28- Tired

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As time went on, things changed a bit in Max and Tul's lives.

Max came back every night, always tired. For two things: one because he was extremely busy and secondly because he had to restrain himself from punching his manager every time he was in his vision. And doing that took a lot of mental strength on his part. He was supposed to be on vacation, but the asshole always had something for him to do. Max knew now that Luc was keeping him busy to prevent him from developing his relationship with Tul, and it was working; the two of them didn't have time to nurture their feelings.

Every day Max was out early and back when Tul was already asleep. All he could do was hug him while he was already asleep. He missed his man-kissing, nagging, and savoury meals. When he had time in the morning, he still woke up to send Tul off to work so they could spend some time together.

"You look terrible, sweetheart, I can tell you're tired. Just rest for today, I'll go to work myself." Tul said and got ready for work.

"I can't, I have to be in Phuket for the next three days so I won't see you when you came back tonight, I have to drop you off. I mean, I don't even have time to cuddle with you...! I'll kill that bastard soon enough!" Max growled, frustrated with his situation! He was scheduled to be on vacation, but ever since the news that he was possibly in a relationship with Tul started circulating, his manager was miraculously bringing contracts, and endorsements for him almost every day. So even if he had a say in all the contracts, he couldn't possibly turn them all down. After all, he had to work on his vacation and the time he wanted to spend with Tul was slowly coming to an end.

"Just be patient, we'll have him soon!" said Tul, giving Max a passionate kiss. As they kissed, it felt to Max like it had been years since he had tasted Tul's sweet lips. He deepened the kiss and slowly penetrated Tul until they were out of breath. But even then, Max didn't want to part. After catching his breath, he came back to Tul's lips and gave him an even more passionate kiss. Soon, his hands moved up Tul's body and slowly reached the button of his pants. Tul grabbed his hand to stop him from wandering further.

"Um ... Maxi, what do you think you're doing? I'm late, I have to go ..." said Tul, breaking off the kiss.

"Just 10 min baby ... not 30 min... please it's going to be a month soon since I feel you... I want you... please," Max pleaded in a husky voice that showed he was really horny...

"Baby, you and I know it's not going to be just thirty minutes, so I better not start... I'm sorry, I really need to be at work this morning," Tul said with an apologetic look.

Max just looked at him pouting like a big baby and didn't let Tul interrupt their hug.

"I'll make it up to you when you get back, I promise!" Tul whispered seductively in Max's ears.

"You better keep that promise!" Max said cheerfully, slapping Tul on the butt. "Let's go... I don't want to be the reason why Mr Pakorn is late for work," Max added and headed for the door.

Tul was equally busy as his time to take over the family business was coming up, plus his own company, things were hectic for him, but thank God he had his sister. If he had a choice he would have preferred her to take over the family's business, she was just as excellent, but his father's wish was for him to take over the business and he respected that. 

That morning he had an important meeting to attend, so he really couldn't be late. Actually, he missed his big baby too, but he also didn't know what to do to make their scheduling match.

The problem was on Max's side since Luc brought him works unexpectedly, they couldn't really plan anything together.

"I really need to find a way to get Luc to stop this play soon," Tul thought as Max happily drove him to work.

"I'll be back Saturday afternoon," Max informed Tul as they approached Tul's workplace.

"Oh okay, I get it... I'll take off work to have my weekend off!" Tul said, smiling sweetly at Max.

"I'll also tell Mae Nui, that I won't take any other job... I'm starting filming soon, I want to have time to rest..." Max added as he stopped the car in the Pakorn Corporation parking lot.

"That's great, I was really worried about your health... you've been looking so tired lately," Tul said, playing with Max's hair. "Thanks for the ride... I guess I'll see you in the next few days," Tul added, giving Max a kiss on the cheek before getting out of the car.

That night, Tul was drained because of work when he arrived home, and knowing that Max wouldn't be there at all, that he wouldn't come in the middle of the night to cuddle with him, only made him more depressed. Just as he was about to walk into the front yard of their house, he received a phone call.

"Khun Tul, don't go into your house ... go back to your car, for now. I suspect there are people in your house. I watched Luc as you ordered me and he did not go with Max... But he's been acting suspiciously, and I saw one of the guys he's meeting these days near your house." Said the person in charge of Tul's security.

"Thank you, Tat, I will go to my house then. Take care of your safety first when you deal with this problem, and be discreet" said Tul before starting his car and driving away to his own house.

By the time he got there, he was tired and combined with the feeling of anxiety he just felt, all his brain wanted to do was rest. It was already 9 pm. All he wanted was to sleep, but since Max didn't contact him, he just laid down on his bed and fought the urge to sleep; he wanted to hear his soothing voice and let him know about the situation. Since Max didn't get back to him and didn't answer his last text message, he soon finds himself fast asleep with the phone in his hand.

Max, for his part, was busy with a photoshoot late into the night after his arrival. When he was back in his room, he dropped straight onto his bed and a second later he was asleep.

When Tul woke up the next morning, he was happy to receive a text from Max explaining how busy he was and complaining about how much he missed him. He explained that it was going to be hard for them to talk since he didn't have time to look at his phone at all. Tul cheered him up and decided not to talk about the fact that someone was trying to hurt him. He thought it would be better to talk to him when he got back.

On Saturday morning, Tul, who had not been able to reach his husband for the past two days, woke up happy and thought that he could be in his arms soon. When Tat informed him of the situation at Max's house, he was honestly scared. Five people armed with knives were waiting for him. He gulped just thinking about it. He was relieved that he could count on his personal security team, which he'd inherited as soon as news of the family business takeover had spread. But he still needed his man's firm embrace to feel safer.

As the day wore on, he began to get busy cooking a good dinner for them both. He missed his baby boy and wanted this afternoon and evening to be perfect. He had texted Max that he was at his house to change a little, but he didn't get a reply. He didn't mind since he knew he would be with him soon.

But as time went on, Max didn't show up until it was late at night. Tul got scared and thought that maybe something had happened to him. He quickly dismissed that thought, knowing that Max had bodyguards with him, so if something had happened, someone would have informed him.

He just saw himself starting to get angry at Max for not calling or texting at all. To kill time, Tul started wasting his time on social media when his hand abruptly stopped scrolling when he found an interesting picture. Looking at it, he frowned deeply, you could see a little vein gradually showing on his forehead, he was getting angrier by the second, "I see you had other things to do!!"

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