The Surgeon 10

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Hi There.

It's Kade here, Kade Kendal.

Good to talk to you guys.

I can't believe I've walked into this drama. But – yep – I literally charged right on in.


I called Tanya when I arrived at the hotel like she said. She told me to take the stairs to the basement.

The door was locked, but it gave way pretty easily on the third kick.


I won't lie, It was a shock to my system to see her standing there, in full Surgeon's gear with a scalpel in her hand, ready to plunge it into that poor girl's breast.


Then I saw the madness blazing in her eyes.

When she started talking, I thought – NO WAY!


My first thought was – 'HOLY F***!'

The second thought was – I gotta disable this psycho – fast.

My mind was racing, searching for a way to end this and save the girl.


I took a deep breath and focused.

It's so important not to panic when you are placed in an adverse situation like this – trust me.

Thanks to my job, I was able to identify a way to disengage this individual fairly swiftly.

When I saw my chance I took it – I ran at full throttle and slammed my foot with all my force into it.

I floored her. Right there. Right then.



By the way, I've read this whole blog – HOLY CRAP. It's DERANGED! MENTAL.

Anyways, I'm talking too much – this isn't my POV.

I gotta go get ready for work.

I hand you back to Tan.


Hello, it's me, Tanya (although, I'm liking Tan, it's kinda non gender specific.)

I'm OK folks.

This is still my blog, my story.


I guess that intro took you all by surprise?

Not half as much as kade's single minded determination surprised me.


Kade's a coolio (at least I think he is).

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