13-let's go for a drink

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Things slowly went back to the way they were between Max and Tul. They began to act like they used to without any effort after solving their problems. Of course, since they were no longer working together, the time they spent together wasn't as much as it used to be, but every time they were able to spend a little time together, they tried to enjoy the moment as much as they could.

Honestly, they didn't do anything special... Most of their time will be spent at Tul's house. Why? Because Tul was a good cook and always welcomed Max with a good meal. Besides eating, they spent some time watching TV or discussing the things that were happening in their lives etc... But something was somehow different between them: there were no cuddles, no kisses or other affection signs... Every time since that day, Max never stay over either.

Besides, Tul had noticed that Max avoided any kind of touch from him, and this situation was starting to get on his nerves. He had tried, but every time Max will find a way to distance himself, or if he couldn't find a way, Tul could feel how uncomfortable he was. the situation was hard for him to deal with! he was extremely attracted to Max and when you add the three years of frustration, not being able to feel or touch him was like a punishment for him.

They had already confessed their love for each other, but nothing had really changed between them other than being able to talk to each other. For Tul, it was even worse than before because at least he could touch him how he wanted. He really didn't know how to handle the situation, things were starting to get awkward between them. He wanted to talk to Max about it but was afraid to look like he was badgering him because he could sense that the reason for all of this was because Max still felt guilty about how he had treated him that day... As he thought about it, he realized that he hadn't touched him after their kiss that day.

"It had been three weeks," he thought as he lay sulking in his bed thinking about it. He grabbed his phone and called his friend.

"Hey Tay, let's go for a drink tomorrow, I have some free time these days..."

"First of all, you don't call anyone with a wife at an hour like this, and secondly, you could have interrupted me having my sexy time!" Tay replies in a visibly irritated voice

"ohohoÏ sorry man, I didn't mean to disturb you! but you know you'll just have to ignore the call if I did disturb you! I'm sure you've been kicked out of your room, don't take your frustration out on me... hahaha!"

"um um... I wasn't, how can I get kicked out of my own..." before Tay could finish his sentence a voice was heard, it was New calling Tay "since I'm a good person I'll let you sleep on the bed! but touch me again and you'll sleep outside tonight! I told you I was tired!"

"Ahahah, I'm sorry for you my friend... so I'll let you sleep on, remember to behave ahaha..." Tul was always amused by the TayNew couple's dynamic... They were always surprising and entertaining to be with; they had an original way of showing their love.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow, I have someone to cuddle with tonight..." Tay ended the call, leaving Tul to think about how much he wanted to cuddle too.

The next day the six guys met up at an exclusive little bar, since Max was there too, they didn't want to be bothered by Max's fans.

"Wow, look who's here... Isn't it Mr Max who's always unavailable? oooh, I see... Now that Tul is back, you have time to spend with us!" Foei scoffed when he saw Max coming with Tul.

"Not my fault if the moment I join you guys, you're already screwing somewhere in the bar! Don't blame me if you don't see me, blame yourselves," Max replied with a grin as he sat down next to Foei...

"Ah ah ah Foei... look at you, putting sex in front of your friend, how can you blame someone so openly when you're the one who left us every time..." replied Tay as he taunts his friend!

Tul sat down next to Great. When Foei wanted to switch places with him, he told him that it wasn't necessary. Great thought it was so funny because they always sat together before, especially in bars, because Max didn't like people flirting with Tul, and because that way he could prevent Tay from getting Tul drunk! Well, he observed that before. Every time they don't sit together, it's because they had a disagreement.

"Did you guys have a fight?" Great asked, looking first at Tul, then at Max...

"No, why would you think that?" Tul asked Great with a genuinely curious look.

"Oh, actually there's nothing special, just that you guys always sat together before," Great replied matter-of-factly.

Max and Tul looked at each other before smiling.

"Yeah, that's right... Foei, go sit there," Max said jokingly before adding, "Don't think too much Great, I'm just letting you have more fun with him! I got him for myself at home ahah"

Tay could sense that there was something wrong with Tul, because of the way he had asked Great not to change seats, he sounded a little off.

The night got busy for the gang, they drank, talked, joked and just relaxed. It was good to spend time together like this after the stress of work they had all week.

At some point in the night, Tay asked Tul to go outside with him to get some fresh air... the two people left the bar. Max just watched Tul walk out and sighed. New didn't miss that and looked at Max... He was sitting in front of him, Foei was long gone doing what he does the best, and Great was already dozing off.

"What's your problem with him? I thought you had your issues worked out?" Max was a little surprised by New's question, as he was deep in thought.

"Oh my... You guys really talk about everything, don't you?" Max replied to New with a smile.

"Don't change the subject, besides we were all stressed about your situation! so don't blame us for being  noisy" New smiled "so what's the problem now?"

Max chortled "yeah sorry for stressing you out!!! but if you're not stressing for me you're not really a friend! to feed your gossip there's not really a problem, we're fine... I just made a mistake and I'm working on it, that's all"

New understood that Max didn't want to talk about what he had actually done, so he just left him alone... Before dropping it he said, "If it really bothers you, maybe you should talk to Great about it, maybe he would help you."

Max wanted to talk to Great about it anyway, he was already his psychologist, but since the problem affected Tul too, he didn't know if he should talk to him about it or go to someone else.

Outside, Tul and Tay were sitting on a bench in front of the bar. Tul relaxed his leg and looked at the moon while Tay watched his friend...

"Okay, spit the bean, what's the problem now?" asked Tay impatiently.

"Oyi, can't you see I'm enjoying the moon?"

"Cut the crap. I'm not buying it... Besides, I can see behind your smile that something is bothering you! I thought everything would be alright now... No? What kind of problem do you have now?"

Tu chuckled a little, "why do you think it has something to do with Max?"

Tay smiled at his friend "Because he's the only reason you're taking the initiative to ask me out for drinks at a bar!"

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