The Surgeon 13

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Kade takes my hand, "We're going on a journey and its destination isn't where that Psycho intended," he says, pulling me out of the Ambulance.

We run round to the front of the vehicle and Kade pulls open the door, "Tanya, meet kelly, " he says, pushing me up into the passenger seat.

A girl is in the driver seat; she's strikingly pretty with a steely eyed focus. "Pleasure to meet you, Tanya," she offers me her hand, which is completely oil blackened, like a truck mechanics. "Call me, Kel," her handshake is firm, "Strap yourself in, we're outta here," she says, slamming her foot on the accelerator.

The sound of the engine roars through the space and I'm flung back by the g-force of take-off.

One of the burly bear men tears from a side door waving his taser gun. Kade winds down his window, "Over here, fat boy," he hollers.

The man's all muscle, far from fat and I see him explode with anger at the slur. He charges toward the vehicle like a bull toward a red rag. "Kel, slam the breaks," shouts Kade as the guy is within tasering distance of us. "Here you go big boy, enjoy the coma," he aims and throws the hypodermic needle with expert precision through the half open window.

The needle flies like a missile and launches itself with a direct hit into the man's neck. He doesn't realize he's been struck and continues to charge forward with the needle protruding from him like a plastic thorn.

Whoah, he drops like a brick, literally bouncing off the concrete floor as the tranquilizer takes effect. "Here comes his buddy," shouts Kade. The second man's even bigger; he thrusts toward us like a tank, "Get ready to bounce big boy," says kade, launching a second hypodermic that buries itself bang between the guys legs.

This guy keeps bounding towards us; his considerable bulk means the tranquilizer is taking longer to have an effect.

Kade swings open the door; instinctively I grab him, "Do you have a death wish?" I shout. "Hey, these bean bags shut me in a coffin, this is pay-back time, I wanna have fun," he says, jumping onto the parking lot.

The big man slows, "Here I am fat man, come get the Kade," he says, goading him with hand gestures. The man begins to wobble, "You feeling a little woozy, like you had a little too much boozy, you got a wobble in your wizzle," he jests, while preparing another hypodermic, "I tell you what, I'll give you a little more, cos you is so fat you need a double dose. Brace yourself for a little prick in your butt," he says, plunging the needle into the guy's buttock.

Kade grins as the man tries to grapple.

I'm kind of in a daze, I look at Kelly, she's laughing and shaking her head, "Is this really happening?" I ask. "It sure is, Tanya. You'll soon get used to Kade," she honks the horn, "Kade, enough – we gotta get outta here – quick!" she says, her foot hovering over the accelerator. "WAIT!" hollers Kade. "What for?" asks Kelly, clearly frustrated. "Have any of you two got lipstick? I wanna make these two look real pretty for The Surgeon," he says. "Kade, get in here NOW!" hollers Kelly, between peels of laughter.


Seriously, this all feels surreal, like I'm in a film. I'm cruising the streets of Chicago in an ambulance with two new friends.


Are they friends?

A wave of paranoia engulfs me.

Of course they're not friends, this is a set up – I need to get out!


The Surgeon's still playing with me. Her games are getting increasingly complex.

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