The Surgeon 7

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After my last post I know a lot of you were thinking: how did they not know it was Brogan on the Operating table

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After my last post I know a lot of you were thinking: how did they not know it was Brogan on the Operating table.

Well, the truth is, I thought they would recognize the mistake before they operated.

But no – they went for it and I feel real bad.


Thankfully, It's rare, but Surgeon's do sometimes operate on the wrong patient – in the Medical World it's known as a 'Never Event' because they should 'never' happen.

Sadly, they sometimes do.


I feel bad, because I arranged this never event.

Brogan got really drowsy after I slipped the pre-med in his coffee. I got him on the table and forced Professor Merton to prep him and anaesthetize him. It was all very simple really – too simple.

Professor Merton says the complexity of the operation allowed the mistake to happen – because their focus was on the procedure not the patient.


"You really don't need to do this, I'm an old lady, I won't get very far if I do escape," says Professor Merton as I bind her feet tightly together.

"I do apologize Professor, but my trust has been betrayed so often that I can't take any risks," I say, while tying her hands together as an extra precaution.

When I'm sure she's comfortable I sit on the Hotel bed and ask, "Do you think they'll remove the womb from Brogan?"

Her reply is emphatic, "Of course not. Your Mother won't waste an experimental opportunity. She'll want to study the effects of female uterine transplantation into the male anatomy." She gives me a knowing stare, "You, more than anyone should know that, Tanya."


My guilt grows.

I keep thinking of when Brogan and I were young boys, sharing our hopes and dreams – he wanted to be a Firefighter and me a Pilot. We never considered this nightmare, who would?


I take my anger out on my hair, hacking it off with no regard to how I look.

"Help me, help him – how can I save him from her?" I ask Professor Merton as I throw my hair into the trash can.

"Calm down, Tanya. You're feeling over emotional. You shouldn't have stopped taking your hormone medication so abruptly; you're experiencing menopausal symptoms which are effecting your judgment," she says, with something like a hint of kindness in her tone.

"A nineteen year old biological boy going through the menopause – madness," I say, throwing the scissors onto the bed.

"Yes, madness. You cannot halt this madness, Tanya – your parents are too powerful."

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