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15 minutes and 42 seconds of our physical time left, and all Kade and I have done is argue.

"I don't believe in all that hocus-pocus bullshit, Tan," he rants.

This is his response to my Google-ing 333 – all the search results say that it's your Angel number, the numerals that will bring us our salvation from the predicament we're in.

I plead with him while nervously glancing at the clock, "Open your mind Kade, there might be clues in this number," I assert.

He's pacing the space, "They're playing with us." He stops at a camera, looks up and gives it his finger, "You assholes enjoying this, you all being entertained by us hooking onto some phoney hokum to have hope hurl us round the coup like chickens before the chop." He raises his other hand and gives them a second finger, "Well I don't buy it!"

I look at the clock: 15 minutes 2 seconds.

"Please Kade, we got 15 minutes left, goading them does no good," I implore.

He turns around, bends over, and pulls his jogging bottoms down, "Kiss my muscled, caramel coloured butt you bunch of bozos!"

He pulls up his pants and turns to me, "Trust me Tan, that did me a whole-lot –a-good."

The clock: 14 minutes 28 seconds.

I grab his sleeve and yank it in an attempt to ground him, "Kade, you were the one full of hope just minutes ago, you were the one who said that man was giving us clues to our saving."

He pulls me toward the control panel on the wall, "Go on Tan, key in the code only you know, the code that should free us – go on do it," he asserts.

He looks away and I key in the four-digit code – ACCESS DENIED.

He turns back to me, "There you have it Tan, someone's betrayed you/us, the code's been recalibrated – they got us." He returns to the camera and speaks to it, "I guess you've beaten the Castrato and the Bozos are back in power!"

He looks at the clock: 13 minutes 52 seconds.

I stand back and observe Kade – he's almost rigid with rage. He races back to the camera and raises his fist to it, "You Bozos might have regained power, but for the next 13 minutes I have something you don't – control!"

He turns to me and his demeanour softens, "I'm so sorry Tan, but I can't give them control, I can't let them make me watch as they dissect you piece by piece – I can't."

I glance at the clock: 13 minutes 6 seconds.

And when I look back, Kade is gone.

I spin round; he's standing behind me. He has a vacant look on his face, an expression devoid of emotion that I've never seen before. He lifts his right hand, and in it my eye is caught by a glint of light.

I focus on the glinting and it takes me a few precious seconds before I register what it is – a scalpel.

The clock: 12 minutes 46 seconds.

Kade looks at the clock, and then puts his up turned hand down onto the surface. With his right hand he has the blade hovers over his left vein.

"Stop this Kade," I say, walking forward.

"NO!" He hollers, glancing at the clock.

"We got 12 minutes and 37 seconds left; if you come any closer Tan, I'll open the vein before we even reach that deadline."

My eyes focus on the vein and I see his lifeblood pulsing through it, "So that's your deadline?" I ask.

"You bet it is." There's a resignation in his voice that saddens me.

I inhale deeply and exhale my thoughts, "After all we've been through, my final image of you will be your blood hitting the ceiling, you falling to the floor while your life drains away, until it's gone, ended by your own hand."

The clock: 11 minutes 54 seconds.

His focus remains on the blade, "I can't give them the alternative."

I say nothing in return, partly because I have nothing to say, but mostly because that number pops into my head again – 333.

The Google search said it's our Angel Number.

My mind is suddenly free of: time, deadlines or blades over veins, "Kade, remember who saved us the last time?" I ask.

He doesn't hesitate to answer, "Drew, he's our forever hero." He looks skyward, "I'm not sure I'll get to meet you up there buddy; I guess I'll be damned forever," he says.

I smile, "You said he was our Spirit Animal."

Kade nods his head, "He is."

I nod to his right hand, "Put the blade down Kade."

To my relief, he complies. I walk forward and remove the scalpel from his reach.

The clock: 9 minutes 48 seconds.

I dispose of the scalpel blade in a safe box, "Drew was our saviour," I say, walking towards the wall.

Kade follows me, "He was."

I slow my pace, "Drew, in death saved us once, I believe he can do it again."

I stop by the wall and place my hand next to the code panel. Kade turns to me, "You have something, a way out of this?" he asks, turning to look at the clock. I put my hand on his face and shunt it back to me, "Forget the time – remember you and me – when we get outta her we got some serious talking to do about us," I say.

Kade puts his hand on my face, "When we get out, not if?" he asks.

I nod, "When," I assert.

He glances at the clock, "Tan, look at the time!"

"No – I'm looking at you: you've changed Kade – I've changed – we've changed."

I gently kiss his lips, "We need some serious talking to save us," I say.

Rising panic heats Kade's face, "You only have minutes left to save us Tan; what is it that you have to get us out of here?"

I ignore his question, "Somewhere, somehow we stopped working together, we've become selfish: my imprisoning you, your willingness to take your life. We need to recalibrate our relationship, Kade," I say, my finger reaching towards the code panel.

Kade is shaking, "You have a new code?" he asks, breathless.

"I believe you were right, that man was helping us. 333 is our Angel Number, our Spirit Animal is Drew."

My finger reaches the panel and I key in: D–R–E–W.

There is a terrifying pause – then a whirring noise as our way-out springs open.

Drew has saved us – but Kade and I now have to save our relationship.

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