The Surgeon 31

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....Kelly's voice quivers with panic, "Kade, come back here."

He ignores her, too.

I see The Surgeon's eyes darken, "If he doesn't get back here and apologize to me there will be severe consequences," she spits.

I'm panicking, big time, but I try my best to sound calm, "He's been feeling a little unwell today, I'll go get him."

The Surgeon screams, "STAY WHERE YOU ARE, Tanya!" She looks totally pissed, "Do you seriously think running after another guy when you have just been proposed to by Mr Perfect is acceptable?"

Anger slams into me, but I control it, "I want to get my friend, to show you he isn't being disrespectful to you. Of course, my priority is now with my fiancé," I say, trying desperately to sound genuine.

The Surgeon's eyes dart toward Kelly, "Go get your brother and bring him back here," she shouts with a voice so sharp it could cut paper.

Kelly darts out of the chill-out area, coughing loudly as she goes – she sounds so unwell.


I'm like sweating with anxiety; Kelly's been gone for five minutes now – what are they doing?

The Surgeon and Professor Merton are discussing Troy and I, "Troy stand next to Tanya and pull your mask down for a moment, " says The Surgeon.

When he does as he's told, Professor Merton looks at The Surgeon, "C'est Maginfique!" She exclaims, while clapping her hands together like an excited seal. The Surgeon stares at us both, "Yes, they really are a pair of magnificent creations – put your mask back on Troy," she says, before adding, "They will be the most beautiful Bride and Groom to ever walk down an aisle." Professor Merton nods in agreement. Creepy.


I suddenly feel very lonely. I'm back where my blog started; in The Surgeon's hideous hold.

My escape was futile – she's got me.

I know Kade and I have very similar emotional responses to things; I suspect he feels exactly the same as me – beat.


From the corner of my eye, I see Kelly returning – alone. She approaches the monitor, pulls the mask clear of her mouth and addresses The Surgeon, "Please excuse my brother, he's suddenly become very ill; he had to dash off and throw-up, he really didn't want to do that in front of you both," she says, with a quietly desperate tone.

The Surgeon's eyes light up and she shares a glance with Professor Merton. "Put your mask back over your mouth," The Surgeon barks before addressing us all, "Am I correct in assuming Kade broke Troy's vocal band, in anger?"

"Yes, that's correct," I answer in an effort to placate her. Again they share a glance and mutter something between them before The Surgeon says, "This is interesting. Can you go fetch Kade; we need to see him in order to make a diagnosis that we will share with you. Hurry, he may not have much time." She says this with a gleeful smile on her face.

When Kelly leaves the room, The Surgeon asks, "Did you witness Kade breaking Troy's band?"

"Yes, I did."

"Was Kade's face in close-proximity to Troy's?"

"Yes – it was."

They exchange another gleeful glance and Professor Merton repeats her happy seal clap.


Kelly is taking such a long time coaxing Kade back. With every minute they're gone my hope sinks a little further.

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