24-I will kill him

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"Don't say that Maxi, you know you deserve all my love and more! but you're right, I did it to protect you... at the time I didn't want you to be sad over something like that, you already had your load of problems with Katya Scandal and all, I didn't want to add salt to your hurt, all that... When I was waiting for the right moment to tell you, time passed and I just missed the right time to tell you." Tul said, touching Max's cheeks tenderly.

"Because of something like that? You mean something that happens to you because you're with me? Happened because I was too clingy? And now because you're coming back to me?" asked Max, his voice getting a little louder after each question...

"You can't think like that, don't try to find justification for someone else's psycho acts. you're not at fault here, the one who sent them to me is. You being clingy or loving me has nothing to do with this and you know it... That's why I didn't want to tell you about it, I didn't want you to worry... or have thoughts like that..." Tul hugged his husband tightly now.

"Still, you should have told me, Tul. How do you think I feel now that I know you went through all that while you were still smiling at me like everything was fine. You were fighting and I was out there living the best of my life, always depending on you... You should have at least told me when it got to this point, then I would have..."

"What, left me? Honestly, Max, I know if I had told you then, you would have been deeply hurt and saddened, you would have either distanced yourself from me or done something crazy. I couldn't imagine my life without you, it might sound a bit selfish, but not telling you was the best solution I had at the time. And just now I was even more afraid to tell you because I don't want to lose you again, but more importantly, I don't want you to blow up and do something irretrievable... I had gotten a glimpse of how you act when you're angry, even putting your illness aside... I'm just afraid you'll do something you'll regret," Tul explained without looking at Max, letting his head rest on Max's shoulder...

"Look at you now... you're still trying to protect me by hurting yourself... So your solution was to hide our relationship knowing it would hurt you, or should I say hurt us? I'm not your little brother anymore, once we decided to be together you should have told me. I even asked you if there were other things you were hiding... I don't want you to take care of me! Once I started calling you Tul and not Phi, I wanted you to see me as a different person, not your Lil brother. I wanted the chance to protect you too, to share your burden, to make life easy for you... " Max looked at Tul with disappointment; a look that hurt Tul deeply, he didn't know that his caring could hurt Max like that, it looked like he should learn to share his thoughts, his burden and his decisions with Max from now on, May was right.

"Honey, please, I'm sorry ... I know I'm in the wrong, but I was really just trying to find the best solution for us. Don't think it's because I don't beleive you could protect me or anything... You know me well and you know I tend to care too much about people... You've been special to me ever since I met you. So my concern for you is behond the line, in everything I want you to be comfortable and happy, and sometimes I can go overboard. But I promise I won't act like that anymore... Okay?" Said Tul with pleading eyes, Max just sighed...

"Hm... If you say so. But wait, you just said you're afraid I'll blow up... Do you happen to know who's behind these creepy things?" asked Max pointedly.

"I ... I ... don't know ..." Tul didn't know what to say, he wasn't sure yet if it was the right moment to tell Max about it.

But then Max looked at him and said, "You just promised you won't keep secrets anymore."

"I know... it's just that I have no proof... but I think it's Phi Luc..." Tul said, taking Max's hand and trying to calm him down, but Max took his hand back and stood up.

"What did you just say?" Max asked again, but now his voice was ice cold, his hands were fists now, you could have seen that he was getting angry.

Tul stood up as well, he tried to take Max's hand but the other wouldn't let him. You could tell he was trying to calm down. His eyes were cold and empty, you could see some veins popping on his forehead, he was gritting his teeth and trying to suppress his anger.

"Baby, please calm down... It's just my speculation... I think it's Phi Luk because..." Tul didn't even finish his sentence as Max started walking towards the door saying slowly, his voice sending a shiver down Tul's spine. "I'm gonna kill that motherfucker!!!!!!!"

"Max wait, please calm down ..." Tul walked faster than Max towards the door blocking it "Please baby calm down ... " Tul was very scared, Max didn't blow up as he thought but was rather calm. And that was even worst because he couldn't really figure out what Max was thinking. Max didn't respond to Tul's gesture, when he got to the door, he just looked at Tul for a second before yelling, "I'm gonna kill him Tul, don't try to stop me"

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