A message from Little Kelvin

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I'm Kelvin. Little Kelvin.

I'm six years old, but I used to be fifty-two.

I can't really remember being a man, but I was one. I'm Kade and Kelly's father.

I love my children. But I also love: Oreos, Rees's peanut butter cups, Mountain Dew, and every kind of computer game in the world - oh - and baby Belinda, as well.

I need to take a pee now, but I will be back.

I'm back, and I washed my hands after my pee. Sorry for that eruption.

Wait, Kelly's erupting me - "What, oh yeah, OK."

Sorry, I mean, interruption and interrupting, hehe. I get words wrong, but only sometimes.

When I was fifty-two, The Surgeon took everything she needed from me, to make a copy of me. Then she made me a cork, by giving me an injection. When I was a cork, she put me in a fridge and started making me all over again. That's why I'm only six, because she did it six years ago.

I'll be seven soon. Seven's real big. I'll be the only seven year old with two teenage children. But that's a secret.

I'm a secret to the world. My wife says because I'm a clone, I'm an 'ethical issue' but I don't know what that means. My wife's a brain. But she used to be a person.

When my wife was forty-eight, The Surgeon made her go to sleep with an injection, so it wouldn't hurt when they took her brain out from her head. She put her brain in a glass box and put her cork in the fridge, next to me, when I was fifty-two.

My wife's cork and mine are still in the fridge, in the place with the zones, in the over seas facility, the place we're all frightened of.

Wait, Kelly again, "What now, OK." I mean corpse, not cork, sorry again. No more mistakes, I promise, it's because I'm nervous for being allowed to write with the grown ups.

Oh no, my belly gurgled, I need to poop.

I have to run. I'll be back.

I'm back now. I just made a trouser trumpet, but I always go to the bathroom when I get them feels, cos sometimes a poof can be a poop. You don't have to wash your hands after a bottom burp, only a poop, hehe.

Kade, Tanya, and the man that talks like a lady are on the way back here. I was angry with Kade for flying over the River Thames. But he thought Tanya was dead, so I'm not so angry any more.

They told me about the man who talks like a lady so I don't laugh when he talks. But I think I will, cos a man with a lady's voice is silly and funny.

Guess what? Kade, Tanya and the funny man will arrive back on my birthday. YESSS!

And my wife's hologram told me of the special birthday gift they're bringing me. YESSS, again!

Sorry, my birthday gift is a secret, right now. So I can't tell you what my gift is. But I want to.

It's not a computer game. I'm only allowed play the game's that Tony passes.

Passes means, they're not suspicious. Tony knows the suspicious games that The Lady and her team use to catch new followers.

The Lady is the same as me, a copy of a grown up.

She's a copy of The Surgeon, but she's a teenager. We don't know where The Lady lives, but the grown ups know some of what she's doing, and it's very, very bad.

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