The Surgeon 37

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I tell Kade what I've done, ending with, "I've been real sloppy and messed everything up. I've ruined your plans, haven't I?"

Kade answers with a questioning look, "OUR plans!"

I struggle to keep a lid on my growing anger and frustration, "Are you sure they're OUR plans, Kade? I'm over this charade, let's wrap it up now! " I'm deliberately accusatorial, to test his reaction.

He shakes his head, "This will be wrapped up real soon, and not in a good way if you continue with this attitude?" he says, with a gentle but slightly  pissed tone.

I get straight to the point, "They could only know about Troy And Kelly by eavesdropping on us, or if you and Kelly know The Surgeon's people on a more intimate level."

He laughs," I can assure you, I do not know nor want to know any of her team intimately. And, security on this place is TIGHT! Only I can allow any type of access and I would NEVER allow that – you know that." 

"What about Kelvin?"

He turns his head emphatically, "No, we've hidden him, with the brain. He's happy and secure from spilling any intelligence to The Surgeon's people." 

I lower my head, "I'm just not sure I trust..." Kade jumps right in, "Trust! There it is right there. You don't know who to trust, do you?" 

"No, I don't."

He looks hurt, "I thought I'd pretty much earned your trust, but I guess not." He shakes his shoulders in exasperation, "Look, let's go ask Troy if he can shed light on how they know he likes Kelly." 


Troy has been given Kade's parents room in which to convalesce from the disease he doesn't have.

He looks happy, but surprised to see me, "Tanya, aren't you supposed to be having your wedding make-over?" 

"I didn't like the look they had in mind for me. Which is why I'm here." I get right to it, "Troy, how do the Surgeon's team know that you like Kelly?"

"I didn't know they did," is his immediate reply.

He senses my mood, closes his book and puts it on his bed side table, "Is there a problem?" he asks, looking at us both.

"Make that plural – there are problems, Troy," I say, accusatorially.

I'm just not sure I buy his innocent routine anymore.

I stand in front of him, "You had a very big say in my wedding make-over, didn't you ,Troy?"

He throws a glance at Kade. I raise my voice, "What you looking at him for? I'm asking the question. I'll try again, you chose my wedding make-over, didn't you?" 

Kade jumps in, "Hey, go easy Tanya. It's obvious the guy doesn't know what you're talking about." 

I ignore him, "Troy – they were gonna slice off my face and replace it with a girl's who looked a lot like Kelly because they know you like her. They said you chose the look!" I can't contain the rise in my voice, and I don't care if I'm shouting – I'm pissed.

Troy looks away from me and aware he's thinking, I give him time.

Eventually, he speaks,  "Wait! Yes, I remember now. Not long before they demoted me to a worker, when I was your betrothed, they took me into a big room and showed me pictures of three girls. They said I was to choose which one was the prettiest. When I chose the girl, a woman in the room began screaming, 'NO, NO, NO!'

I note Kade take interest, "Why did this woman have such a strong reaction to your choice?" 

Troy is thinking hard, "She kept saying, 'Not my daughter, please don't take my daughter. I'll let you do anything to me, isolate my brain, use my brain for your own needs but please don't take my daughter." Troy pauses, reflects, then says, "I realize now that the picture was probably Kelly, a few years younger than she is now." 

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