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Kade shakes his head in disbelief, "She actually screwed us both."

I shake his shoulders, "No, he's screwed us both," I say.

"Who?" asks Kade.

I point to the door, "Him out there, Tyler."

Kade stares at the door, then me, "I'm talking about her, Lina, Tina, Tylina – she actually had sex with us both," he says, still shaking his head.

I shake him again, "Kade, get real, the message in that cake's obvious, 'he's screwed us over.' He's actually working for them."

He nods his head, "Yup, I get that." His eyes lock on mine, "But I can't get my head around the fact that she was having sex with us both at the same time – when we didn't even know each other," he says.

Thoughts and questions flood my head, and I go quiet to try and put them in order to process at least some of them.

"Tan, why've you gone quiet?"

I hear his question, but it's the one's in my head I need to answer, so my ignoring him is not being rude...


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