The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins Part:10

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The blood collecting tongue shoots towards Kade’s jugular vein with all the speed and agility of a starving python. I momentarily feel good about Kelly breaking his nose, as the neck brace he wears prevents the wormy parasite from immediately finding his artery.

As it furiously seeks a way under the brace, Kade grabs it and with his thumb and forefinger grips what seems to be the head end. We watch as two fine needle like suckers dart in and out of a: slimy, eyeless, worm like head, which makes a hissing sound as Kade continues to grasp it. “Man, this thing’s strong. Pass me the scissors from the glove compartment,” he says, with the cool calm that he always seems to have in tense situations.

As I grapple for the scissors a sudden light shining in from the windshield distracts me. Dolls heads of every shape, style and size stare at Kade and I through illuminated eyes, each with a different, glowing color. It’s like looking at a Christmas store window that’s been designed to horrify rather than charm.

The glistening eyes follow my hand as I pass the scissors over to Kade. He takes them from me, stretches the tongue tight, places it in between the blades and says, “No Kade blood for you, and I can safely say your collecting days are over, buddy!” 

When Kade makes the snip we’re blasted by an ear shattering whaling sound as the dolls heads begin to collectively throw their heads back and smack them into the windshield. They increase their speed, slamming the heads into the glass with an alarming force, “Those dolls heads aren’t like the one I met on the way here, they’re reinforced,” I say, concerned.

Kade laughs, “That glass is bullet proof.” He says, peering into the windshield, “Smack away little babies, but there’s no bloody blood, blood, blood for babies today, “ he says, in a silly kids voice.

I put the hummer into reverse, check the back is clear and say, “Brace yourself Kade, I’m pulling her back.” I slam on the accelerator and the hummer propels backwards with a force that sends the creatures flying forwards. I slam on the breaks and smack her forward causing the screech of tire burn as we thunder onwards.

The hummer makes little bumpy bounces as its wheels hit the creatures that scramble in its path, “Yes, feel those critters crunch!” Says Kade, punching the air, triumphantly.


I reduce the speed and settle into a cruise. Kade rests his head back, “My nose hurts real bad, Tan,” he says, sounding real sore.

“I’ll get you home soon, and give you painkillers and hot chocolate.”

“Then can we have snuggles and a snooze?” He asks, with slurry, sleepy voice.

I chuckle, “Sure we can – after we’ve tried out our theory on Kelly. We gotta give her bad news and see how she reacts,” I say, focused on the road ahead 

His voice sounds of discomfort and disappointment, “Oh yeah, of course we do.” Then he perks up a little, “Hey Tan – what happened back there? Did you find something, cos you’ve kinda changed. Not changed as such, become a better version of you,” he says.

I smile and say, “I found myself.”

Kade splutters, “That’s like quadruple cheddar on toasted sour dough – it sounds SO CHEESY!”

“But it’s the God Damned Truth!” I assert. “And on the subject of CHEESE – what about you my boy: SNUGGLES?”

Kade laughs, “My boy? You never, ever called me your boy before. You never mentioned gender…” His words are cut short by a flash of harsh light that blinds us and causes me to brake, thrusting us both forward “Orrr man, my nose is never gonna heal at this rate,” says Kade, holding his head and sounding pained and pissed.

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