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Kade isn't mad with me for telling you of his transition to Transhuman.

He held me in his arms, "You needed to off-load to someone; I'm just real happy you didn't tell Kelly and Troy, I want to tell them myself."

His choice of words stung me and I pulled back, "Off-load – so now it's all okay and I should be real happy to download you when you transition!" I was surprised by the instinctive anger in my voice.

His face looked hurt and took on the wide-eyed look that never fails to make me melt, "Sorry Tan, I guess I need to choose my words more carefully." I relented and relaxed into him, "Hold me," I said.

But in his arms, his warmth and comfort began to give way to a rising resentment. His lips brushed my ears and he whispered, "Let's go make love."

I exploded – "NO TAN! How can we make love when every time we do I'm reminded of what you'll be taking from me – our love-making: tender, sweet, hot as Hades – and from now on a constant reminder of my impending loss. No Kade, no love-making – not right now – no."

He put his hands on my shoulders and leaned in, "I'm working on that Tan, there's an App that can you hook up to a..."

..."Woah!" I backed off and raised a hand, "I'm not fucking no robot Kade, not ever – No. No. No!"

When he smirked I softened a little, "Get real Kade, there are some things tech can't replace," I said, walking back to him.

He cuddled me, "It's not like I'm having an affair or leaving you for someone else," he said, again.

I pulled back, "But you are Kade: you're ditching me for data, you're doing the dirty with digital, you're interloping with the internet, you're crushing on the cloud, being tender with technology." I moved towards him and looked at the floor, "Put yourself in my shoes, please Kade – it feels like you're going off to have multiple relationships and you're asking me to give you my blessing – it's the most messed up part of our relationship so far, and that's saying something!" I said.

When I looked up, Kade was crying.

I held his gaze as he spoke through snotty tears, "Our world's messed up: we have three fucking evil clones who want to diminish all the people like you, Tan!" He wiped away snot with his cuff, "Hell, we even have mini-me's, clones of ourselves – I want to see them raised in a world that's fair for all."

His tears continued but his voice dropped, "I want to provide and care for you all. But while human I'm fallible, naturally prone to making mistakes – as The Three Surgeons mature, I can't afford to make mistakes; becoming Transhuman gives me the technological confidence that I need to safeguard your futures." He wiped his eyes and lowered his head.


That was the first time Kade has articulated his motivation for becoming Transhuman in a way that I truly understood in a selfless way.

By my asking him to put himself in my shoes, he put me in his, and I get where he's coming from.

But that doesn't make it any easier to accept.

I took him to the bedroom and we both cried whilst we made love, it was wonderfully tender and intense.

Afterwards whilst lying naked and entangled I tried to reason with him once more, "You know Kade, we're barely twenty three years old, we are at our peak, in our physical prime, could you not a least wait until you hit thirty before you transition?" I asked, hopeful.

But Kade was emphatic; "I need to do it while my brain is at its best. The tech guys have said now is the most optimal time for me to transition. They said that after age twenty we lose about a gram of brain mass per year – I need to do this sooner rather than later."

I didn't question him further; instead I burrowed my head into his chest and let his softly beating heart send me to sleep.


I'm currently with Kade, he says, "Hi," to you all.

We're in the large lounge of our facility, with The Three Surgeons safe and secure below us.

Kade's preparing coffee and snacks while we await Kelly and Troy.

We're both apprehensive as Kade is going to tell him of his transition tonight.

He thinks they'll take it pretty well, but I'm not so sure.


They've arrived.

They're both as loved up as always, more so today, they're all over each other like the proverbial rash.

"You both look great," I say, by way of greeting.

"Thanks, we feel great, don't we," says Kelly looking lovingly at Troy.

He nods, "Absolutely. And how are you Tan, it feels like an age since we've seen yourself and Kade."

"We're all good," I say, hoping they can't hear the apprehension in my voice.

Kelly looks around, "Where is Kade?" she asks.

"I'm here Kell," says Kade, carrying a tray laden with coffee mugs.

I notice the slight tremor in the tray as Kade sets it down.

Kelly and Troy are too loved up to feel or see our apprehension.

We all reach for a mug; as Kade jumps nervously in with, "Tan and I have something to share with you guys."

Kelly puts her mug down, beams and outstretches her hand, "No way, wait, we go first," she says, taking Troy's hand, he winks and says, "Go ahead, tell them Kelly."

Kade and I exchange nervous glances, before Kelly and Troy announce in unison – "We're pregnant."

Troy takes over, "And we want you both to be our child's God Parents. We trust you to take full physical, financial and emotional upbringing of our offspring should anything happen to Kelly and I." He takes both her hands in his, "God Forbid anything bad happen we can rest assured our little one will be left in good hands," he says.

They're so enraptured with each other and their joyous news that they don't see the awkward glances between Kade and I.

Eventually I fix Kade's stare and silently mouth, "Tell them, now."

Kade nods a swift, 'No.'

Kelly leans in, "So come on guys, we've told you our good news, let's hear yours..?"

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