was tired, had just finished a photoshoot, and the last thing I wanted to do was hang out at a bar. But he told me he had a surprise for me, so I decided to come along after all.

When I arrived, I saw them at a table with a bunch of girls trying to get their attention! Afterwards, I laughed in my mind because I knew the poor girls were trying for nothing, they were a gay couple and a perpetual single man! These girls didn't stand a chance.

But then I realize that these girls also had their attention on someone else, I couldn't really see his face from where I was standing, but when I just saw his back, my heart started beating as hard as it could! It had been a long time since I had felt anything like that! And the only person who was able to make my heart beat like that was him. I couldn't forget that, because it was one of my favourite parts about him...! When I saw him, I couldn't react at first, it was like my feet were stuck in the ground, I tried to move but I couldn't...


Max's first reaction was to turn around and get out of there, he really didn't want to see Tul. He tried to run back as fast as he could, but unfortunately for him, Tay and New had already seen him.

Looking at Max who was standing there and not coming towards them, Tay picked up his phone and called him.

"Max, what are you doing? Come here, hurry up, I've been waiting for you!"

"I'm going back."

"Why? You just got here."

"You know why... What a shitty plan you're pulling this time? "

"I know you want to see him..."

"No... besides, if he wants to see me, he'll contact me himself"

"Okay...you don't have a choice anyway! ...He drank the strongest alcohol there is. You dare to leave him alone?!"

Max frowned, he knew that Tul couldn't handle strong alcohol "He's with you... Why should I be the one to look after him?"

Hearing that, Tay scoffed and looked at Max with a smirk, "I already have someone to look after, and Great doesn't want to do it! Besides, it's always been your job, hasn't it...? so get your ass over here and bring it back!". after saying that, he stood up with New and signalled Great to leave.

In the time it took Max to react, they had already left the table! Max was stunned, he looked after them in horror and knew he had just fallen for Tay little trick!

"Tay, aren't you scared? If I decide to let your friend here, what are you going to do?" Max asked

"haha... Like you have the balls to do that... Actually, I'm giving you the chance to finally have what you always wanted! You can make it yours now"

"What the..." Bip bip bip, "Bastard! " Max sighed, "what's the point of lying to myself, I think everyone around us knows that there's no way I would let him go there".

Having no other choice, Max brought Tul back to his house.

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