18-Tul's nightmare

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"Babe..." Max called softly...

"Um??" Tul replied, looking up at him.

"What were you dreaming about?"

Tul was a little taken aback, remembering his last nightmare. He remained quiet, wondering if he should share it with Max or not. Did it really have any meaning to their relationship or not? Tul was the type of person who didn't love making people uncomfortable or sad. So if he knew something was going to upset someone, he would choose to deal with it on his own. For example, if he felt that knowing about the problem in question didn't really matter to the other person, he will choose to deal with it alone. So telling Max about his nightmare wasn't really what he had in mind since he knew Max would be sad about it. But Max had already caught him, he wasn't going to lie to him either.

"Why..." Tul replied somewhat absentmindedly.

"I'm just curious. Besides, you said you were used to it ... I don't remember you having recurring nightmares before..." added Max worriedly.

"Oh... it started in New York... it just stresses, don't mind it. Besides, since I've been back, I haven't had them that often... come to think of it, this time was only the second time..."

Max could tell that Tul didn't really want to talk about it, he was obviously trying to avoid the subject.

"You still haven't told me what you were dreaming about... but if you don't think I need to know, then you don't need to tell me," Max added, not really minding that Tul didn't want to share his thoughts, he knew that everyone had their own secret garden and he respected that. Besides, he knew Tul well; he knew that most of the time when he kept things to himself, it was because he didn't want him to worry.

"Should I tell him?" Tul thought, "I don't want him to worry again... But he shares his worries with me, it wouldn't be fair if I don't do the same," Tul spoke to himself in his head, trying to make a decision. After a little time passed without them saying a word, Tul finally spoke.

"Actually, it's not like it's a secret... It's about you..."

"About me?..." Max was a little surprised, "but why are they nightmares?"

"Because you leave me in every single one of them... If I could list every way you leave me in my nightmare, I could write a book..." Tul chuckles a little.

Max, for his part, frowned deeply and didn't add a word, feeling a little uncomfortable at the thought of having nightmares every time Tul thought of him these three years. Tul sensed the change in Max's mood, he sighed, sat up and took Max's hand.

"Don't think about it too much ... It was my own guilty conscience and worries that made me have those dreams. It has nothing to do with you at all. My doctor told me at the time that once I forgave myself and confessed, I wouldn't have those nightmares anymore. That's why I haven't had them since I came back and confessed..."

"But tonight you ..." Max was interrupted by Tul before he could finish.

"Tonight was because I missed you ... Ever since you tortured me, my insecure mind thought you didn't want me anymore ..." Tul interrupted Max and smiled brightly at him. "So you shouldn't act like that anymore if you don't want me to have nightmares," Tul added half-jokingly, "But don't take it seriously, I really don't dream about you leaving since I opened my heart; today was an exception..." Tul played tenderly with Max's hair, trying to ease his worries.

"Okay... I'll always sleep next to you then! So you can be sure that I'll never leave your side," Max added, giving Tul a light kiss on his forehead before hugging him tightly.

Tul was a little taken aback by Max's sweet reply. He thought, "I don't know what the future holds for us, but sleeping in your arms for the rest of my life will be my definition of happiness," before snuggling into Max's embrace and teasing him a little, "Nattapol, are you using my dream to sneak into my bed every night? Can you be any more shameless?"

"Why wouldn't I? Besides, it's my house, I can sleep where I want!".

"You're so petty... I can still move out, what are you going to do?"

"I dare you!" Max replied, pinching Tul's nipple.

Tul let out a small moan and smiled brightly...

"Can we go on a date tomorrow? I don't have to work on those days..." asked Max half asleep, snuggling up to his baby.

"Um..." Tul was already in a daze too and only made a small sound to answer Max.

When Tul woke up the next morning, to his surprise, the big guy who had slept next to him the night before was nowhere to be seen. He picked up his phone to check what in the world was going on when he saw Max's message.

"Hey babe, sorry I wanted to cuddle with you this morning, but I got a call at work this morning. I didn't want to wake you up... . Don't worry I didn't forget about our date. I'll be back soon, maybe at noon. Let me know if you decide to go out! Love you!"

Tul smiled at the message and replied with the same smile, "Hi dear! Ok, take your time. I'll go to work to pass time, let me know when you're done so we can go on that date! waiting to see where you will bring me, love u"


Really sorry for this late update, I was really busy those last weeks and afterwards, I was sick 😔

But I'm back!!! hope that you still have the same energy to read this little story of mine!! 🤗🤗🤗

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