9-It's not what you think

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When I came here, I just wanted to tease him and see how he would react. The Tul I know didn't like people flirting with him or touching him too much... he always put some distance between himself and the people who showed they liked him, just to prevent them from trying anything with him.

In a bar, for example, he would just smile with girls, but not allow any come-ons. He was obviously different with me. We used to flirt all the time back then! At first, his friends were surprised that he played along with my teasing... we flirted so much that it became a habit.

I was able to take certain liberties with him, like hugging him whenever I wanted, touching his butt in public... yeah, eventually I started liking it and couldn't stop, I could even kiss him here and there without him flinching and it was the same for him... I noticed he liked to hug me or use my hand as his pillow, it was always sweet when he fell asleep while locking his arm with mine and not letting go.

But he didn't allow me to cross a certain line in private. He would always stop me as soon as I went too far, like now. I'm sure he would have kicked me and scolded me if I went too far. And remind me that certain things could only be done with a partner in a relationship.

But now he was the one asking me to kiss him deeply, he was the one who didn't want me to stop. He wanted me and I could feel it.

As I was sensually received I deepened our kiss, I laid him comfortably in the bed and continued our tongue battle, I could feel our desire for each other burning! I wanted more and I knew he felt the same way. I left his mouth to attack his throat when his damn phone started ringing!!!! I groaned as he reminded me that he was supposed to take the call... I didn't want to stop, it had been years since I hadn't felt like this. The feeling of his sweet lips on mine, the warmth of his breath, his delicate skin... I was in heaven right now and he wanted me to stop? No way. I paid no attention to his whining and continued to kiss him as the phone began to ring a second time! I was deeply annoyed! I picked it up to see who was calling, and that's when I saw "James" written on the display! I automatically frowned...

I handed Tul his phone and after seeing who was calling, he looked at me worriedly, it was like he was waiting to see if he could answer or not in my presence! Now I was really curious to know who the caller was.

Then I see him trying to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?"

"Umh... Answer the phone, I'll be right back"

"Well, you don't have to go out to answer it... I mean, since when do we keep secrets from each other? Other than the reason you left me..."

"Max... I'm sorry... I"

"Just take your call!" I cut him.


Tul POV:

I could see Max's face darken as I wanted to go out to take the call. I thought it would feel weird if I don't take the call after whining and interrupting our make-out session, so I wanted to take the call out of the room because I really didn't want Max to misunderstand anything. But the way he scowled at me, the smile he had was nowhere to be seen! I decided then, even though it wasn't a good idea, to take the call next to him.

As I answer, he picks up the phone and puts it on speaker, I look at him in horror, knowing it would get complicated after that. It was a weird feeling since there was nothing between us... but I really felt like I was going to talk to some other guy in front of my boyfriend... I gulped

"Hello, James..."

"Hi Tul, what's taking you so long to reply? Have you already throw me away? It's only been a week since you left me."

I saw Max frown at that sentence and my heart began to beat faster...

"Don't say it like that, people might misunderstand that we were in a relationship..."

"People? who is with you at this hour? "

OMG, I could see Max face getting even darker! James was getting me in deep shit!

"Not your business James..."

"How can it not be my business? even if you said that we weren't in a relationship...to me it was a relationship of sorts, after all, we were having sex....."

Hearing his last sentence, I automatically interrupted the conversation, without me knowing, I was already facing Max, his face was calm, I couldn't read any emotion in it, which scared me even more!

"This isn't what you think..." I stuttered my words... I didn't even know why I was freaking out like this... it wasn't like I cheated on him, we weren't in a relationship, so why did I feel so guilty...

Max didn't say anything, he just looked at me for a second and then wanted to leave. I couldn't let him go... I had to explain myself now! I felt like if I didn't do it now, I would lose him forever. I stopped him by taking his hand...

"Wait Max Please let me explain... it's really not what you think."


At that moment, Max couldn't control his anger anymore. He wanted to walk away because he could feel the anger growing by the second, and he just didn't want to be really angry at Tul. What he felt was pure jealousy, but did he have the right to be jealous? When Tul stopped him by grabbing his hand, he didn't know why, but his anger just rose! He looked at Tul with dark eyes and pushed him hard onto the bed!

Tul was shocked by Max's strength as he fell on the bed, he didn't expect that. As he looked at him, he felt all the hairs on his body stand up as fear overtook him. Max was furious, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to calm him down now...

"Max, please calm down, please listen to me first!" Tul screamed, trying to get free of Max who was now on top of him!

"So you have the balls to actually fuck around after leaving me here alone in pain, right? Ok, since you're so horny, let me satisfy you too!!!!!" Max moaned and took both of Tul's hands on his head to stop him from escaping. Then he kissed him brutally, not caring at all about Tul's protests.

"Mmmmh Max please stop, please don't do this" Tul struggled to free his hands from Max, but Max's strength was just... He sighed, even if they were practically the same size, there wasn't much he could do, Max was just stronger than him!

"Why...? Isn't that what you want... or am I not as good as him...? hmmm?" Max was kissing his neck now and without any tenderness! Tul could almost feel Max's teeth on his skin. It has nothing to do with the way he treated him a moment ago.

He kept begging for Max to stop, but the other didn't seem like he cared at all. When Max kissed him so roughly for a second time, with such force... Tul was desperate, he wanted Max to stop, he couldn't bear to see him in this state and was even angry because it was his fault... But how could he stop him... he had no idea, so he just kept begging "Maxii please, don't be like this... don't ... I'm begging you ... you're hurting me ... please Maxii ..."

Hearing Tul calling him Maxii, Max stopped immediately what he was doing and looked at Tul, he could see the fear in his eyes and realised what he was doing. Slowly he released Tul from his hands and sat on the edge of the bed, resting his head on his hands "Shit... what the fuck am I doing? Am I going crazy now? How can I..."

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