The Surgeon 28

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An experiment.

Imagine your parents seeing you as their experiment rather than their child. Just imagine they look at you and see a 'Clinical/Medical Trial' rather than a 'Little Child' to be loved and nurtured into adulthood. I was always led to believe that my parents simply wanted a daughter – wrong.

I realize now that I was constantly being watched: measured, my behavior monitored. Every single aspect of me was being studied for some crazy Clinical Study on Gender.

It's true that my escape resulted in the failure of one study, but it also resulted on them upping their game and doing a 'Double Clinical/Medical Study' with Charlotte and Brogan as their subjects. No, make that a 'Triple Study' when you factor in Brogan's 'Male Pregnancy.'

Which is why Troy's warning about his escape is truly ominous.  Who knows what hideous things they will do when they notice his escape.


Kade wants Troy's first meal as a free man to be awesome. He fixes Chicken fajitas, with guacamole, sour cream and tomato relish, all washed down with iced lemonade – it's beyond awesome.


At the forefront of my mind is the very real possibility that Troy might be a spy. So, I'm observing him as closely as the Surgeon's Clinical Team watched me.

Troy told us that his captivity diet was 'highly functional' to facilitate the optimization of his physique and internal health; taste and enjoyment were not considered part of his eating experience. Now, as I watch him eat, I see a young man who is relishing food; his face registers the full enjoyment of the taste and textures of Kade's culinary skills. Food is suddenly a pleasure rather than a 'fuel' to him – a good sign (that he's for real and not a spy – but I remain cautious.)


We're all in the chill-out area, sipping lemonade and chilling. Well, Kade, Kelly and Troy are – I'm quietly freaking out.

Kade and Kelly watch the men on the monitors, they observe them continuing to work on the Love Rush and assume that The Surgeon has not yet noticed Troy's escape.

I see it differently. I'm seeing Troy's escape as potentially, part of The Surgeon's strategy. The lack of strike back action is giving us a false sense of security. Why have we not seen signs of the 'forceful fight back' that Troy alluded to?

I'm open to the fact that Troy might be on an intelligence-gathering mission for The Surgeon. It may even be unwitting on Troy's part; he might be totally oblivious to the fact that he's been used. Now – do you understand why I'm freaking out?


I'm trying my best to be discrete, but I can tell that Kade and Kelly have noticed my constant staring at Troy.

This sounds weird, but it's so not – we need to examine him. I mean a full, naked body examination to feel for any signs of other GPS type items that may have been implanted inside him.

On second thoughts, I should just ask him. So I interrupt Kade who's asking him constant questions about his mother's isolated brain, "Troy, are you sure any other tracking, or worse, explosive devices haven't been implanted inside you?"

He types on the device with a confident surety: 'I'm sure no explosives have been implanted in any of us, that would compromise the health of our organs – they wouldn't do anything that risks their financial income.'

I decide to be blunt, "You've been missing for over 24 hours now, why haven't they noticed your absence ? Also, your communication and writing skills are very good for someone who was kidnapped as a child to be used as a slave," I say.

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