The Surgeon 9

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I can smell the fear emanating from Charlotte's sedated self; her scare-stained body odor permeates the room

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I can smell the fear emanating from Charlotte's sedated self; her scare-stained body odor permeates the room.

"I'm not assisting you with this crime, Professor Merton," I say, with authority.

"I think you should, Tanya. It would be very unwise not to," she says this with a hint of threat in her tone.

"No – I won't be involved in any kind of surgery," I assert.

Professor Merton smiles and continues preparing Charlotte.

"You won't be directly involved in the surgery, just assisting me, that's all," she says.

I could easily overpower Professor Merton and get out of here. Then I realize – this is probably another of their (my parents) set-ups/tests.

I decide to go along with it for a short while, to see if I can gain any useful insights to help me beat them.

"So, I scrub up to reduce the risk of infection, right?" I ask.

Her smile grows wider, "That's right. Full instructions can be found in the bathroom," she says, while preparing a needle to insert into Charlotte's vein.


In the bathroom, I decide to text Kade Kendal, the guy from the diner. He might be on my parent's side, but he might not, I've nothing to lose.

I look at his card: Art Director – cool.

I hope he's legit, I need a friend.

My text: Hi Kade, it's Tanya, the crazy girl u met 2day. Txt me 4 a coffee sumtime.


My focus is back to the scrub up.

A Poster with pre-surgery scrub instruction hangs on the wall. A surgical gown, mask, gloves and shoes are laid out.

As I guessed, this has all been planned.


Whoa – there are eight stages to this scrubbing up business, it's pretty complicated. I begin it, because I guess I'm being watched and I want to be seen to be compliant; I'm playing their game.


As I'm getting to grips with the routine, a voice from behind startles me – "Hey, Tanya."

Is it – BROGAN?

I spin round.

He's not there.

Was that my imagination?

"Hey, up here," his voice fills the bathroom, again – this is for real.

I look up. OMG – the whole of the ceiling is like a High Definition screen and Brogan's bandaged face fills it, peering down at me with bruised and blood-shot eyes.

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