36- Luc is fired

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Everyone was shocked at Luc's behaviour at the party. The other actors from the agency were jealous of Max because Luc was so caring and present as a manager, always getting Max the best contracts and opportunities. No one had ever once thought that he actually did that because he had any unspoken feelings for Max, and no one could have imagined that he would go so far as to get Tul in trouble just to get him to leave Max.

Nui could not take what had happened anymore. She was sorry that she had not noticed this harassment sooner. She felt very sorry for both Tul and Max. Needless to say, the party ended there abruptly. 

Nui took Luc aside, it was time for her to speak to him. "What did you want to achieve with this action? I am telling you now that you have no business in this company anymore! And I do not want to see your face around Max and Tul anymore!" Nui told him quietly, she did not want to make a big fuss as there were even investors at the party.

"You think I care about that? Go ahead and do whatever you want! I'll see how you are going to bring such lucrative contracts to the agency without me!" Luc scoffed as if what Nui had said was a joke. He was still acting haughty even if everyone at the party judged his dirty thoughts and creepy behaviour.

"Do you think I don't know how you got those contracts? Even if it was not today, I would have fired you! I did not know you were such a cheat and a bad guy, Luc! You bribed people to get those contracts, and even sold Max a little! You made Max do things that were not even in the contracts without him knowing to gain favour from those companies, and you even sold his pictures and personal things to people! Be glad I am only firing you and not taking you to court! But I swear to you, if you bother those two again, you'll regret being born in the first place!" Nui lunged at Luc, her face as red as a volcano about to erupt. She was so angry that she could not hold back and exploded, leaving everyone stunned.

When all eyes were on Luc, he only scoffed and stormed out of the party, his hand in his fist, "You'll all regret this! I'll make sure of that! ' he shouted inwardly as he left the hotel.

They all came home pretty shocked, too much had happened at that party, firstly, even though the majority of them had already guessed that MaxTul was now a real couple, they were still too shocked to hear from their mouths how much they loved each other, they had not thought that they would experience that one day. The other shocking thing was Luc. People were really speechless, if they had not seen the scene with their own eyes, they would not have been able to believe that Luc could be so evil. Good thing it was a private party, so nothing was allowed to be spread on the internet because that would have been a big and shocking scandal.

Max and Tul, for their part, were already at the honeymoon suite that Max had actually booked for them. When they entered the room, they were stunned at how beautiful it was. There were rose petals on the floor leading to the bed, the lights were dim, and there was a sensual scent in the room that made the whole atmosphere extremely romantic.

Max took Tul by the hand and slowly led him to the bed where he slowly laid him down before laying right next to him. They lay there looking at each other.

"You know Phi, I think I have loved you since the first day I saw you".

Tul was shocked, he looked at Max with wide eyes, he had not seen this confession coming and could not believe what he had heard.

"I know it's hard to believe since I did not realise it myself until recently, but I truly believe that I fell in love with you when our eyes first met that day," Max smiled and took Tul's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"Before I met you, I was not a player, but I always had a girlfriend because I didn't like being alone, but after I met you, I barely had a decent relationship and started playing more with girls. When you were gone, I took some time to think about how I lived my life and I realised that since I met you, I have not been able to have a serious relationship. I always had reasons for ending relationships or not putting my heart into them, and those reasons were all because of you. I had always put you first, even subconsciously, because you were always my priority. To put it simply, I realised that I was always in two relationships: my heart was in your hands while my body was with them." Max looked lovingly at Tul and smiled into his surprised face.

"Maxii... that's... I have no idea," Tul smiled. "To tell you the truth, I felt the same way, but it did not take me long to realise my feelings... Back then, I thought you couldn't be attracted to men since you always had a girl by your side. So I ignored my feelings until you asked me that question that day. I do not know why, but I didn't want to lie to you that day, but I also couldn't bring myself to tell you in words how I felt, so I gave you that fateful kiss" Tul had little tears in his eyes by now. He could not believe they had lost so much time when they could have been happier so long ago.

"It's funny that you thought I couldn't be interested in men, Phi, when you were the one who always made fun of me for having a boner whenever I had love scenes with you, especially during the workshop...." Max chuckled

"Well, I didn't think much about it, I thought it was a natural reaction of the body. But you are right, I should have thought about it more because my body always reacted the same way to yours!" Tul chuckled, thinking of how he always prepared himself mentally as best he could before shooting a love scene with Max. It was a pain to restrain his desire while Max was kissing him so intensely.

"I guess we were still young, Phi!" Max laughed, "Which love scene was the hardest for you to film? "

"Hmm, I'd say the Manner of death one, hell, I was so engrossed in the moment I almost shot the director when he said cut! Maybe because I couldn't suppress my feelings for you anymore, but that scene was really the hardest, it was like playing two scenes at once, doing my best to be sexy and lusty like Bunn should be, and doing my best not to show how Tul Pakorn thoughts were all over the place, doing my best not to show it on my face! Man, that was one of the hardest things I have ever done," Tul laughed as he thought of how he had suffered during that scene.

"I knew something was wrong! You looked so lost after that scene, and I saw your dick down there begging to be released! But I could not bring myself to think that it might be because you were attracted to me. I just brushed it off.

"And what was the most difficult one for you?"

"I'd say the last love scene of Together with me the next chapter, or maybe the first of Together with me! I'll go for the first of together with me, all I wanted that day was to strip you naked and have you in front of everyone! It was so hard for me to control myself because that was the first time I felt such an urge to have someone like that! To tell you the truth, I spent most of that night in the bathroom touching myself." Max shook his head as he thought about how he should have realised he was attracted to Tul that day.

Tul smiled as he thought back to that day. People do not know, but that scene was so much more intense than what was shown on TV because it was edited out because it was too much to show on TV. He had also had a hard time dealing with that scene, but he had prepared for it and it had helped him a lot.

"But Maxii, why are you calling me Phi? I am not used to it anymore...!" asked Tul, looking deep into Max's eyes.

"Well, sometimes I miss calling you that," Max grinned, looking into Tul's brown eyes.

"So does Nong Max just bring me here to talk about the past with his favourite Phi?"

"No Phi..., this Nong brought you here because he wanted to worship you tonight!"

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