The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 17

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This hurts like hell!

Anyone who has ever been cheated on will have some idea about how I'm feeling right now. I say some idea, because I know Kade isn’t going to secretly cheat on me; he’s going to be forced to – and that thought is HELL.

I know Kade so well, and know he'll be hurting just as much as me. 

The pain I feel right now is physical. A burning feeling in my chest, accompanied by a dull ache pulsing through my body.


"Kade has asked me to give you this." Her words seem to be laced with sympathy and when I look up I see Twin:2 seems to have acquired a softer look to her face. "You smashed yours up in the Land of Lost Souls," she says, passing Kade's fly-pack through an open panel, which she hastily closes.

It thuds to the ground and I rush to pick it up. "He says you'll need it to get back," she says, with a sympathetic smile.

I embrace the pack and a waft of Kade's soapy smell stabs my heart. "You look sad, Tanya," she says. Her change of manner disarms me and I reach out to her, "Please, I want to go back home with Kade. Don't do this to me, to us," I plead, the despair dripping from my voice.

I search her face for a sign that I may have appealed to any humanity she may have. "But that's not possible, Tanya, you only have one fly-pack."

Her answer throws me. It's not what I expected and her new softer manner is disconcerting, but it gives me a glimmer of hope and I say, "But we'll find a way to get back. Kade and I always figure things out."

When she smiles, I know any hope I harbored was false, "Accept that Kade is ours now. The Surgeon has instructed my sister and I to start a family and in order to do that we need a man." She moves closer to the glass, "You should be flattered we've chosen your man." I ignore the absurdity of her words and steer the conversation away from Kade. "So, is The Surgeon still alive – who was the person that got sliced in half on The Love Rush?" I ask.

"I don't know, you tell me. You were there at the time," she says, with a smug smile.

"OK, let me approach this from another angle: who was the woman with you earlier, when this room was an operating theatre?" I ask.

She lifts her eyebrow, "You know who that was, It was The Surgeon's Soul," she says. I raise my voice, "Bullshit! This supernatural stuff is amazing bullshit, but it's bullshit never the less," I reply.

She shakes her head, dismissively, "You mustn't be spiritually blind, Tanya. But that's another issue. Let us get this conversation back on topic." She runs her hands over her body, taking care to emphasize her tiny waist, "Let's get back to Kade. Can you give me some woman to woman advice to help me in my endeavors." She moves closer, "What does he like, does he have any preferred moves or positions that I should perfect?"

I shoot my hand up in a stopping motion, "NO! Let's not go there. I wondered how long until your sick self showed up again," I shout.

Her laughter is laced with a potent evil, which I swiftly interrupt with, "What did you mean when you said Kade is entertaining your sister?" I ask.

I know her answer will ad to my hurt, but at the same time I need to know.

Her laughter subsides and her voice drops, like she's about to let me in on a secret, "I should rephrase that to put it more accurately. My sister is entertaining herself with Kade. She's inflicting a little pain on him. But don't worry, it's nothing too heavy, she won't leave scars or do any lasting damage." She winks at me, "She's mindful of the fact that Kade has an important job to do – so he'll still be able to carry out his duties."

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