19-Max's manager

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After that, Tul got ready and headed straight to his workplace, while Max was already in one of his agency's office waiting for his manager, who had asked him to come so early in the morning! he was furious and thought his manager had better have a good reason for interrupting his quality time with his babe. Not long after, his manager entered the room and sat down in front of him, looking a little disheartened.

Max looked at him and asked, not really concerned, "What's wrong with your face? What's the matter? From what I remember, I'm a good kid these days, so there shouldn't be any bad news about me..."

"I heard that Tul is back?" Luc, the manager, asked Max somewhat absent-mindedly...

"Yeah, so?..." Max didn't like the tone in which his manager asked this question, besides he didn't see why they should talk about Tul...

"Oh ... um ... nothing, nothing ... You just shouldn't get too close to him ..." He said matter-of-factly and gave Max a big smile...

Max then grinned and looked really annoyed "Phi, on what basis do you think you can tell me who I can be close to?... I can be with anyone I want! Did you ask me here for this nonsense so early in the morning?" Max grew even angrier as he thought about this manager having the balls to invade his private life..."

Luc saw Max's attitude grow cold and couldn't help but frown, thinking, "So I don't have the right to invade your private life?"

After a while, Luc chuckled and with a smile, he looked at Max and said, "Ok, ok, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I know Tul is your best friend but I'm just worried after he left you earlier and we all know how much you were hurt..."

"You don't have to worry anyway, the way I choose to be with him is my own concern..." Max interrupted him. "Then why did you call me here so early in the morning? I thought I'd have a few days to rest before filming the new drama," Max added, a little annoyed.

"Yeah, sorry about that... But it's also about the new upcoming drama you're going to be in..." said Luc, giving Max something to read. It was a request apparently from the lead actress' agency.

"You want me to go out with her? Is this a new joke?" Max asked, astonished. "The entertainment industry gets more and more ridiculous every year," he thought...

"It'll just be a fake ... Just to make some publicity for your future drama ... I thought it would be a good idea, besides you're single now, to be exact it had been 3 years since your single so it won't hurt your reputation... On the contrary, I think your fans will like it... many of them love to see you with the female lead you played with before... So, when Mint's manager calls me to talk about it, I agree," Luc answers quite briskly.

"You agree to do it?.." Max grinned "Ok since you agree, you can do it yourself"

"Max...I'm not kidding, I already said you would do it".

"Since when do you make decisions for me without asking me first? Oh, I remember you doing that before! When you told Tul to leave 3 years ago, remember? Look, I'm grateful to you because I know you work hard for me, but I'm not little Max anymore... You should have discussed this with me first!!! because I'm not doing this... ", Max replied matter-of-factly, losing interest in the discussion.

"First of all, for Tul... I did it for you then... It was the best way for you." He looked at Max, assessing his expression, and continued, "Also, why are you so against being ship with Mint? It's only for a month or so and she is such a beauty..."

Max had never liked being associate with anyone after MaxTul ended. He'd made it clear to the agency's management in the new contract he'd signed with them. There were two conditions he had added: the first was, no more Bl and the second was that PR should not use a fake relationship or anything like that. These two conditions were only discussed with Max and the director of the agency, so his manager knew nothing about them. To tell the truth, Max started to not trust his manager completely when he found out that he was the one who stabbed Tul in the back.

"So you did it for me?" Max laughed, "Ok since we're talking about it, there are things I want to know... Phi, Tul and I were in your care, you were our manager at the time, so on what basis did you decide to do the best for me as you said and sacrifice him... you were supposed to find the best way to help both of us. So why did you make him leave? At the time I was the one who was the naughtiest, Tul had never had a scandal or anything ... why did you do everything you could to get the agency to fire him?" Max had always wanted to know why their manager had acted the way he had back then... All these years he hadn't asked because he didn't think it mattered anymore. But now he sensed that there was something off about the way Luc had asked him not to contact Tul... Max was now genuinely curious about his manager's reasons.

"Acting wasn't in his future anyway, so what was the point of continuing? ..." Said Luc simply with a comical tone that Max didn't like at all.

"Yeah, but it wasn't up to you to decide when his career should end!" Max's eyes were cold now and you could feel his anger. He didn't want to continue this discussion with him, so he stood up and walked towards the door while calmly saying, "Your fake couple thing, I don't do that... I don't see the need to waste my time with these boring things"

But before he could leave, he heard his manager say, "You don't have a choice anyway, Phi Sing already approved it and asked me to tell you to get ready for it!"

Max looked at Luc at that moment and felt that there was something wrong with the way his manager was looking at him, and he felt the urge to protect himself and Tul. 

He clenched his hands and, without saying a word, left the room. Either way, he knew Phi Sing couldn't have approved this without consulting him. He knew how Max felt about this kind of thing, after the rumour of him dating someone came up the last time, he really wasn't happy and had asked him to make sure something like this didn't happen again since it wasn't in his plan to date or be close to an actress or anyone else. 

In this situation, he felt really uncomfortable knowing that his manager was lying to him like this to force him to start a relationship rumour. what on earth was going on, he thought.

Left in the room, Luc looked back at Max with a mysterious and somehow perverse smile.

Max didn't take his personal car to get to the agency in the morning, it was his work car and his assistant who picked him up. So when he left the agency, the car was already waiting for him in the parking lot. He stopped in front of it for a moment before changing his mind.

"I'll take a cab, you don't need to drive me home," Max said to his assistant before walking out and taking a cab towards the Tul workplace.

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