The Surgeon 16

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My father continues to talk animatedly but we can't hear him as Kade's muted his voice with a remote device.

I can see concern and questions flooding Kade and Kelly's faces, "She collects talent, doesn't kill it; what does he mean?" asks Kelly.

"He's implying our parents are working for The Surgeon, that she's using their talents for her gain," answers Kade. Kelly shakes her head, "No, that's not possible," she raises her voice, "Kade, tell me I'm right? We saw the wreckage; Mom and Dad's death was featured on the news, important people attended the funeral..."

 ...Kade puts his arm around her as her words fall into frantic tears.


Once back in the chill-out area Kelly calms a little. Kade is quiet and reflective, I note he's regained his composure, "There's a very good chance he's bluffing, to destabilize us?" 

 I'm not so sure. That might be wishful thinking on Kade's part.


Kade taps his remote device and a whirring sound accompanies a white screen on its descent from the ceiling, "Let's sink some coffee," he says, sprinting toward the kitchen area, "Tan, I wanna show you pictures of our parents, see if you have any glimmer of recognition." 

"Sure, although the only time I was introduced to my parents' business associates was at my birthday party and I have to be honest I was so distracted I don't think I noticed anybody," I say.


 Kade and Kelly's parents loom large and very much alive on the screen.

I'm struck by how young and fresh they look, "Wait, is this a picture of them when they were young?" I ask. "No, that's the last photo of them alive, I took it outside here when they were leaving for a weekend break to celebrate their wedding anniversary – they never made it," says Kelly with sadness.

I take in every detail of them and concentrate hard on my birthday party, almost willing myself back into that packed room. Eventually I shake my head, "No. I distinctly remember thinking how old the attendees at my party were, their youthful looks would have stood out," I reflect again, "that said, I do remember being aware of people staring at me, It made me self conscious and I avoided eye contact – I can't be certain that your parents weren't in that room. I'm real sorry I can't give you any greater reassurance," I say.

"That's cool, Tan, I appreciate your honesty," he slurps his coffee, "Kelly, we need to be open minded about things, there's a small chance our folks are involved in this madness. We need to figure a way to find out that doesn't involve asking him down there," he says, kicking back the rug.

Kelly shakes here head, "You're neglecting one fundamental fact, Kade – Mom and Dad would never abandon us!" I hear a hint of anger in her voice.

Kade stands and looks down at my Father, "No, you're right, sis, they wouldn't – he's bluffing," he looks at me, "your father really is a piece of dirt, Tan." 

I nod my head, "Yes, he's a prize piece of shit, for sure!"


My father is lying on the bed looking at us; unaware we're looking at him. Kade shakes his head and smiles, "Of course he's bluffing," he looks at Kelly, "those big guys took my drivers license when I was in the ambulance, all they had to do was Google me and they'd find the reports of Mom and Dad's accident – he's playing with us," says Kade, with a sense of relief.


The atmosphere of relief doesn't last long; it's shattered by a screeching siren that slices into our ears. Kade and Kelly react instinctively, flying off in different directions leaving me on the couch with my hands over my ears trying to get respite from the invasive noise.

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