31- crazy people part 1

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Max and Tul spent their weekend glued to each other, exploring every part of Tul's house and pointlessly f****ing each other, taking a break only to eat and drink to gather more energy for the next rounds.

The week after, Tul was just as busy as before, but somehow he felt refreshed and started the week with a light head and heart. The scandal surrounding Max was still going on, people calling him here and there to ask what was up with Max. He didn't feel the need to answer, just to feed people's curiosity. 

And he was also getting hate on social media. The situation reminded him of the one three years ago. He just scoffed and thought that sometimes people were really weird? Was it so important for them to know what his relationship with Max was?

Tul decided to just brush it off and let the scandal slowly die. But an account put his name lightly every day on purpose. and that situation was starting to get on his nerve. The overall subject of that account was that he was getting in the way of Max and Mook relationship.

Friday night, before he goes home, he receives a text from Mook. At first, he was surprised. Sure he knew her, she was the sister of one of his friends. But he hadn't had much to do with her since he got back. He couldn't think of a reason for her to text unless it was to talk about what was going on with Max. But why was she texting him and not Max? he thought.

Arriving home, he found his big baby in the kitchen trying to cook for him. He just laughed at the scene as it was a total mess. He hugged his back and gave him a sweet kiss on his ear.

"What are you trying to do?" Tul chuckled as Max stared sulkily at the chicken he had been trying to cook for hours.

"I was going to give you a little surprise, but I guess we'll just order something," Max sighed heavily at his failure.

Tul just chuckled and went to change and get more comfortable. He then joined Max in the living room and sat down next to him to wait for their order.

"By the way, Mook asked me to meet her tomorrow. Do you happen to know why?"

"Errrh don't know ... But it's weird, and she's been acting weird the last weeks too. I've been seeing her more than I used to because we have all these endorsements together, so I've been taking her out for dinner or drinks sometime after work..." Max explained carefully, afraid of upsetting Tul for not telling him... But Tul never asked him what he was doing after work, so ...

"Oh ... And then?" Tul just replied, not really bothered looking at the TV.

"... And she's been sending me all kinds of text messages these days, talking about a date and stuff, even calling me late at night and stuff... I'm starting to think she had the wrong idea when I asked her out..." Max muttered, looking at Tul's expression, which was blackening with every word he said.

"Why would she? Did you do something to make her think there was more?" Tul asked, looking at Max with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't!.. I really didn't... When she started questioning me, I tried to remember all the things I said and did to her when I was with her, and I'm one hundred per cent sure I didn't do anything!" Max replied firmly.

"But what are these pictures that this account is posting? It looked like you guys were very close," Tul slowly started eating his delivery meal.

"That, I don't know how those pictures looked like that! Every one of those pictures was taken when we were with everyone. I can only remember two times when I was alone with her ... this is all suspicious and it seems like this report is just to add fuel to the fire to make this bullshit that I was possible with her believable ..." Max scoffed

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