35- Tul VS luc

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Tul choked on his drink when he heard Luc, but no sooner had Luc finished his confession than he said, "Phi, don't tell me that scandal back then was you're doing too?"

Luc looked at him with an evil smile, "That stupid girl was so easy to manipulate! I told her that it would help her to get you and she didn't even care about what could happen to you!!!"

"Why are you doing this to me, Phi?" asked Tul slowly before making the saddest face he could, "you can even go so far to the point to harm me just for being with Max... what's so wrong with Max loving me, or should I say us loving each other?"

Seeing the sneer on Tul's face as he asked the last question, Luc exploded and tightened his grip on Tul's arm even more, grudgingly saying to suppress his anger, "He's mine! the person he should love is me and only me! you understand!!! only my love can make him happy!!!"

"Well, Phi, too bad, I have been away for three years and Max has not even given you a glance! If you are so confident, why don't you confess to him and see how he reacts instead of coming at me!!!" Tul replied with a bright smile and looked Luc straight in the eyes.

Luc gulped and looked at Tul angrily, he just wanted the smile on his face to disappear! And Tul had touched his soft spot with that question! He knew how indifferent Max was towards him, despite all the things he had done for him. Ever since he had known him, Max had only had Tul in mind, and that was why he had done everything he could to make him disappear from Max's life!

"I have loved him since the first day I saw him! I did everything I could to be a part of his life and I accomplished that by becoming his manager! I could have had him! I gave him so much but his eyes were always on you! I should have been the one by his side, not you! What could you possibly do for him! I worked hard for him to become a star! What about you? you...." Luc was getting angrier and angrier as he spoke to Tul, gradually raising his voice. He lashed out at Tul before he was interrupted...

"He already makes me happy just by standing by my side! He does not need to do anything! Just with his smile, I am satisfied and happy. In case you still don't know, I am the one who's head over heels for him! I am the one begging him to be with me! I am the one who can't live without him!" Max was about to return to his seat when he heard Luc talking. He could not help but talk him out of the nonsense and make him realize that his so-called love was a delusion.

Luc could not look Max in the eye after hearing what Max had just said! He looked at Tul, who still had that annoying smile on his face, and it made him rage! he could not take it anymore! All the anger and jealousy he had been suppressing burst out of him. At that moment, his mind was only filled with the thought of hurting Tul! He wanted him to disappear! He lunged at Tul and punched him in the face!

Max was fast enough to discreetly grab Luc's arm and inflict a sharp pain on him, almost breaking him.

"Phi, what do you think you are doing?" asked Max in a cold voice, you could tell immediately that he was very angry. "Do not touch my man with your filthy hands, Phi," Max added with ice-cold eyes.

"Your man? Fuck that Max, I have done everything for you! Why can't you even give me a look! and that bastard got all your attention? Why? He doesn't love you as I do! He does not deserve you at all! You should be mine!!!" Luc yelled, causing everyone to startle.

Nui, who had not been paying much attention to what was happening, was startled and ran to them. She first looks at Tul who was sitting peacefully on his chair. She breathed a sigh of relief before angrily turning to Luc.

"What do you think you are doing here? Are you out of your mind?" she asked, visibly annoyed.

Everyone at the party started talking and looked at Luc strangely, some had been following the discussion from the beginning, others were confused, but the conversation started to spread and soon everyone knew roughly what had happened.

After Nui scolded Luc, Tul stood up and looked at the crazy man in front of him, "Actually Phi, I can give him anything he wants! I have money, connections, and a name! But that's one thing that anyone with a little money could give him! And I have no intention of buying his love as you wanted to! Our love is simple, we just want each other's warmth in our lives, our happiness depends on each other's smiles, and our lives depend on each other's lives! Do you still think the so-called things you have done for him can surpass what I can give him? Phi I can give him so much you can't even imagine! I'll ask you only this one please stay out of our life... I think you had disturbed us enough now!! " He finished his sentence before smiling at Nui and taking Max's hand to say goodbye to her before leaving the party.

Once in the hotel lobby, Max looked at Tul's wrist and frowned, there was a small bruise Luc had left on his wrist. Tul looked at him gently and gave him a beautiful smile, "I bet his arm is hurt more than this!" said Tul, and Max's face relaxed with a little smile.

"Babe how about we taste their nuptial suite here?" Max asked with a seductive smile!

"A nuptial suite? Maxi, is it your way to ask me to marry you?" Tul teased him back as they head to the counter to book a room!


If you have time and like my writing, please read this second BL of mine! You won't regret it. The character was inspired by Max and Tul too!!

On Goodnovel: My Healing Love (Omegaverse)


or on Webnovel: My Healing Love (Omegaverse)

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