32-crazy people part 2

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"I like Max," she said proudly and with much enthusiasm, only to meet a Tul looking at her with bored eyes.

"So what? A lot of people like or love Max ... I don't understand what you're getting at" Tul thought he was really good at playing dumb here.

She looked at Tul and thought, 'Is he really that stupid? "Well, I want him... I want to make him mine" she explained.

"First of all, why are you coming to me and not to Max? And second, I'm sorry, but you can't have Maxii" Tul was a bit pissed to hear someone say they wanted Max. 'Who gave her the nerve' he scoffed inwardly.

Mook was a little taken aback by Tul's cold answer, but she was indeed wrong because she knew Tul was friend with Max and she should give in to him even if for her Max was something she should get. "I'm sorry Phi Tul, I was just too excited... I came to you because Max didn't even write me back or answer my call the days..."

"So what do you want me to do?" Tul asked, crossing his arms and leaning back a little.

"Can you just help me put in a good word for me with Max. I know he'll listen to you."

Tul just took a sip of his Americano, "I can't do that."

Mook was stunned by that answer, she hadn't imagined Tul would say no to her. "What?, why not Phi?" She asked, looking sad as if someone had just cursed her out.

"Look, I think you misunderstood my relationship with Max. I'm not there to tell him what to do with his life. I'm merely there to support his decision as best I can! We're not stepping on each other's toes," Tul said matter-of-factly.

"But you are the only one I can ask for help ..."

"I'm sorry, but I can't, if Maxii doesn't want to see you, then you should respect his decision."

"I can't do that! He's the only one I noticed after my last relationship. He's the only one famous enough and handsome enough to be with me"

"Famous? Handsome? Is it because you like Max?, or is it because of his fame and handsome face?"

Mook was annoyed by Tul's question "Who cares? All that matters is that I want to be with him!"

"Well, all that matters to me is that Max can be with someone who really loves him! You give me one more reason not to help you."

"Actually, you don't have a choice, Phi. You have to help me!"

"And why should I?"

"If you don't want your precious Nong to lose his career, you have to help me."

"Lose his career? As far as I know, Max's career is great now and this little scandal he's facing won't be enough to hurt his career," Tul said, pretending to be a little worried.

Mook got that worried look and decided to change their plans. If Tul didn't want to do it himself, she would just make him do it.

"Well, I didn't really want to talk about it, but Max and I had already gone all the way you know... The last time we worked, he came to my door and made me think we were together, but after he eat me up, he acts like nothing happened ..."

"Okay, first of all, you're lying, Maxi's not the type to run away from his responsibilities. He might be a little childish, but he's not a bad guy, and secondly, even if it were true, I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with this information?" Tul replied calmly, watching as Mook slowly lost her cool.

"I can destroy his career with this alone, I'm sure you can't bear to see your precious Maxi lose his life like this. If you don't believe me, I can prove it!" Mook groaned.

She was extremely angry now. Tul wasn't acting the way she wanted. He wasn't acting like the Tul from five years ago. Max's manager had told her that if she wanted Max, she should use Tul and make him believe that Max had slept with her, he had told her that Tul will blow out with just that little sentence, she didn't understand why the fact that Max slept with someone else was Tul's problem... then she brushed it aside, thinking it was because it would jeopardize Max's career. So she wanted him to get angry so she could upload it on social media to get even more attention. But to her horror, he wasn't even a little bothered by what she said.

If she couldn't have Max with her beauty and sweet talk, then she was going to get her fans to round her up. And if she had to use Tul Pakorn to do it, why not?

She wasn't the one who had started dragging Tul into this. She was just taking advantage of the opportunity given to her by fans who questioned their relationship and those who didn't like Tul.

She had no qualms about doing that. Anyway, she didn't like Tul being in Max's life. She had always planned to get rid of him once she finally got to be Max's girlfriend. She was deeply resentful of the fact that Max had always put him first.

"You think you can just destroy his career like that? You don't seem that naive ... But if you want to corner him, go ahead, it will only show Max your true colours." Tul spoke to her very calmly, as if the whole situation was too ridiculous for him to even give it a thought.

"I can prove my words!!!" Mook shouted

"Alright then, make me believe you," Tul said, shrugging his shoulders.

Mook glared at Trevor before pulling a phone out of his pocket! "I got the phone from Max, he had left it in my room!" She said proudly

At that moment Tul laughed, "Look Mook, I didn't know you were so desperate for a man! You even went as far as stealing his phone... what were you trying to accomplish... I'm really curious!" said Tul mockingly.

Mook was really pissed now! She yelled, forgetting where they were, "Who do you think I am? This phone was left in my room by Max!"

"If that was the case, why didn't you give it back? You had plenty of opportunities to do so, it's been almost a month since that business trip? I'm really suspicious of your intentions now" Tul became serious again.

The poor girl didn't know what to answer. Tul was right, she had asked her assistant to steal the phone, she wanted to see what was in it so she might have some leverage over Max, but she couldn't crack the damn thing. So she thought she could use it to get Tul to believe her story, but the damn man was just too smart and his trust in Max was just on another level.

Tul was bored and annoyed with the silly show he understood he should have been the lead in. He mostly had the big picture of a make-believe plot. Even if he wanted to play more, his time was precious and he didn't want to waste another minute he could spend with Max talking shit to the girl.

"Listen Mook, I understand you have some interest in Max, don't worry, I'll get the message  to him that he really should stay away from girls like you! If you thought you could use my relationship with Max to get what you want, you're knocking on the wrong door because that's never going to happen. I need to fill you in so you know how to act the next time: Maxi is mine. I'll be the only one he'll keep an eye on," Tul smirked, looking at Mook's face, which was getting uglier by the second.

"And another thing, anything you have film from today, if I see or hear just a little bit of it on social media, I will end your career for sure. Because you know you're not the only one who's cuning here,'' Tul said, showing his phone, which was in registration mode.

He got up, picked up Max's phone and left the restaurant without glancing at the girl who sat there completely confused and in daze, not knowing where her plan had gone wrong.


Just a reminder, the behaviour of the  characters in this fiction isn't related to the reality.

Hope you like the chapter.

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