20-Max's visit

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Max arrived at Tul's workplace in no time. As he was about to enter, he saw that there were indeed many people working in the hall. He thought that since it was Saturday, there shouldn't be many people, but to his surprise, almost every office was occupied. Tul's architecture office wasn't actually big, it was just big enough to accommodate fifteen people. His office was on the second floor with the model room, the rest of the staff were all on the first floor, divided into different teams. So when Max stood in front of the door, he didn't know if he should go in or not, after all, he was a celebrity and a well-known actor all at once. He thought for a while and decided to go in without calling Tul. He was his boyfriend anyway, it certainly wouldn't be the last time he came here, people would eventually find out who he was and what his relationship was with Tul, so why not just go in today.

Dressed only with a mask, Max opened the front door and headed for the reception, since he couldn't go straight to the second floor. But no one was there, the only person who didn't come to work seems to be the receptionist. So Max decided to go straight upstairs but was eventually stopped by a woman whose desk was near the stairs.

"I'm sorry sir, who are you looking for? You can't go upstairs without being announced".

"Hello, I'm sorry, I'm here to see Mr. Pakorn," Max informed the woman, who eyed him from head to toe with a suspicious look.

"Do you have an appointment?" The woman called Nam asked.

"Not really, I don't have an appointment, but he's waiting for me. It's just that I didn't call him to tell him I'm already here since I want to give him a surprise." Max tried to plead with his puppy eyes, but it didn't work.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't let you go up unless Mr. Pakorn allows it. I have to let him know first. Can I have your name please, Mr. ...?" she asked Max still with a confused look on her face.

"Um... you can tell him that, M..." before Max could finish speaking, Tul appeared down the stairs and stopped him, "Hey Ma... uhm what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to call me first?" Tul asked a little awkwardly, but with a wild smile.

"I wanted to give you a little surprise, I guess I didn't succeed..." replied Max.

"You probably thought I was here alone, didn't you?" Tul asked with a smirk as he took Max's hand and brought him upstairs. "Nam, can you please bring us something to drink?" asked Tul as he walked up the stairs.

Tul's office was large and very neat, with a section reserved for his maquette construction in the right part. In the left part were his desk and a large sofa that was mostly used as a bed when Tul was working overtime. On the table that stood in the middle of the office was a beautiful maquette of a building. Max was immediately curious when he entered and started looking at the beautiful miniature building.

"Is this your new project? It's so beautiful and seems so hard to make..." asked Max, still looking at the artwork in front of him.

"No, all the project maquettes are in the room in the front. This is a personal project of mine. I want to be innovative and I started doing green building with Pakon properties," replied Tul, who was sitting at his desk, already typing on his keyboard. "Just give me a few minutes, I'll be done soon," he added.

Max took a seat on the sofa and made himself comfortable. He took off his mask and started reading the book he found on the sofa. A minute later, Nam entered the room after a light knock on the door that neither of the men in the office heard. As soon as she entered, Max and Tul looked at her at the same time and then looked at each other. Nam was the most surprised when she saw Max's face. She gasped and began to stutter, her hands shaking slightly and threatening to spill the drinks she was serving.

"You're ... you're ... you're MAX!!!" Nam cried out, unable to believe what she was seeing. Max was one of his favourite actors in Thailand, so to see him in the same room in front of her, so close that she could even touch him, she just couldn't believe it? She knew Tul's past as an actor and as Max's co-star, but she thought that their relationship had ended since Tul had left the entertainment industry and disappeared, so she couldn't have thought that she would be able to see Max when she worked for Tul.

Tul knew Nam was a fan of Max. She even had him as wallpaper on her computer. He thought it was cute how she acted like a fangirl who didn't care about her own boss at all. He looked at her in amusement as she looked at Max with her mouth and eyes wide open. "Nam just put the drinks on the table, thank you," Tul said, bringing Nam back to reality.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry, this is the first time I've seen Phi Max so close, so I'm a little lost," Nam replied honestly while giggling, setting the two juice bottles down on the small table in front of Max and just standing there looking at him with a wide smile while Max just looked at her and smiled at her behaviour.

"Um um, Nam you can go back now ..." Tul added, looking at her little secretary.

"Uhm Phi Max can I take a picture with you? " she asked Max with pleading eyes while Tul just smiled at her antics and continued his work when he heard Max say "I don't know, you should ask him".

Hearing that, Nam looked at Tul, not quite understanding why she should ask him for permission, but she did as she was told, "Phi Tul can I?"

"Why would she ask me? It's your body, not mine," Tul said frowning a bit and looking at Max.

"Isn't it yours ..." Max was interrupted by a panicked Tul "Um, Nam just take your damn picture and get back to your post..."

Nam was overjoyed, she sat down next to Max and took a selfie with her phone. Afterwards, she thanked Max by shaking his hand and walked out with her face red.

Meanwhile, Max was watching Tul carefully, sensing that something was wrong.

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